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Do You Want Us Back?

After years of Perry’s unprofessional behavior that was getting worse & more violent, at the beginning of August the Big 3 walked away from their project for good until the hard core fans spoke up. It seems as if the show meant an awful lot to a lot of people, so after talking to Perry see if he could promise to become a little more professional it’s now up to you to see if you want us back … PLEASE LET US KNOW!

Show Summary

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. If you want to see “Classic Big 3” videos from the past twenty-some years check out “The Big 3 LIVE” on the Video Podcast Network (VPN).

Want More Big 3 Check Out Both

Emergency Podcast Links

With all of the traffic on this page it could crash again … Copy & paste these links to get to other Big 3 Podcast pages:
iTunes (Where our Customer Rating is 4 1/2 out of 5 stars … Help us get 5 out of 5)

Show Trailer

Vine Video

What The Huck

Big 3 LIVE

Starring Don Barris, Walter Molinski, Perry Caramello Producer: Don Barris Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green Asst. To The Editor: Mattt Potter Sound Engineer: Vince Freeman Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
$10 Shout-Out
c/o Don Barris
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

This Post Has 79 Comments

  1. Ape

    Yes, to quote Kelly Clarkson. My Life Would Suck Without You.

  2. Poopsie

    WHERE DO I VOTE? Or you can click yes for me 1,000,000 times-Bring it back!!

  3. The Ziz

    Keep doing the podcast! We like hearing about your
    personal lives and pop culture.

  4. Tim-D

    Yes PLEASE!!!! How much do you need Don?!

  5. Gerard


  6. Whoopi Silverstein

    I don’t know who Perry needed to sacrifice to make this happen, but thank dog!

  7. Holy Dog

    Please come back big 3, it’s the funniest podcast ever!

  8. Jack Mehoff

    The best podcast on the Internet. My Fridays suck without you guys. Please come back.

  9. Alarming Andrew

    YES. I’m so happy.

  10. Henry


  11. Big Don Hammers

    For the love of Dog please come back! Biiiiiiiggggg thhhhrrrreeeeee!!

  12. Joeweed

    YES! YES! I would blow a dude. I can only rely on my Big 3 memories and replays to laugh. Where is this big 3 fanpage?

  13. Richard Heeny

    Fuck yes we want you back you wild motherfuckers!

    The internet needs you like Perry needs SAG vouchers and HIV-Be-Gone.

  14. Alex

    Keep going guys. Until either WCH2 happens or a really big send off that gives some closure happens.

  15. Jack K.

    YES! we need a podcast that has presenters with the guts, to talk about pop culture and their own personal lives.

  16. stefanie

    please come back!!!!!!!!! we love the big three

    1. Al Hofmann

      I vote YES!! I thank the geniuses Don & Mole and that skunk ape that skulks around 7722 Reseda Blvd. apt 102 for the GREATEST comedy ever!

  17. redmac84

    biiiiiiig 3!

  18. Roy A Gomez

    hell yes!!!!!!!!!! please come back!!!!

  19. Jay Sheck


  20. MrDinosaur

    We want you, Don.
    We don’t want you the way Perry wants you, but we for sure want you.

  21. HarperLee

    If Perry won’t kiss a man on stage can he at least mentally make love with one on stage? I can simply close my eyes and picture Perry tonguing another dude’s mouth, but I’ve never seen anybody make mental love. I’m assuming it’s a spiritual Javaho tradition that should really be shared with us fans

  22. Travis

    I vote yes. I’d jump at the chance to go to the 10 year WCH anniversary and donate to a fund anything campaign.

  23. knucklesoup

    Dan Barney, Walter Molininski, Parrie Karamello, These names will go down in history as the greatest comeback in padcast history

  24. Matt Bane

    Yes!!!!!! Long Live the Big 3

  25. inthehallwaynow

    Yes yes YES!! this makes me soo fucking happy.. ill do anything for more big 3! ive told all my friends and family members to listen!..whatever i can do i will!!.. thanks don mole and perry and mary jane and JQA and vince and nick and chet..oh giant dog.. terrifying tim..goldfarb catwait.. im soo excited for whats to come.. BIIIIIG 3!

  26. Bachewychomp

    Can’t get enough of the Big 3, keep this train a rollin.

  27. Judo n Slade

    It was either Mark Twain or Tim Perpedic who uttered the immortal words “the reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” Now they apply to the best damn podcast too. Only hope that now Perrys out he stops bragging about it. We get it Perry.

  28. mewmewmint

    YAAAAAAAAAH I WANT YOU BACK! THANK DOG!! Thought I would have to go back to listening to just Howard Stern or Adam Carolla… SO HAPPY to see another podcast. 🙂

  29. reddy werx


  30. Mr Komreed

    YES PLEASE COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!! Even if perry won’t come back, please continue the show with a substitute perry. I recommend the armenian comedian who is just as much of a money grubbing cheat, and just as hilarously stupid as Perry imho.


  31. Mr Komreed

    ALSO MORE DR TOMMY MORRIS PLEASE, and or Jeff richards 😉

  32. Showup

    Don does this fake quitting crap once a year…big 3 is a one note joke…let it die

  33. DanTheMan

    Of COURSE we want you back!! Do you even have to ask?

  34. charlie

    hell yeah!!! please keep this rollin. my week is not complete without you guys! biggggg threee!!!

  35. Nurse Santoza

    Bring The Big 3 Back Don!!!!!

  36. Martin Balsam

    “Are you watching Tin Cup?” I pooped myself a little.

    This CANNOT end. Please consider this my unequivocal “Yes” vote.

  37. pollock

    i’d say i don’t want but i NEED the big 3 back. please come back so us fans have the greatest podcast to listen to.
    biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    is there someone perry can suck off to get the big 3 back?

  38. Chris

    I need the Big 3 like Perry needs a Longhorn in his corn hole. Thanks Don for all the hard work you do and giving it another chance. Congratulations to Perry for finally mustering up the courage to come out.

  39. al jolson

    YES YES YES YES ive been unable to achieve an erection since the podcast went away. and now, im with boner!!!!

  40. Dylan


  41. the nan

    you guys have THE BEST, and i mean THE BEST FUCKING PODCAST GOING!!!! don and mole are comidic genuis’s, that other guy, i think his name is scary fairy, somthing like that, he’s OK. KEEP this shit going. FUCK adam carolla, FUCK JOE ROGAIN, BIG 3 FOR LIFE!!!!

  42. Purple Fedora

    Oh No! Not starting up Perry’s on and off Bullshit again.

    Biggg Threee?

  43. Him Again

    Yes, yes, and a zillion times YES!

  44. VGP

    Please keep the Big 3 alive! Listening to the Big 3 on my balcony with a beer and cigarette are one of the things I look forward too most after a long day!

  45. Jack Payback

    Yes, Yes, Yes please don’t stop this comedy gold. This is comedy history.

  46. Mr. Fister

    where do I vote?


  47. Mike

    Yes! From everyone in the Great White North!

  48. timmy big balls

    a thousand times yes. not just for the end of the year. i greedily recommend decades worth of shows. and what’s more…since the vpn thing kinda petered out…how about a big three store? dvds of old videos, shirts…i want that damn “NEVER FORGET” shirt. shit of that like. i’d buy it all.

  49. Alex

    Finally got the chance to listen to the episode. HILARIOUS! One of the best, I’d love to see more guys. At least till the end of the year. I look forward to see how this closes out with a bang.

  50. Padcast Fan

    Bring back the padcart! I fuckin’ love the Big Three Padcast! It’s the best podcast out there! Perry is very brave to admit his homosexuality after all of these years.

  51. Justin

    I’ve regularly listened to podcasts for 4-5 years now, and can say without a doubt that you guys bring me the most joy. I’ve been listening since the beginning of the podcast and couldn’t imagine not having it anymore. Myself and the world need The Big 3 to continue, keep up the hard work Don.

  52. kelly hubacheck

    great that the show is cumming back,and even better that perry admitted he’s a pole smoker

  53. Kevin Weberly

    Please cum back Big 3! I can’t live without the sounds of Perry’s sexy, husky voice. Makes me want to jam my fat cock down his greasy throat. Perry, call me baby! You don’t need to hide how much you want it.

  54. Gene Novak

    Please keep it going Don, I love the podcast and look forward to it every Friday. I know Perry is an awful person, but it’s also his only marketable skill.

  55. Skittles on the floor

    This podcast is bullshit mow.

  56. REN

    You guys need to come back, not just for the fans, but for Mole. Perry can always make a living scamming the government and selling substandard skate boards, but I worry Mole will end up having to find a sugar daddy in JQA.

  57. REN

    Maybe it is time to say fuck Perry and start the New Big 3 with Mole, Don Barris, and Rucka Rucka Ali.

  58. jpmoneypants

    YES YES YES. And Perry should keep off social media.

  59. atetraxx


  60. Glad I'm not any of you.

    I love you guys, (along with the beautiful Mary Jane, of course) which is precisely why I DON’T want you back. You see, I recently got this tattoo, “I miss The Big 3 Podcast” on my forehead, and now that you’re back, people are starting to tell me that I must feel really stupid right about now. And now I do, and it’s all your fault, Barris!
    BIG THREE ! ! !

  61. Siffilus Lubercai

    I will be sending $1/day if the big 3 is NOT on the air.
    Please do not continue with these podcasts.
    You stand to be a very rich man if you continue to keep this podcast off the air.
    your respectfully,

  62. Mason

    Sweet baby Jesus please come back!

  63. julien

    pleae please please come back

  64. Joseph Pulitzer

    As a newsman, I hate to see great shows end.


  65. Dane

    Who wouldn’t want The Big 3 back..?

  66. effingperrybareback

    OMG YES! OMG YES! OMG YES!!!!!! My Fridays just wont be the same without the big 3! i was so sad when perry broke the big 3. i hope they are around till at least the anniversary party. i would love to finally meet the gang. i cant wait to see Perrys apartment

  67. big threeeeeeeeee

    Bring it back guys!

  68. T Dot

    YEAH! Please come back. Biiiiiiigg 3!!!

    “Where is the town where Stone Fury fights crime,
    A place with big shoulders that just can’t be beat”

  69. Lisa J (tranny)

    Why go out on a high-note with the Chet drama, only to come back with a not very funny episode like this!? Looks like Don is really desperate. Adios Grande 3…this show ended a few weeks ago

    1. Glad I'm not any of you.

      Did you hear that, everyone? The tranny (the most mentally – unstable one in the group) doesn’t like The Big Three. Hey Lisa, go back to fondling your boy and girl parts, you freak!
      BIG THREE ! ! !

  70. Murtaugh

    Please come back! Just get parry to wear a Silence of the Lambs Hannibal Lecter mask so he can’t bite anyone.

  71. Elton

    Please come back, your podcast is the highlight of my week.

    1. simplydon

      Have you noticed that we’ve been back for the last three weeks and unless something really bad happens we will be here until the end of the year … But, if we get a reality series or sequel movie we’ll be around longer

      1. Martin Balsam

        Very glad you’re back, Don.

        And just so you know, your “Simply Don, The Podcast” show was aces. There’s nothing better than sitting around with a couple slices of Two Guys listening to three or four smart, charming, witty people telling industry tales. (And it never hurts if they’re kept in line by a beautiful and talented woman.)

        Whatever happens, the Big Two always have an audience.


  72. Plasma

    I love the podcast sooooo much. It’s hard with school and parental medical problems to be super-active with the big three. But I lurve you guys. You make my evening walks bearable. Please for the love of shit, don’t shut down.

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