You are currently viewing Perry’s Apartment Part I

Perry’s Apartment Part I

It’s a full house as Don and Mole are finally allowed back into Perry’s apartment.

Show Summary

Don and Mole have been waiting for this for a long time, and they’re glad to have a couple special guests along for the show. Perry discusses some drama with his girl and her ex, and Mole reads some letters from the people who were injured playing the Mole Play Home Game.

The rules of Perry’s ‘compensation jar’ are brought back to the forefront, as the guests ask some very pressing questions about Perry’s past. As the guys prepare for a special cooking segment of the show, Perry’s Italian culture is questioned.

The guys then cut to the kitchen, as Perry attempts to cook for the crew. Along the way, another special guest drops by, and the guys wrap the show with a live version of Mole Play, and a segment of Perry’s Corner.

Be sure to check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood. Mention Don’s name at the door and get in for FREE!

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Show Credits

Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Brian Meyer & Katie Lavine
Big 3 Production Manager: Mary Jane Green
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Web Engineering: Sandy Ganz

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This Post Has 48 Comments

  1. Stink

    Yeah! Can’t wait to hear this one! Hopefully noone does anything bad to Perry’s apartment.

  2. Bronson

    Biiiiiiiiiiiiig Three! Time to replace Perry’s Corner with Monaghan’s minute. Best guest ever.

  3. JustSomeDude

    Pic 13,Is Perry cooking sausages on a George Foreman grill?
    Sweet Lord,you can do that?
    Them thing take forever in a pan.

    1. JustSomeDude

      err I meant pic 16.

  4. Dolby

    About to come to fruition as I start the Biiiiiiiiiiiiig Three podcast!

  5. Back to Greenbay

    YES! The holy grail of this show! Ferry Caramellos appt.


    Best skateboard ad yet! Can’t wait for part 2!

    I forgot about Tim and his cocksix, welcome back!


  7. Albert F Einstein

    Picture 18 is the entire podcast in 1000 words.

  8. Mike

    I love the Big 3 podcast but does the file have to be so large. Until the last few weeks, the size was reasonable. I don’t understand why the download needs to be so many MB.

    Anyway, I look forward to listening to this one as it takes place in Perry’s apartment and this should have happened long ago except Perry wasn’t professional enough to follow through.

  9. Nick (Seattle)

    I was just reading the morning paper the other day and I saw at least 3 mentionings of perry blowing randy callahan.. does the paper owe $15?

  10. Dr. Crawford

    Make Perry’s apartment the new Big 3 headquarters! It’s like there’s a fire in the air that just can’t be mimicked in a sterile, cold studio.

  11. Unka Grizz .

    Nick what kind of morning paper do you read that has that kind of stories in it ? And you read them first thing in the morning ? Man you like to get your perv on early don’t you .

  12. Jerry Schlezinger

    Awesome nipple-clamp/piercing Scare Perr has in the pic. That pic does make me wonder, though, who’s hairline is receding fastest? The younger Monaghan or the permanently disabled Pussyless Perry…

  13. Linda Lewinsky

    I liked the baby. It’s crying was 100% more peaceful sounding than any noise that came from Perry’s dirty Italian mouth. I’m surprised he did not try to sue the baby.

  14. Rick Sanchez

    Well done! I would have loved to have seen this in person. The promo video was a perfect addition.
    Thanks for the all the laughs.
    Knowing Perry’s past history with Crack Cocaine explains A LOT!!

  15. Harry Ceword

    Best show yet! Perry is offically a complete F**KING idiot.
    He might be borderline retarded. This is the most sadistic show ever, keep up the good work. “Over-boiled water” and “Jacob Ladders” had me crying.


    1. Neilius

      I think Perry may actually be retarded. There is no way he has an IQ above 80.

  16. Lindsey Worth

    Very funny episode. Big Three has become a part of my Saturday morning routine. Eggs, Bacon, Toast, Bowl Hit, Big Three podcast. Thanks for making me laugh through my hangovers. 🙂

  17. Big Three Noob

    wtf did i just listen to?! this podcast is crazy funny in weird ways. Dominic Monaghan is the man! now i have to listen to more of these to wrap my head around these oddballs. show made me want some spaghetti!

  18. damien

    I wanna big 3 t-shirt.

  19. Shotgun Ed

    Podcast from Perry’s apartment is better than Flamin’ Hot Funyuns!!!

  20. Ghost

    When does the video come out? I will pay as much money for a this as I would for a porno starring a chick I had a crush on in high school.

  21. Sore Thumbs Gamer

    The Big 3 video game for Wii. Interactive. Just a thought. A really incredible thought.

  22. Gaylord Focker

    GREAT PODCAST! Of course I feel like a fool because I sat for an hour with pencil and pad in hand, waiting for Perry to reveal his “secret recipe” for spaghetti. I thought that like any cooking show, the cook would be giving me instructions on how to make what he was making. I guess I won’t ever know how Perry does it. 🙁

    1. Martha Caramello-Stewart

      Just a guess:
      5 whole tomatoes
      1 cup overboiled water
      1/2 cup oregano
      1/2 cup crushed Funyuns
      1 tsp essence of Randy Callahan

      Mix tomatoes, water and oregano in a pot, boil and reduce. When volume is halved, add Funyuns and Randy essence.

      Best served with undercooked pasta and the plumpest, most phallic sausages you can find.

      1. Statutory Perry


  23. Huge Destructive Salami

    Good show. Perry’s apartment became Giovanni’s Room. Tired, repetitive and predictable genius. The Ferrari of podcasts.

    No sing-along on this one, though. We miss that.

  24. MrDinosaur

    What did Mole karate chop when he became Karate Chop Jones that made Perry so upset?

  25. Yabels

    Perry really let me down in this episode with his lack of knowledge on Italian history. I was hoping he’d be able to talk about the unification of Italy and Il Risorgimento. I guess I always thought Perry’s great-grandfather dated Giuseppe Mazzini so I just assumed he’d want to talk about some of that stuff.

  26. Donna, Don Barris' illegitimate baby

    It’s unfortunate that I’m going to have to sue Mole. The reason being is because I was UNABLE to choke on any of the pieces from his stupid game. And now look at who I’m stuck with for a father and uncles. I think 25 mill should cover for me putting up with decades of psychosis and stupidity.

  27. koko

    Perry’s unprofessionalism reached a new high in this one. i’ve never heard him scream so much and with this much passion. great! his poor neighbors though. they must have thought a hyena was being tortured in there. and i loved when Mole turned into Karate Chop Jones.

  28. Markus J

    So although I personally have not swallowed one of the game pieces from the moleplay game I have been done irreparable harm due to listening to the stories about what pain was inflicted on others. I walked into Wal-Mart with my twin boys and we walked into the toy isle. My kids reached for a board game I think it might have been Monopoly and then I thought back to the Podcast. I broke out into hives and started dry heaving until I shit my own pants and then vomited. I pictured my whole family dead from game pieces and it’s all thanks to MolePlay the home game and the stories of the horror it has brought on. I feel I deserve some compensation from mole in the form of a formal apology. Oh and thanks for shouting out my CD Don that was cool shit even though I was not really mad. I love the show other than the fact it has damaged my Psyche.

  29. Daniel

    crying baby on my headphones… fucking dbags.

    1. Henderson

      crying baby on the message board.. somehow this offends me more.

  30. (:-D)

    I LOL’d several times while listening to this screaming/cooking show.
    Perry, you are THE Chef Boyardee of the 21st century!
    BIG THREE!!!

  31. A Stallion of Italian Heritage

    This Parry character is a big fuckin’ joke. Any goddamn amateur knows you don’t put oregano in spaghetti. Not to mention the over boiled water. There’s a certain line that, when crossed, should require oneself to renounce their national heritage.

    In the case of Karamello, that line was crossed years ago. He is Italian no longer, as far as I’m concerned. I’d sooner choke myself out on a Mole Play board game piece than eat any of Parry’s so called, “Italian cooking.”

  32. Trevor Corey

    Q. If Tarzan and Jane were Italian, what would Cheetah be?
    A. The least hairy of the three!

    1. Paul Azantits

      Who would be the biggest pussy?

  33. Guido Salami

    Hey do you guys think you could get Danny DeVito to play Perry Caramello if there is a movie about the big three?

  34. YURGI

    when it’s good, it’s good. and that was good.
    videocast any time soon?

  35. Paul Azantits

    This was great. Maybe for the next field trip, you could go skeet shooting?

  36. The b word

    First time listener! Probably the last time. Dominic Monaghan was the only entertaining one. I can’t believe he stooped to this level. That was nice of him.

    Show sucks.

  37. Nick (Seattle)

    damnit, was hoping for a Friday release for part II… bored at work and need some big 3!

  38. john w

    please video this show. A lot of the stuff you guys do is visual. And use clip-on mics, sometimes it’s hard to here what your saying.

  39. Ben Franklin's Front Window

    So a 17-year old Perry had a hulking protector, -how romantic!
    Perry is just like Chris Makepeace, -washed up.

  40. Plasma

    Best. Episode. Ever. I’m so glad we’ve finally been invited into perry’s apartment. makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.. like klonopin.. that and i listed to the show on klonopin

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