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Won’t You Please Come To Chicago

Perry woke up on the wrong side of the bed starting a fight before the show even started using hate words against, Wolfie, the newest puppet to join the cast, then Perry gives his feelings about California overturning Prop 8. Trying to find out what really happened when Perry claimed that he went to Chicago, he kept to the his story that he had to deal with a personal family matter that was none of anyone’s business and he has been told not to talk about it.

Show Summary

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. If you want to see “Classic Big 3” videos from the past twenty-some years check out “The Big 3 LIVE” on the Video Podcast Network (VPN).

Want More Big 3 Check Out Both

Show Trailer

Big 3 LIVE

Vine Video

What The Huck

Starring Don Barris, Walter Molinski, Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Asst. To The Editor: Mattt Potter
Sound Engineer: Vince Freeman
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

This Post Has 44 Comments

  1. Lisa C.


    1. Red.mac

      Biiiiig 3

    2. L A

      Wolfie rules!! we need a new segment~ “Perry’s Puppet Therapy”

  2. knucklesoup

    Listen up people, Perry is NOT a potbelly. He wears a pouch. Learn it, live it, love it.

  3. Nick (Seattle)

    I heard Dwight Howard wants his own big three. Maybe he can replace Pairy

  4. brownsfandan

    The picture up top is the greatest one I’ve ever seen. Not only is Peiryey coming to terms with his sexuality but he is also blessing us with a Javahoe prayer/begging ritual. I’m proud of you Stair Maester! I’ll pet my dog extra today to honor your Javahoe/Witch Doctor beliefs.

  5. Sandy G

    Perry really brought those Dick sucking lips to the show this week. Braggart.

  6. megadeth

    Who dat lady who go in dat podcast?!? Oh wait, it’s just the Poopmaster in drag.

  7. Spooky Sammy

    Why is Fairy Perry dressed in drag?
    Is it to celebrate the 21st anniversary when he blew that casting agent?
    What a stupid fag!!!

  8. inthehallwaynow

    never trust a guy who wears a fanny pack and knocks tables over..

  9. Reseda Ray

    More cowbell and more Nick Shadursky!!!!

  10. eddie torres

    What did Wolfie do?!?!!

  11. Drunken Czyz

    I don’t know whose voice is more like terminal cancer, Lisa Marine or Lil Dick Nick..

    1. Drunken Czyz

      Must bee al thee bigg 34 fan in there time of a monnth…bitcchs

  12. Musgrave322

    Why don’t we schedule Perry’s fight against William Randolph Hearst during the 10th Anniversary of the Windy City Heat Movie. This will make the fans even more happier than ever and William Randolph Hearst will get his payback for getting robbed. Lets make this happen, so Perry will be severely punished for his crimes against humanity!!!!


  13. Juni HP

    Before I listened to the podcast I saw the Vine Video of Perry in that wig and lipstick looking totally defeated and I felt sad for him…. until I listened to the podcast and heard all that racist shit spewing from that gutter he calls a mouth. Now I feel some blue eye shadow and a fabulous pair of earrings would set that whole look off. You’re a despicable person, Perry and that’s the reason no one has any pity for you. You’re living the life you’ve created.

    1. eddie torres

      He shoulda tried out for “The Choker” in that gay batman movie. It was “The Dark Schlong” or something.

  14. Imbecile

    Since wolves came before dogs, Perry sees Wolfie as less of a religious deity and more of a mythological being. No wonder the disrespect.

  15. Clockwork Perry

    Ok…that is a very disturbing image…is this the direction that freak Pervy is going?

  16. Alex

    Why so serious Perry?

  17. Mr. B.

    This is turning into therapy. Surprised at how much he responded to the doll. He’s legit insane.

    1. Alarming Andrew

      Also, he assumed Wolfie was a male wolf and not a female wolf.

  18. Lisa C.

    If you look at Perry’s eyes in some of the pictures for this episode they are so full of hatred it’s scary.

    1. Lisa J (tranny)

      and yet you still wanted to eat his ass last year…just like the other Lisa did…Slate’s ex-gf.

      1. Lisa C.

        The only way I’d ever eat Perry’s ass is if it brought my dead father back to life. My dad was a good dude. I’d do *anything* to have him back.

      2. Lisa C.

        And my tranny cock is gigantic for the record. Don’t hate me cuz I’m hung!

  19. Sir John Franklin

    I agree in part. It’d be better for the fans, AND for The Scaremaster to get this out in the open. If these good for nothing punks who keep trying to sabotage the podcast were exposed, they’d at least have to face the consequences of their actions. It’s not only ruining our fun, it could jeopardize WCH2!

  20. Glad l'm not any of you.

    That picture is Lindsey Lohan ten years from now. Perry (even his/her name sounds feminine, now that I think about it) whatever you do, do NOT get prego on us! I already pay enough in taxes to pay for your fake disability scam, I do NOT also want to pay for your illegitimate baby as well. So when you take that “lucky” fellow back to your crib at 7722 Reseda Blvd, apt. #102, just make sure he wears a rubber, preferably an unused one.
    BIG THREE ! ! !

  21. mr fister

    Poor Demetri Moreland… Wolfie is in Perry’s life one week and he’s already getting mouth rapes and spaghetti dinners.

  22. Alarming Andrew

    Just heard this barely audible line from “Who’s Back”.
    (referring to the Randy incident)
    Perry: After that, I was suicidal.
    Mole: Is that why you started skateboarding?

  23. pollock

    I live in chicago and saw the blonde dyke in the picture above in chi-town recently. He was holding hands with a dude wearing a cape and they were skipping down the streets together. They seemed so Happy-Gay together. I bet when they make love the world stands still for them.

  24. Judo n Slade

    Pope Benedict recently named 2 new saints to join the Apostolate : Introducing Saints Don and Saint Molinsky. Required miracle was charity for and tolerance toward one of God’s mutant creatures, Perry.

  25. Big 3 Noob

    In WCH, Perly made a reference to a chick eating his ass. That Must have been Lisa Marie. Glad he cleared that up.

  26. T Dot

    Yet another tearjerker thanks in part to Pairy’s reaction to Wolfie and that pic of Pairy done up like a female gremlin.

    Perhaps the Bosses upstairs should consider replacing the “king of friday night comedy” with Wolfie.

  27. T Dot

    Peary looks like John Lithgow at the end of Raising Cain.

  28. Big 3 Noob

    Dudes…there is a whole collection of freaking CPRR shows on youtube…and I found Slate!!! He was on the show with a band called “River”. He looks like a douchy, too cool-4-skool type. Scarmaster is dressed all guido style and even gets his javahoe feelings hurt when Slate is hitting on LM during the show. This was filmed after he blew/jerked that Randall dude.

      1. Big 3 Noob

        Dimitri, are you still trying to have the butt-baby with Penny?

  29. Nick (Seattle)

    WRH confirms the fight is still on at about the 1:26:55 mark.

    “I swear to God I will fight Pairee until I get my fifty bucks.”

  30. Jordan

    Im listening to the podcast series start to finish all these years later, the funniest comedy I’ve ever heard, still.

    Best wishes,
    A British fan

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