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Perry’s Apartment – Part II

A special guest drops by to apologize to Perry, as the guys return for a second week at Perry’s Apartment.

Show Summary

This is the big final show before Perry goes in for his neck surgery. The guys give a quick recap of last week’s episode, and then a mystery guest drops by to apologize for his actions the last time he was on the show. Don leads the group through a playfully awkward round of Mole Play, and Mole also gives updates on the surrounding legal case.

During this week’s segment of Perry’s Corner, Perry reflects on the experience of having so many people to his apartment. He also gets real for a while and thanks his fans and friends for their support. Don and Mole contemplate what will happen if Perry doesn’t make it through his surgery, and a major confrontation comes to the forefront in the show’s final moments.

Be sure to check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood. Mention Don’s name at the door and get in for FREE!

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Show Credits

Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Brian Meyer & Katie Lavine
Big 3 Production Manager: Mary Jane Green
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Web Engineering: Sandy Ganz

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This Post Has 42 Comments

  1. Dr. Crawford

    Perry’s apartment is the best! Make it a monthly event!

  2. Unleashed Fury

    This could be the best podcast yet.

    I was cringing with laughter.

  3. Jack Payback

    Hey Big 3.

    When do the T-shirts go on sale?

    Please sell them on the web so I can buy one down here in Australia and promote the Big 3 for you.

  4. Gaylord Focker

    I love this podcast because they talk about pop culture and also mix in stuff about their personal lives which makes it different than all other podcasts.

    Sorry that Perry will probably get AIDS now that Andy Dick’s HIV+ assistant bled all over the bathroom (genius!) and if I may say so, leaving the pubes was a nice touch.

    1. Jim Lahey

      Andy Dick’s only goal in life is to give AIDS back to the monkeys.

  5. Jason Todd

    Terrifying Tim breaks his leg, in Perry’s apartment last week, and we’re just left to speculate what happened? This is unacceptable, Perry! You have an obligation to let Tim’s fans know what happened to him, on your property!!!!!! He’s gonna be taking over for you soon, anyways, so what’s your deal? You know he’s better than you, and he’s got more talent in his little finger from Boston, than you have in your whole body from chicago. You’re one of my heroes Perry, but Tim has you on this one.

  6. Dr. Crawford

    Does Mary Jane have a speech impairment which causes her to sound like a 10-year-old girl? It’s actually kind of a turn-on, a strong warning sign that I might be a future pedophile.

  7. Cracka Jack

    Priceless! Is there nothing Perry won’t put up with.

  8. Rumble Sheepskin

    God and Lexi were great. You should invite them back. Maybe a new Spirituality segment?

    Mole is onto something with Energy drinks. What makes drugs so much fun is that you never know if it’s the good stuff or rat poison. There has to be an element of risk. It’s like the woman in that movie, with the thing in her thing.

  9. Fred Phelps

    I was laughing with joyful pain when the “blood scene” occured in the bathroom. Mole should have tried to kill the AIDS blood with the lighter fluid.

    1. Rumble Sheepskin

      Serious mode: I’m often skeptical of celebrity drug problems. It seems like a convenient and easy way to check-out from career pressure while still garnering precious publicity. And so, I suspect the real problem is: “I’m not really talented, but God forbid everyone else realizes that”. (Caveat: real talents don’t think they’re talented. Thus, the paradox.)

      But… when one is so obviously talented as is Andy Dick, yet relegated as he is to an amateurish, obscure, and second-rate podcast about pop-culture and the hosts’ personal lives, then that person has an obvious, serious, and dire problem. Even if he is a fag.

  10. MrDinosaur

    I hope Perry’s operation goes well. I also hope he doesn’t have AIDS. I also hope he releases his own brand of Scary Perry fanny packs. And I hope Guillermo would come to Perry’s apartment for a podcast and I would of course hope that Guillermo wouldn’t hurt himself and have to sue Perry like he sued the US government.

  11. Enough with the cover your ears

    The “plug your ears” shit is too far fetched and ruins everything. It’s impossible to buy in to.

    1. Dr. Crawford

      And yet it works every single time. Do you know a better way for Don to have a quick, private conversation with Perry, Mr. Genius?

      1. Enough with the cover your ears

        If the audience is supposed to be stupid enough to think that perry actually believes the conversation is private, then I’m not enough of a moron to be in the target demographic.

        1. koko

          ok. you’re not a moron. now f%$k off please.

          1. Enough with the cover your ears

            Koko, you don’t actually believe perry is _that_ stupid, do you?

        2. Enough With The Doubting Anything On This Podcast

          The audience isn’t that stupid, you are though!!! The is the greatest reality show ever because NOTHING on this podcast is set up in any way. Your constant harassment on this page trying to prove your incorrect theory shows that your pea brain can’t comprehend the true brilliance of this show. Sorry that the Dave’s Of Thunder guys quit on you and you can’t hear about their lists ranking the best Starburst flavors. If you don’t like what happens on this show, no matter if your wrong on why you dislike it, don’t listen and like koko said, “now f%$k off please.

          Thanks for sticking up for this podcast guys.

          1. Enough with the cover your ears

            You’re the stupid one because you think Perry is actually falling for this shit.

            It was funny when it seemed like the joke was on him.

            Now it’s a shtick that’s gotten old. The real joke is on the listeners.

            I truly pity you poor morons that stick up for this show because it finally feels like you’re in on a prank. Once again you’re just the victim.

          2. Enough With The Doubting Anything On This Podcast

            I’d like to respond to the moron that thinks that he knows what’s going on, have you ever been to a podcast or a live performance with the Big 3? I have and you are just a jealous frickin’ fool who is trying to preach the words of his incorrect thoughts. If you knew what you were talking about people should listen, but you don’t so please keep your incorrect foolish opinions to yourself. Until you’ve seen for yourself what really goes on stop lying to people about something you have no idea about.

            You must be under the assumption that the Big 3 is playing a joke on everybody and that Perry is really just a spectacular actor, really? Now who looks looks stupid?

          3. Come on, Sense

            You truly are a stupid, gullible fool if you are still buying into this shtick. I feel sorry for you actually. You’re dumber than the character Perry is pretending to be.

          4. Enough With The Doubting Anything On This Podcast

            It’s amazing how fucking stupid people are, one of the most brilliant projects ever and you refuse or can’t comprehend the brilliance. This project has been going on since 1992, that was even before MTV’s “The Real World” started (some have called the first reality show) and has included numerous celebrities than have been part of the project. Were those celebrities involved because they wanted to act with three no-name idiots or were there because they wanted to be involved with brilliance? To all the haters out there, look up Windy City Heat online and check out people who have praised this project, everyone from Howard Stern & Robin Williams to huge bands from Eminem to Green Day. The difference between this project and other “reality” shows is that every other reality show is always somewhat scripted where this is 100% real. The producers of the TV show, Joe Shmo came up with the idea for their show after The Big 3 performed during the pre-show warmup of The Man Show and check out the film festivals Windy City Heat won awards for best picture.

            But now invisible people hiding behind fake names have decided to discredit the brilliance of the project because they are gutless fucking losers. Get off this page and quit showing your stupidity, please don’t listen to the podcasts any more because your moronic mind can’t grasp anything beyond every television sitcom. Your doubts about the legitimacy IS share by Sex Pistol singer, John Lydon when his current band had him watch it he claim it was all fake too, he shouldn’t listen to this podcast either.

            Fans of this podcast should help get rid of these gutless pussies from the page.

          5. Dr. Crawford

            I hardly find it ironic the uncanny resemblance Perry has as an older, fatter Andy Kaufman–the great comedic actor who fooled the world again and again. Kaufman supposedly died a long time ago; then again, Perry supposedly is a stupid, gullible man.

            Which do you believe?

  12. Don't hold on to pain

    “Plug your ears” is from the other episode. You sat with that anger for a week, then you watched Part 2 which didn’t have any “hold your ears”, and you still had to unleash your pent up dribble.

  13. Lindsey

    You had me at “lighter fluid”. This episode trumps all others.

  14. Rick Sanchez

    Did Perry gets the bathroom sterilized yet? AIDS can live on a bathroom surface for up to 28 days. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention emphasize that regular household cleaning products in fact do NOT kill the HIV antibody.

  15. Stink

    Hey Don and Mole. I just heard about Perry’s death. So sorry guys. My heart goes out to you. Looks like Terrifying Tim is gonna have to take over permanently now, huh? Perry was… Perry. By the way, where can I buy one of Tim’s skateboards. All my friends are teasing me because I’m the last to get one. I was gonna get a Perry board but I heard the chemicles used to treat the wood actually made it weaker. Isn’t that how Perry died? Anyway, love you guys! Keep up the good work!

  16. Jacob Sladder

    I found Randy Calahan on twitter, funny he ‘protects’ his tweets, shame. Would love to here some stories from the glory days.

  17. Rick Shaw

    Perry’s dead? What a bummer, now we have to wait for you to redo all the T-Shirts to put Tim’s picture on it. Well, now that he’s gone I can be honest and say, what an ungrateful asshole Perry was. I think all that rage came from repressing his Randy Calahan desires. He should have just come out of the closet and enjoyed himself. The ironic thing is I’m sure his body is now being anally raped at the morgue.

    Long live Terrifying Tim!!!

  18. The President of Hollywood

    This is a private message to Mr. Dick. Andrew, why didn’t you call back? As the President of Hollywood, I am rarely dismissed so.

    I was aghast to hear about this episode with the HIV positive bloodletting. It made me aware that we must all be cognizant of the danger of shaving our nether regions.

    Andrew, would you consider helping me organize a telethon to raise awareness of this danger? I believe we can make a difference!

    Mr. Haravelo, I was most heartened to see the trophy we awarded to you. I am glad to see that you are keeping it well. Remember, in 2 years yo need to pass it on to our next winner!

    The President of Hollywood

    1. Rumble Sheepskin

      “Bloodletting” is such a strange word (sounds fun, but very ominous). It reminds me of “bed wetting”, also an invitation of sorts. (I make enough money, why not?)

      But beware temptation, heed trepidation, and regard admonition. Like all jewels, there’s an enigma wrapped in an enema, a twinkle touched by your wee-wee, a salami in a tsunami, and an Italian with bad pasta dressed in Adidas soccer pants, and all of them are lurking on the field of play we choose to call “chance” or “fate”, which reminds me of that hot chick who talked to angels on that show (or in that movie).

      Anyway, imagine if you could combine both bloodletting and bed wetting on the same podcast? Shivers and Chivas, up your spine and mine. Especially up yours.


  19. SteveP

    Every week keeps getting better and better.

    As funny as the antics are towards Perry, I kind of feel sorry for him regarding his daughter not talking to him. Maybe try to get her on the show as some type of reunion. This could even turn into a regular thing where you bring guests in from Perry’s past, fact or fictional.

  20. Scoots

    Shame the devil.


    Knuckles Goldberg

    1. Rumble Sheepskin

      Invite the alien.

  21. Mark

    PLEASE put the big 3 on ustream!

  22. Guy Wise

    Temperpedick Tim per Pee Dick … Terrifying Tim. Pretty elaborate skate board prank.

  23. Oklahomo

    Don said he quit the podcast… Not looking good.

  24. (:-D)

    Homo, I hope that you’re kidding. Anyway, I’m glad that I was wrong in believing that there was going to be a lot of mischief, mayhem, and sophomoric behavior going on. (whistles sarcastically)
    BIG THREE ! ! !

  25. Nick (Seattle)

    Where’s the new ep?! Did perry get the aids?

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