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Blowing Smoke

With the Big Windy Weekend just around the corner the guys continue to make plans while Perry is becoming the Jonathan Winters of this generation with a growing list of spot on characters that everyone is sure will take his career to another level. If there is one rule learned from this podcast it’s that Perry doesn’t like any smoke blown into his face and if there was any doubt before this episode will let everyone know his true feelings.

Show Summary

Don’t forget that you’re invited to the “WINDY WEEKEND” party that celebrates the 10th Anniversary of the release of the film, WINDY CITY HEAT.
It’s the ultimate weekend for the ultimate fan:
Scheduled Weekend Events
Join the Big 3 at The Comedy Store for a taping of the Big 3 Podcast
Come and watch the cult film classic, Windy City Heat along with other fans then stick around for a post-film Q&A with the Big 3 that will be hosted by Jimmy Kimmel.
Join other Big 3 V.I.P.’s for Perry’s Chili Cookoff at his apartment. Bring your camera because there will be plenty of photo opportunities.
If you stick around for another day, join the Big 3 at the Comedy Store for their appearance on the #DEATHSQUAD Podcast Network during the Ding-Dong Show.

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. If you want to see “Classic Big 3” videos from the past twenty-some years check out “The Big 3 LIVE” on the Video Podcast Network (VPN).

Want More Big 3 Check Out Both

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With all of the traffic on this page it could crash again … Copy & paste these links to get to other Big 3 Podcast pages:

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Show Trailer

What The Huck

Big 3 LIVE

Starring Don Barris, Walter Molinski, Perry Caramello Producer: Don Barris Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green Asst. To The Editor: Mattt Potter Sound Engineer: Vince Freeman Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
$10 Shout-Out
c/o Don Barris
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

This Post Has 20 Comments

  1. al jolson

    im nude, im eating oreos. ive not bathed. im ready to listen to the finest damn podcast in the world .

  2. Spooky Sammy

    4 weeks til the big show!!!! Biiiiiiiig 3!

    We may actually finally figure out who blew who that fateful night.

  3. brownsfandan

    Thank Dog! Biiiiiiiiiig 3!

  4. eddie torres

    It’s like Christmas morning and that first hit of crack, all wrapped in a podcast! Biiiggg 3!!!

  5. Tom

    I’m glad to hear Morrissey is a fan of The Big 3.

  6. knucklesoup

    The king of Friday night corn oil does not appreciate apple cherry wood tobacco smoke exhaled in his direction. Maybe Mole could find a different strain or flavor that Purry could handle better, please keep experimenting until you find one he likes.

  7. jack burton

    I fucking lost it when mole dedicated these eyes to the ghost of cookie caramello

  8. @toetagteabag

    i lose faith in humanity when i listen to perry, then i regain it when i listen to mole

  9. Ira Tarded

    Perrence sickens me. He is not only a racist bag of shit, but he is also a violent retarded cocksucker. I have no clue how Don, Mole, Vince and the breathtakingly gorgeous MaryJane put up with this asshole’s behavior week after week. Fucking idiot. Perry is a jagoff first class.


  10. I Feel Vibrations

    Perry doesn’t like it when Mole blows smoke on him, but he didn’t complain when Randy blew him. What a double standard!

  11. Whoopi Silverstein

    Maybe Perry would be more comfortable if Mole blew it in his hand

  12. Judo n Slade

    If time allows can the long awaited “Wreck Below the Neck” match between Perry and WRH 3rd be added to the program? If so please make it after the chili cook-off. I envision a Pedro Martinez/Don Zimmer put-down that doesn’t go Perrys way followed by a group toss of his mangled body into the apartment pool.

    1. T Dot

      Holy f@#$! This post made me almost pass out with laughter…

      The Big 3 and fans of the Big 3 rule!!!

      -“all the way from T Dot…”

    2. REN

      What is the hold up on this? A part of me thinks Don is in some ways protecting Perry because he knows the Big 3 is over if Hearst puts Perry in a coffin. He can’t afford to side openly with Perry against Hearst because Hearst would just launch a hostile takeover of Don’s shows and end up owning the whole shebang, “The Big 3”, “Comedy Pure Rock Resurrection”, “Ding Dong Show”, everything.

      1. simplydon

        Don’t forget, “Simply Don – The Podcast”

  13. Old Radio

    Ok…so Mole says “Scary Perry” is just a character like Kyle Dicker…thats a stretch duder…Perry F. Carabella IS “The Scarematter”…I know this, because whenever I call him he he answers the phone screaming. Just like on the show. Especially around 2-3 a.m.

  14. mr fister

    Perry wants a long horn up his corn-hole. oops I mean Kyle Dickie.

  15. REN

    How awesome would Mole be if he could do characters? Don’t get me wrong, he is pretty awesome as he is, but in talent Perry has the clear edge with his many and diverse characters.

  16. REN

    I pity the fool that doesn’t like Perry’s Dexter character.

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