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Shut the F*** Up

The Big 3 discuss the tragedies in Japan, and have a few words with Perry’s new caretaker after his surgery.

Show Summary

Don and Mole are looking forward to recording in Perry’s apartment next week, but Perry has more rules to list off. Don also introduces a couple new segments, and gets a little help from their attorney, Sol Steinbergowitz Greenbaum. The guys also work out this week’s $10 shout outs and have an intense conversation about thievery.

While Mole is still trying to figure out how release the home version of Mole Play, Perry gives updates on the situation in Japan and shares a couple of topical jokes. The guys also get a call from John Quincy Adams, and everyone shares 60 seconds with the Scaremaster.

During this week’s Guy Talk, The Big 3 speak to the woman who will be Perry’s caretaker after his surgery. The guys also play a round of Mole Play, and wrap things up with Perry’s Corner.

Be sure to check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood. Mention Don’s name at the door and get in for FREE!

Want More Big3 Check Out

Show Credits

Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Brian Meyer
Big 3 Production Manager: Mary Jane Green
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Web Engineering: Sandy Ganz

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This Post Has 34 Comments

  1. Oklahomo

    Praise the LORD! A new BIG 3! I was getting scared because it took a while to post this week.
    Those shirts look sharp – I know I definitely would buy one.

    1. sammy

      Seconded on the shirts

      1. sammy

        Does MJG come with the shirt?

  2. Unka Grizz .

    I can’t believe Kumquats were not in the top 5 .

  3. Bronson

    Loved the list of your favorite fresh fruits, can’t wait for top 30 condiments!

    1. Dave Dameshek

      The idea of doing a list wasn’t very original,jerk.

  4. Wankel Rotari

    Sounds like it was recorded in a toilet. Is that irony? I’m not artistic.

    1. Morgan Freeman

      You’ve recorded in a toliet before??

      1. Wankel Rotari

        Yes. Come on, you never did that? Don’t be snob.

  5. Unka Grizz .

    The Mighty Mighty Busstops are my favorite Band ! I really love their songs “The Bus Pass That I Get” and “Bus Oil” and of course “Short Bus King” .

  6. Alex

    Who’s that old man in gray who kinda’ looks like Perry? Don and Mole look like they haven’t aged a day, maybe Terrifying Tim should be brought back in to appeal to the youth market. Because I;m young, and I don’t like seeing an old man in a podcast.

  7. Lindsey Worth

    Yay! My Favorite episode so far. :)!

  8. Gabriel Gallegos form Albuquerque

    I would totally be willing to pay $5 per mention that Perry had anal sex with Randy Callahan. I’d spend hundreds of dollars to do so.

    I also think it’s kinda’ ironic that $5 is only $2 more than what he charges to give blowjobs to dudes when I saw him walking up and down the Sunset Strip in that neck brace, 2 weeks ago…

  9. Bangkok Bob

    Guys, I don’t know if you know, but the Podcast won’t play at the moment. Please fix it as I heard that Perry will reunite with Randy C., his impending caretaker.

    Thank you

  10. Rebecca Black

    Can you guys pretty please sing a version of my hit single Friday?

  11. Oklahomo

    Perry: “Dude, what do you think I am – an idiot?”

    Don: “Yes.”

    Perry: “Go Fuck yourself.”

    Perry’s delivery of the “Go fuck yourself.” was CLASSIC!

  12. Oklahomo

    And who the fuck are you? What have you done in your life that is at ALL newsworthy? Don Barris is funny and VERY good friends with Jimmy Kimmel – and works for him (making a good living). Who is a good friend of yours that we have heard of?… Kenny Shobigens who owns a deli in Queens, NY?

    Bottomline: These guys make me and a lot of other people laugh.
    I also know one other thing: “Tommy Cooper” is no winner.

  13. koko

    Tommy Cooper jerked off 6 times this morning.

  14. Burl Dean

    I think that Anal Blazer dude is on to something. I think you guys should set up a pay-pal account where listeners are allowed to purchase the ability for Don & Mole to mention “The Perry & Randy Blowjob Incident.”

    And better yet, I think the proceeds should be giving to a charity or a Gay and Lesbian organization. Or you can start a Gay organization in Perry’s name. “Karavello Kares” (about gays)” would be the name I suggest.

    Definitely don’t give the money to Perry who will spend it on the big bottle of Bailieys Irish Cream, crack-cocaine and amyl-nitrate, which he uses to seduce young homeless men strolling Hollywood Blvd back to his apartment at 7722 Reseda, Encino CA.

  15. black larry bird

    How dare you guys talk about mustard without mentioning Dameshek. It’s like talking about basketball and not mentioning black guys. To you I say JERK! DOT FOR LIFE.

  16. J-Rock

    Why do the shows need to be taped a week or more in advance?

    1. Jim Lahey

      Shouldn’t you be filming another one of your greasy movies,Jamie?

  17. Yabels

    Ohh ohhh ohhhhhh!!! Triple T needs to start prinicpal photography on BTH soon.

  18. Dolby

    This is the 4th time I’m listening to this. I need more Big 3. Get mike ovitz to start booking you some shows. Head up to Minneapolis on your way to visit Mary in Green Bay after the great time she’ll have in CA. Or be good boys and visit Mole’s mom

  19. ( :-D )

    Three middle-aged men dressing as 14 year olds back in the late ’80s = priceless! I sure hope that there aren’t any mishaps, shenanigans, or reckless behavior in Perry’s crib, because that would cause Perry to get quite upset. (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)
    BIG THREE!!!

  20. Celia

    Well…another “interesting” podcast…Perry at least you haven’t discussed anything thats incriminating…lol 🙂

  21. dusten

    Moleplay boardgame! yesh!

  22. Silly Willy

    DoT was a wee bit better than this podcast. And when I say a wee bit better I mean way better.
    Bring back Dave’s of Thunder please. This is like benching Jordan for Steve Kerr.

    P.S. When you have to say “fuck” or “shit” every other word, you are not eloquently spoken enough to deliver a smart and entertaining podcast.

    1. koko

      “you are not eloquently spoken enough…”

      so much irony in only 6 words.

  23. Jocko Johnson

    I say we find Silly Willy and bash his head in with a Canadian wood/American made Scary Perry Skateboard. Maybe that is fucking eloquent enough? Blow me

  24. Jack Payback

    When do the T-shirts go on sale?


    Another case of the liberal Jewish media in action, good job Mole.

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