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Ruined By a Perry and a Spider

The start of the podcast seemed to be like the start of any other podcast until Mole got a phone call and immediately had to leave with his reason being that Mr. Adams was freaking out and needed his help. Don mentioned that after Perry scared some possible WCH sequel investors away (again), to raise money the guys were going through indiegogo and announced plans for the WCH 10th Anniversary Weekend starting October 11th.

Show Summary

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. If you want to see “Classic Big 3” videos from the past twenty-some years check out “The Big 3 LIVE” on the Video Podcast Network (VPN).

Want More Big 3 Check Out Both

Show Trailer

Big 3 LIVE

What The Huck

Starring Don Barris, Walter Molinski, Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Asst. To The Editor: Mattt Potter
Sound Engineer: Vince Freeman
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

This Post Has 31 Comments

  1. brownsfandan

    Thanks Dan! #itaintquittin #wdid

    1. Agent Smith

      Perry is going to be pissed when Wolfie get a movie contract before he does. I love that little fuzzball, Wolfie not Perry.

  2. knucklesoup

    Wolfie is attracted to Peary’s nuts because he smells the scent of the high priestess dog from the mating rituals the Javaho’s are known to perform.

  3. Whoopi Silverstein

    Laura Secord? I always thought Perry would’ve been into Dick Purdy

  4. simplydon

    I think that I fixed things … Please let me know if any music or anything else is missing, THANKS

    1. Tim-D

      Thanks Don. Do you happen to know who these fake cousins are? I would love to pay them a visit.

      1. Judo n Slade

        He’ll have to stand in line behind William Randolph Hearst III , Charles Bronson, Hiroshima Nagasaki to name a few

  5. Musgrave322

    Hey Don Barris, can you invite Rucka Rucka Alo to the show? The Rucka’s Nuckas are ready to beat the living sh*t out of that washed-up Javahoe Gypsy slob which claims to be the King of Fright Night Cpmedy.

    1. simplydon

      We’re defiantly trying to make that happen

  6. DanTheMan

    Listen Don, if you’re serious about this indiegogo thing there’s a few things you should know. When you set it up you’ll have the option of A) either the project reaches it’s set goal or goes bust and you get none of the pledged money or B) even if you don’t reach your set goal you’ll still get a percentage of the money pledged. Judging from last years Randy Callahan show it seems like you have some pretty well off and generous fans, so this could plausibly work. I for one would be willing to put in a hundred bucks.

    Also, be very careful when offering incentives. Physical rewards can eliminate half of your acquired budget right off the bat, go for digital rewards like downloadable early sneak peek footage or a .pdf of the “script”. If you offer a small part in the film make sure you specify that transportation will not be paid for. An easy incentive that requires little effort is a special thanks in the credits.

    I really hope this works out. Wind City Heat is one of the most underrated comedies of all time.

    1. simplydon

      Thanks for the info and YES I’m serious about this

  7. Nick (Seattle)

    Wow, that argument between Pairee, Dan, and MJ was just riveting. Along with the shaving off the eyebrows wager, I think if Pairee raises his fist one more time to MJ, she should get to mace him or something along those lines.

  8. eddie torres

    I’m worried that Parry’s chronic lying infected Mole with temporary low-level unprofessionalism.

    Mole, get well soon!

    Biiiggg 3!!!

  9. and...Akkt

    Windy City Heat is brilliant entertainment. How can it be matched or topped by a sequel 10 year later? What would WCH II offer viewers except for more of Perry getting fucked with and undoubtedly being in on the joke this time?

    Any good ideas for a new storyline?

    Biiiiiig Threee!

    1. and...Akkt

      WCH II Story Idea

      The Big Three embark on Pacific Island rescue mission for Terrifying Tim sponsored by John Quincy Adams. But in their adventure they somehow stumble on to a small cave and discover a hidden gold treasure that was plundered by Former Philippine dictator Marcos.

      The Big 3 are now richer than TRUMP!

      But JQA’s new unusually well-hung Asian houseboy Benny turns out to be a secret agent reporting to newly elected Philippine senator Manny Pacquiao who is determined to recover the gold to fund special food aid programs for the poor.

      After the treasure is discovered Don orders Perry to stand watch at the entrance of the cave and warns him to keep his sticky fingers out of it or they will leave him abandoned in the jungle as a new scary plaything for the howling baboons.

      Don then goes to the nearest town to get some help to recover their new riches. But Perry’s curry dinner had local goats milk in it so he desperately pleads with Mole to stand guard as he races away to find a relief hut with some TP in it.

      Meanwhile Benny gets Mole shitfaced with amazing local killer jungle smoke and they soon wander off to find something for the munchies leaving the treasure unguarded. Quickly several Filipino commandos emerge from the jungle and the treasure is quickly loaded on to transports and spirited away.

      Mole soon returns with some tasty monkey meat on a stick. Then Perry wanderers back gladly relieved and ready to resume his watch over their amazing find. Don arrives back with necessary assistance.

      Together, The Big 3 enter the cave only to find it empty. Perry goes berserk while blaming Mole of letting it be stolen and knocking over the Kraft services table so many years ago.

      At the end of their journey with Terrifying Tim still not rescued, Perry is forced to return penniless and is soon back on the California dole.

      Meanwhile in many remote Philippine villages everyone now easily feasts on imported skittles…

      How about other WCH II story ideas?

      Biiiig Three!

      1. Nick (Seattle)

        Awesome idea, except that Kraft has already been done. I’m thinking Velveeta this time around.

  10. Big34life

    This was the weirdest, in a brilliant way, episode ever. Wolfie speaks over Dan. JQA speaks over Mole. Wow, something’s changed. Then the unprecedented outro revealing Perry’s unprofessionalism may derail the 10 year anniversary of WCH.

    big 3!

  11. Alarming Andrew

    Why didn’t Quincy think that the spider he saw was a Caramello spider? He might want to get himself checked out for HIVenom.

    1. Judo n Slade

      Perry’s one-time training day for the big fight with William Randolph Hearst III involved a 16 mile bike ride. He actually rode hundreds of times around the Reseda Denny’s parking lot with a “bathroom rest stop” every few laps. Looks like your in fighting shape Perry.

  12. Alex

    Hey guys I have a question and maybe you can help me out.

    I have an 11 year old sister who screams exactly like Perry. What should I do?

    1. Matthew

      She screams EXACTLY like Perry? Well the first thing you’ll want to do is talk to the Sam Kinison Estate and buy a license for copying his copyrighted scream. The scaremaster didn’t do that and that’s why he’s getting sued by Sam Kinison so I don’t want your sister to get into trouble too.

  13. Spooky Sammy

    The show’s over.
    Thanks for the laughs Don, Mole and MJ.
    Go fuck yourself Perry!

    1. Alarming Andrew

      What happened?

      1. Demetri

        Perry apologized and made a commitment to the October show and just a few days later he’s going nuts again. It has something to do with a therapy session he went to a couple days ago and he’s pissed that Lisa Marie told Don what the therapist told him. There hasn’t been an official announcement, but supposedly Don has quit and the October show is cancelled.

        Perry F. Caravello
        21 hours ago near Los Angeles, CA
        #1. I need to appoligize to Don Barris again… Because HE DOES’NT UNDERSTAND WHAT A DOCTOR THINKS!!!

        Perry F. Caravello
        I have a Problem with a guy THAT MAKES ME KISS his FUCKIN’ ASSS!!!!!

        Perry F. Caravello
        About what I said to her,She said, I’m like a WAR HERO that can’t stand the site or sound of Guns. To stay away from them… Don Barris has one subject on his mind, that’s to fuck me…

        Perry F. Caravello
        WAR HERO, that has a Problem with Guns… Keep them away. Or someone will die, right…

        Perry F. Caravello
        Don Barris is like OK… I’m in CONTROL!!! I made him an d now it’s time to BREAK him!!!

        Perry F. Caravello
        Gareth, Wake Don Barris up to The FACT that there is NO 10 Year Reunion of his Big Starring Movie!!! Not ONLY was I The Star… But so was Don & Mole!!!

        Perry F. Caravello
        Don Barris, want’s me to Kill myself that’s all!!

        Perry F. Caravello
        Will Clarke, I go to a Psychitric Doctor every month for meeting!!!

        Perry F. Caravello
        Lets talk about how ANOREXIC Don Barris is and how FAT MOLE is!

        Perry F. Caravello

        Perry F. Caravello
        Until I get Respect!!! He, Don Barris can KISS MY ASS!!!!

        Perry F. Caravello
        You WANT COMEDY this is funny!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because Don Barris is a Little GIRL!!! And THINKS he’s gonna FUCK!!! FUCK HIM!!!

        Perry F. Caravello
        This is Part of The Show!!! Because I’m in Control of myself rather than OVER Don Barris the PUSHY Fuck!!!

        Perry F. Caravello
        Jamie Fawbush, This is Funny… See Don Barris isn’t

        Perry F. Caravello When I Ripp him a Big Fat ASS!!! Then I have Control!!!!

        Nick Shadursky
        I had talk to Perry earlier and asked him not to say anything on line so I could try and fix this and well you can see from his posts he didn’t listen to me and he did just the opposite of what I asked of him . I don’t think I can do this anymore .

        Perry F. Caravello
        Henry Littlefield, Is on the phone the phone with me and I’m explaining to him that this is ALL part of the show!!!HAHAHA!!

        Perry F. Caravello IS RANDY CALLAHAN’S SITE. DO NOT GO HERE!!!

        Nathan Urzua
        Are you and Randy C working together again?

        Perry F. Caravello
        I don’t work with R. Callahan ever again!!!!!

        Don Barris

        Perry F. Caravello
        19 hours ago near Los Angeles, CA
        What does it take to show that I’m really putting Don Barris in his Place… It’s funny… But he’s offeneded!!! Now he knows what’s it’s like!!!!!!

        Perry F. Caravello
        See HOLLYWOOD doesn’t know shit about acting unless they deal with me!!!!

        Perry F. Caravello
        19 hours ago near Los Angeles, CA
        Before I forget, let me simply say, I’m sorry to all my fans, friends, loved ones… Oh yeah… And to Don Barris…
        Really? Do you really think he’s gonna except? Maybe???

        Perry F. Caravello
        Domonik Skull, I didn’t do this..,. Lisa Marie had to OPEN HER FUCKIN’ MOUTH! My Doctor said one thing to me… I told Lisa Marie & she tells Don… Then I just when off… If we can Fix this, Please help me, fix this!!!!

        Perry F. Caravello
        Lisa Opened her mouth… That was something I was supposta say to Don…Not her!!! She had no rights to say that.

        1. Perry - Find Your Mark...

          Thank you for those posts. Perry isn’t “acting” with Don. Instead he is blowing the only chance for Big 3 fans to stay interested in him. He can’t appreciate the big picture here.

          Oh well, I’ll truly miss them as I’ve followed all the podcasts since they began and have seen everything related to the Big 3 on youtube.

          But Ol’ Don will now be able to soon concentrate on his other good projects for SimplyDonThePodcastNetwork.

          I trust the Scaremaster will beg him to revive the Big 3 again once his medication is adjusted properly.

          Mole is a comedic genius who with Don made these podcasts brilliant entertainment for those who get it.

          Adios Biiiig Threee!

        2. KindaGamey

          What the hell is wrong with him?

          If Perrvy the hemorrhoid FlareMaster was a hardcore drinker or into heavy narcotics I’d understand, but that man overdoses on stupid. Way to ruin your own future and piss on the loyalty of all your fans, not to mention trashing the hard work of everyone around you trying to keep you afloat. Boo!

  14. Alarming Andrew

    Marc Maron WTF Episode 411, 1:06:34. Windy City Heat

  15. More Poo in The Dumpster

    Don’t trust there will be a show in October. Save your travel money. Perry will freak out and hold the show hostage and quit at the last minute. He’s unstable, untrustworthy and unprofessional.

  16. Prince Vince

    getting sad…..

  17. HarperLee
    Just in case anyone hasn’t heard the latest podcast it can be found at that link.

    Don is such a patient man to deal with Perry for so long. I hate to see The Big 3 end, but if it really is over, I completely understand. It must be so frustrating and exhausting to deal with a lazy, unprofessional, entitled, lying theif like Perry. Thank you Don, Mole, Mary Jane, and even Vince for the many hours of the awsome entertainment you’ve provided!

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