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Working With Dogs

Perry talks about the Javahoe Picnic that he recently attended and admitted that he wasn’t a baptized Javahoe but was making plans on getting his certificate and marrying another yet to be determined female Javahoe. A fan writes in trying to help Perry by giving him an idea for a new job that could give him a yearly earning of over six figure and yet the Scaremaster refuses to even try it because he feels that it’s immoral.

Show Summary

Don’t forget that you’re invited to the “WINDY WEEKEND” party that celebrates the 10th Anniversary of the release of the film, WINDY CITY HEAT.
It’s the ultimate weekend for the ultimate fan:
Scheduled Weekend Events
Join the Big 3 at The Comedy Store for a taping of the Big 3 Podcast
Come and watch the cult film classic, Windy City Heat along with other fans then stick around for a post-film Q&A with the Big 3 that will be hosted by Jimmy Kimmel.
Join other Big 3 V.I.P.’s for Perry’s Chili Cookoff at his apartment. Bring your camera because there will be plenty of photo opportunities.
If you stick around for another day, join the Big 3 at the Comedy Store for their appearance on the #DEATHSQUAD Podcast Network during the Ding-Dong Show.

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. If you want to see “Classic Big 3” videos from the past twenty-some years check out “The Big 3 LIVE” on the Video Podcast Network (VPN).

Want More Big 3 Check Out Both

Emergency Podcast Links

With all of the traffic on this page it could crash again … Copy & paste these links to get to other Big 3 Podcast pages:

iTunes (Where our Customer Rating is 4 1/2 out of 5 stars … Help us get 5 out of 5)

Show Trailer

What The Huck

Big 3 LIVE

Starring Don Barris, Walter Molinski, Perry Caramello Producer: Don Barris Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green Asst. To The Editor: Mattt Potter Sound Engineer: Vince Freeman Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
$10 Shout-Out
c/o Don Barris
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

This Post Has 26 Comments

  1. AC

    I don’t mean to be mean but you guys suck at promoting your own shit. How do you get tickets to any of the Windy Weekend events?

    And isn’t there supposed to be a kickstarter or an indiegogo or some kind of crowdfunding going on for the reality show? I have NO IDEA what’s going on.

    I want to support the show but you guys won’t let me!

    1. simplydon

      It’s not that hard to figure out … There is nothing as of yet for fundraising for a reality show and like I’ve said dozens of time for ticket info get in touch with me at my e-mail and I will send you ticket info:

      1. AC

        I understand. I totally see your side of it. You put the info in the podcast but you want to make this as foolproof as possible. I’m glad that at least it’s been reiterated in the comments to email you for tickets.

        I wish you guys a lot of success. I’ll badger my contacts on the West Coast to go see you guys.

    2. AC

      I’ll elaborate because I’m trying to be CONSTRUCTIVE here. At the top of this entry you posted information about the event but all we got are WORDS IN BOLD. No links or anything. No call to action.

      ** FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11TH **
      Join the Big 3 at The Comedy Store for a taping of the Big 3 Podcast

      (I guess this means go search for the comedy store on Google and see if they sell advance tickets?)

      ** SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12th **
      Come and watch the cult film classic, Windy City Heat along with other fans then stick around for a post-film Q&A with the Big 3 that will be hosted by Jimmy Kimmel.

      (How? Where? Can you link us to something?)

      ** SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13th **

      Join other Big 3 V.I.P.’s for Perry’s Chili Cookoff at his apartment. Bring your camera because there will be plenty of photo opportunities.

      (Well, we all know WHERE that is but WHEN should people show up and how do you become a V.I.P. in the FIRST place?)

      ** MONDAY, OCTOBER, 14th **

      If you stick around for another day, join the Big 3 at the Comedy Store for their appearance on the #DEATHSQUAD Podcast Network during the Ding-Dong Show.

      (Again, a link would be helpful here. If the visitor has to do all the work on their own you lose IMPULSE and that means less sales.)

      I do this with love. I want you guys to have a successful Windy Weekend. I can’t even be there since I live on the East Coast. I’ll support with some Ten Dollar Shoutouts and telling friends about the podcast. But please, you gotta get better at promoting your own shit.

      Peace and Love

      1. Agent Smith

        There is no shopping cart, so there is no “impulse” buys and if you have listened to any of the last 4 podcasts or were following any of the TB3 related social media, you would have seen or heard the contact email 10 fucking dozen times. Not to mention all the posters and flyers that are going around. The only people who would “impulse” buy are intown people anyway, many many out of towners are going and have to get hotel and air travel, so there no impulse about it, its not a fucking bobble head or some novelty. The issue seems to be between your chair and your keyboard, you might want to google ID.10T errors before you go off and try and monetize other peoples shit. The only one out of the loop here is YOU, i mean, do you even keep up with the show?

        1. AC

          It’s a good thing you’re not an event promoter or in sales to hear the way you talk. LOL, you have no idea what impulse is. It’s cute to hear you try to describe it though.

          “The issue seems to be between your chair and your keyboard, you might want to google ID.10T errors…”

          Awww, that’s cute. Guessing you work in IT? Been there, done that.

      2. Nicole

        All the tickets are ordered through emailing Don at If you email Don he will send you a very detailed information sheet about payment methods and prices for events.

        You become a VIP by buying a particular package. The time for the Chili Cookout has not been determined.

        The show on Monday is free. You just have to show up at the Comedy Store.

        This information is also available on Facebook through the fanclub.

      3. Tom

        Do you even listen to the podcast AC? Because it was spelled out pretty clearly and I am stumped by your confusion on this issue.

        It’s obvious to everyone but you that Don has gone out of his way to arrange everything and handle the ticket situation personally to make it easier for fans. He’s put together packages and has consistently requested that people email him at for detailed information.

        Obviously this is a very unique and special weekend of events, so different packages were created that fans can select from. These sort of packages would be impossible for the Comedy Store to offer from their site. Don has essentially busted his ass so that fans can have the best experience possible. These tickets will surely sell out (if they haven’t already), since the fanbase is so passionate. This event essentially promotes itself.

        You are clearly not on Facebook, because promotion and details for the Windy Weekend are readily available to anyone. You are the only one who seems puzzled by any of this.

  2. Perry's Manager Nick .

    AC the tickets will sell out so your points are moot . The info has been all over our FB pages and if you took 2 seconds to write one of us we would have been happy to give you any info you wanted bro .

  3. Musgrave322

    To all the members of the Big 3 Podcast, I wish all of you the best of luck Performing at the Comedy Store. This event is going to be bigger than the Karamellow/Callahan 20th Anniversary show for sure.

    Regardless of your Javahoe Gypsy Jew, everyone is gonnd do really well and give more than 100%.

  4. pollock

    i’m going to lounge around the pool eating chilli during the windy weekend. peerry will have to blow his building manager or do some sort of “favor” if perry gets in tra-bull.

  5. Alarming Andrew

    Is Sheila Falcone going to be at the Windy Weekend?

    1. Alarming Andrew

      Maybe one of the VIP packages can include a Sheila Falcone receding haircut/auburn hair dye.

  6. Whoopi Silverstein

    Rucka’s outdone himself again! Give him a hand, Perry

  7. James Chalud

    Paster Raul! One of the best shout outs.

  8. brownsfandan

    Dan, does Maryjane still take pictures? I was looking through the pics from the padcast at Parrys apartment and they were gold. If there is still pictures taken us fans would love to see em. Biiiiiiiiiiig 3!

    1. simplydon

      I promise to tare care of all the back-pictures very soon

      1. Alarming Andrew

        Can’t wait to see Chet!!

  9. brownsfandan

    Thanks Dan. We appreciate all of your, Maryjane and Mole’s hard work. Vince is still a boring fuck who can go fuck himself. Please record the entire Windy weekend too, a lot of us aren’t near LA but would buy a DVD in a heartbeat. Also I would buy the RC holiday show if it were for sale. Biiiiig 3!

  10. inthehallwaynow

    fuck that song was amazing what a classic episode

  11. I Feel Vibratons

    I’ve listened to the song “Perry Knocked Over the Table” about 9 times. It is hilarious, and has a really great beat, really well produced- Rucka Rucka Ali keeps outdoing himself!

    The parts from 38:05 to 38:20 is straight-up masterful.

    I hope Rucka Rucka Ali can make a guest appearance at the live taping of the Big 3 Podcast, in addition to giving a live performance of some of his great songs!

  12. REN

    Why does Don continue to flaunt those beautiful eyes in all his videos? Seriously, put some shades on to cover those things up for the sake of those of us who are trying to maintain heterosexual relationships and find it nigh impossible with such temptation.

  13. REN

    I’m excited by the fight, but I’m a little bit worried about this bout getting sanctioned by the California State Athletic Commission. I don’t think they will have a problem with the Denny’s parking lot as the venue, but there is going to be a problem when they see Perry’s legs. His legs which legally should be registered as deadly weapons are too strong and there is plenty of footage of him leg pressing thousands of pounds. They will argue that the fight will not be competitive.

    I like the idea of holding the event in the sewer. Does anyone have any information on occupancy limits and seating in the sewer below 772 Reseda Boulevard?

  14. REN

    Whenever Perry is negotiating what he would do something for (like jacking off a doG) he says things like “I won’t do that for a billion dollars”, but he clearly has a price that he would do it for. However, he blew a guy for a few SAG vouchers and that seems much more disgusting than a lot of the business proposals he receives. Does this mean that a few SAG vouchers are worth over a billion dollars? I’m not from Hollywood so I don’t understand the business, I just know that Perry will do just about anything for one so they must be incredibly valuable.

  15. REN

    Mark Spitz. Perry Swallows. I can’t wait for the poster.

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