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Is This The End?

Don comes on this podcast to give an up date of what is going on with the Big 3, giving answers to what people are asking on the social media. Perry comes on the podcast by phone and is given the news about the future of the project and an explanation of why Don is very disappointed in him.

Show Summary

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. If you want to see “Classic Big 3” videos from the past twenty-some years check out “The Big 3 LIVE” on the Video Podcast Network (VPN).

Want More Big 3 Check Out Both

Show Trailer

Mary Jane Confronts Perry

Big 3 LIVE

What The Huck

Starring Don Barris, Walter Molinski, Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Asst. To The Editor: Mattt Potter
Sound Engineer: Vince Freeman
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

This Post Has 51 Comments

  1. Prince Vince

    Abyssinia, TB3.

  2. Nicole

    Goodnight you princes of Maine.

  3. Simply Dan

    Perry is, and will always be, a FAG.

  4. KindaGamey

    What’s the doctor thing about?

    1. Nicole

      It is about more BS nonsense. There is no logic to it.

  5. Alex

    Thanks for all your work Don, Mole, Mary Jane, Vince, and everyone except Perry! WCH is one of the funniest films ever made and the pod cast has been an amazing companion piece to the film.

    And Perry is a cocksucking in the closet faggot liar thief retard media whore. Fuck you Perry. Sincerely fuck you. I would spit on your in person. You are one of the worst human beings in the world.

  6. Lisa C.

    I’ll miss you guys so much.

  7. Sebby

    Say it ain’t so 🙁

    Please come back big 3!!

  8. knucklesoup

    Love you guy, not just my favorite podcast but a huge part of my life. You guys will be missed, but we still have the ding dong show. Please upload the last CPRR as a goodbye gift Don.

    1. knucklesoup


  9. HarperLee

    Please upload the CPRR episode, Don! We can’t say goodbye with an episode that doesn’t have Mole in it 🙁

  10. Spoudini

    Thanks for the memories guys.

  11. I Feel Vibations

    I listened to every podcast, bought the DVD, and sent in a $10 shout-out… so I can say as a true Big Three fan that I am really sorry to see this podcast end. I was really looking forward to helping to raise money for the possible movie (or reality show.) Or even a re-cut extended 12 hour version of Windy City Heat using the footage they already had. I’d pay $50 for something like that.

    Part of me hopes that somehow the podcast comes back, but this time I don’t know… Don is not the type to cry wolf, and neither is Wolfie, so I think this is the end…

    Thanks for the laughs, Don.

  12. Juan

    Bye Big Three, I sure will miss you guys

  13. Rick Portman

    When it comes to the big 3, we don’t take it lightly. This is not a joke to those of us who’ve been fans since oct 2003. We spent our own time and money, like dan, to record and write this song.

    but never once did perry acknowledge it. Actually, neither did JQA. Thanks for the legacy gents. We’ve got more songs, but apparently none of that matters any more. its a damn shame perry cost so many people so much. thanks for the memories and not much else.
    good night and good luck, se la vie

  14. Musgrave322

    Farewell Big 3, Thanks for bringing the best entertainment in my life. Too bad Perry had to ruin all of it. Rucka’s Nuckas are still gonna beat Perry’s ass for talking sh*t to Rucka Rucka Ali, Anniversary show or not.

    Since Perry is no longer a celebrity, he will have no choice but to suck dicks and give handies at the Reseda Denny’s to make money.

  15. blort

    Yes, please release the CPRR from last week.

    I will miss The Big Three, but at least the Ding Dong Show is still going strong and on the internet. Some day I will come out there to the Comedy Store to see it and the Barris Kennedy Overdrive.

    Don, Mole, Mary Jane, Terrifying Tim, Dominic Monaghan, Lisa Marie, William Randolph Hearst III, Rucka Rucka Ali, Burt Ward, Saul Steinbergowitz-Greenbaum, Neil Leeds, Brody Stevens, Andy Dick, Yurgi, Vince, Wolfie, and everyone else, thank you for making me laugh and putting up with Perry.

    Maybe you guys can get back together and try a new podcast? Even if you do it out of character and have Mole and JQA as regular guests or something, I dunno. It wouldn’t be as unique, but it would attract a wider audience without Perry, and you guys are talented enough to give Carolla and Rogan a run for their money.

  16. Dan Clay

    It’s a sad day.

  17. DanTheMan

    I might cry…. Please God work this out. I’ll do anything to help.

  18. Judo n Slade

    Don may not agree but can we give part of the blame to blabber mouth Lisa Marie for informing Don what Perry told his psychologist/deep fry cook at Denny’s? She had to know the effect it would have and it violate the patient/doctor/ass eater relationship.

    1. mr fister

      she started trying to play along and fuck with perry, probably a huge factor in his scary rage. she just doesn’t have the comic chops or subtlety.

  19. greg_s1

    Don, please, please, please don’t quit. Is this all because Perry blew that guy? That was over 20 years ago!

  20. Sandy Gallagher

    Please clone Terrifying Tim and make a new show. Big three has always been my favorite podcast.

  21. Alex

    I often wondered how this project would have ended. Maybe a happy ending with Perry being more stable in life and Don and Mole being super stars? Maybe Mole would have been revealed to Perry? Everything would be explained to Perry? Would the game continue on? Etcetera. Now we will never know.

  22. DanTheMan

    Don of course we want to hear the Chet episode next week! Sounds hilarious! Also, even if it’s too stressful for you to continue to do new shows, please release all the footage you took over the past 3 years with the big 3! I’d pay premium prices to see the rest of that sundance stuff! You don’t even have to edit it. Just put up raw unedited footage of the big 3 shooting the shit. This project is genuinely fascinating to me.

  23. Dan Clay

    Don, I agree with DantheMan! Please please just keep releasing stuff. A lot of us would be willing to pay.

  24. CREIDx23

    Please work this out guys.

  25. inthehallwaynow

    I am forever in debt for all the laughter you wonderful humans (except perry) have given me (WCH,The big 3 podcast)..this show means more to me than the friends i don’t have.. its the only thing that makes me feel happy.. and now its over.. i really wish this wasn’t true because i’m so upset and left empty from this sudden exit but i guess its been building for a while now.. i wish everyone the best of luck.. maybe there will be a reunion sometime.. you guys are my true heroes along with terrifying tim! i wish i could explain how much this hurts me in words but i cant.. its hard to say good bye.. thanks for the laughs!..

    oh and perry knocked over the table…

  26. JamesTa

    I am sincerely sad that the end has finally come. Realistically though, this had to happen eventually. What possible resolution could this project ever had, regardless of its success. It’s a terrible shame that Mole, MaryJane, and Don could not gain the exposure that further projects would have generated. They truly deserve it.

    We as fans have had something stolen from us, but I can understand Don’s position and want to say I completly support him.

    As a son of a narcissistic deadbeat fame seeking sociopathic father I personally felt vindicated by the Big 3. Terrible people are allowed everyday to get away with impunity. It was theraputic to know that somewhere there were consequences.

    I would pay to hear Don and Mole do a behind the scenes epilogue commentary. Miss ya guys and thank you for hundreds of hours entertainment.

    1. Judo n Slade


  27. jpmoneypants

    Its a shame this didn’t work out, but I guess thats the chance you take when you work with crazy people.
    As much as we would all like Perry to live in reality when he’s not participating in the Perry Project, it apparently can’t happen. Crazy people are crazy 24/7 and Perry is just too stupid to understand whats going on.
    You would think if Perry simply would not go on social media, many of these problems could have been avoided. I feel sorry for Perry as all this project has left him with is an inflated ego and is based on nothing.
    Don, please upload whatever you have. We’d all love to hear/see it.

    1. Judo n Slade


  28. Scamy Perry Karamello


  29. Soggy Vegetable

    We’ve been told the show is done a few times now, which has me hoping there’s a chance for more. Even if the podcast is done, I’m hoping we’ll still get that recorded phonecalls project and WCH on Blu-ray. I’m pretty sure there’s a bunch of fans like me that want to support any way they can and don’t want to overstep boundaries like the people getting to Perry and ruining this for everyone else.

  30. Alarming Andrew

    This picture looks computer graphed. Where are the Elvis lights?

      1. mr fister


  31. Donkey Boy

    I’ve been a huge fan of The Big 3 for years. I’ve seen Windy City Heat countless times, I’ve listened to every podcast, I’ve watched every public access show clip I can find, and I’ve told everyone I know about The Big 3. With that said, I feel like it is time for this to come to an end. Lately it has stopped being fun. You can tell Don has reached a point where he doesn’t have the energy to deal with Perry’s bullshit anymore. Perry is truly a terrible person and every episode is nothing but his lies, his threats, and above all else his unprofessionalism.

    Thanks to Don, Mole, and Mary Jane for all the hard work, time, and energy they put into this show.

  32. mr fister

    I think it’s a shame that so many people latched on to this show who thought the joke was ‘PERRY IS A FAGGOT LOL’. To me, the greatest moments flowed from Perry thinking he was truly a great Comedian/Actor/Skateboarder/Snowboarder. This show isn’t about gay hate, but Perry’s homophobia is funny. It’s no surprise Perry’s anger is getting desperate with so many people simply calling him gay online, the best shout-outs were the ones that appealed to his ego (Demetri Moreland being the exception, yours were superb, sir). I honestly think Don is 100% right to end it now before Perry does something really stupid like touch Mary Jane, because if that happens Don Barris will be in JAY-EL for murder.

    Having said that, I’ve been listening since week one when Perry mutilated Cousin Sal’s leg and we first learned about ‘Sandy Gallagher’. I’ve been kind of depressed these last couple of days, the Big Three Podcast was a weekly ritual that never failed to make me laugh at least a couple of times. Kudos to Don and Mole and Mary Jane et al for creating the most brilliant comedy podcast yet. Thanks for the laughs over the years, I hope this isn’t th very end for the Big Three (Something tells me it’s not).


  33. Peri Carnavello

    Would have loved to see a reality show or movie. & what a shame that some total retards out there think they could handle Perry better than Dan & Mole who have 20+ years experience at doing this. & what a shame that Perry thinks he would have better luck working with anybody else. Somebody would knock him the fuck out & not even care about his “broken neck” from his “accident” in 1979.

  34. Fuck Perry

    I think I speak for everyone when I say FUCK PERRY! Don, Walter, you guys have put on a fantastic show for three years, and I can hardly believe the Perry Project lasted 21. It seems like absolute hell to work with that animal, but I’m glad you guys did it for so long. I’ve followed you all from Windy City Heat until now, almost 10 years later, and I definitely understand why you’d wanna quit. So, thanks for all of the laughter you’ve brought us, Big Three. It’s too bad that Perry is so fucking unprofessional that we didn’t even get to see the 10 year anniversary show.

    Never forget Tim Perpedic.

    With Love, Fuck Perry

    P.S. Fuck Perry

  35. Perry - Find Your Mark...

    R.I.P. Biiig Threeee!

  36. Spooky Sammy

    Perry knocked over the podcast.

    The end.

  37. HarperLee

    Had a sad moment today while grocery shopping. “Stone In Love With You” by The Stylistics started playing through the store’s speakers, and I started replacing the lyrics in my head with J.Q.A.’s (it’s ok, you see. I’ve already got H.I.V.eeeeeee!) I had a little chuckle, but then got bummed out when I remembered that Fridays are going to be much less awesome from now on.

  38. Jack Payback

    Hey Don

    Yes, I do want to hear the second to last podcast that was pre-recorded.

    In fact I would like to listen to any, I repeat, any other recorded stuff that has not been broadcast.

    The Big Three legend will grow in Comedy History.

    Thanks for everything Don & Mole……………….and the Scaremaster of course.

    Now I’ll have to go and listen to all the podcasts from beginning to end over and over again.

  39. It's Business Perry... her lips taste like my cock

    Talk with your wallet money-pants or shut the fuck up.

    Big Threeeee!

  40. adam lester

    so many bittersweet feelings, i absolutely love and have loved this podcast from episode 1 back at ace broadcasting. its hard to believe its been 3 years. i just wish i could have contributed more, just seemed like the time flew by, but if anyone involved with the production of this podcast or movie ever read this, just know it was greatly appreciated the entertainment the big 3 have given me.

    wish everyone involved the best of luck including perry, and once again thank you all for putting so much work into this project

  41. ToeTagTeaBag

    I truelly am devastated my fridays will never be the same again. I have to give a big thank you to Don, Mole, maryjane, vince the telescope guy and all the big 3 fans that ive got in contact with on twitter. Unfortunately i have to end this on a sour note but thats ok because perry is used to the taste of old dudes sour semen in the dennys bathroom, i would like to wish perry to have his legs and arms paralyzed in a real car accident this time an thrown into a river of AIDS for ruining his only realistic opportunity to become ‘famous’ it would be nice for perry to see the error in his ways but as weve seen so many times hes too busy dealing with idiots who dont really care about comedy whatsoever. I still wish to hear any other unreleased episodes but til them im going to listen from the start of ace days episodes all the way up to the latest ones a pretend none of this is happening. thank you all BIIIIIG 3!!! RIP to Terrifying tim, Nathaniel, 9/11 victims, 2pac, Notorious BIG and the two children in canada who were supposedly ate by a snake. Yours sin cera @toetagteabag

  42. Sandy Gallagher

    Time to be serious and say to the people who helped bring this project to fruition, especially to Don and Mole: thank you for putting in the time and dedication into the Big 3.

    I happened to stumble across this podcast right when my life was falling apart, and admittedly, it’s something that really helped me get through the worst of it all. I honestly don’t know what I would have done without looking forward to each Friday’s show. It also put a big smile on my face to see that the Big 3 continued on after Windy City Heat, a movie that I’ve watched hundreds of times and can never tire of.

    So guys, thanks for al the laughs and hope that future projects will be as good as this one


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