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The Big 3 Update

This Post Has 7 Comments


    i can always use a big three fix

    1. Evan Evan Tutu

      So, so sad . . . I miss the Big 3!

  2. berry parlatello

    BEST KNOWN FOR BLOWING WHO!!! WHO IS IT!!! i guess we will never know who perry blew in that casting agents office back in june 1992 for a part in a el dorado hospital commercial after he got in ”trouble” for chasing down a shanon doeherty look alike on the freeway. i guess some things are best left a mystery.

  3. Jillbert

    Sick keyboards, yo

  4. Lisa J (tranny)

    Oh how I miss when Peary would brag about Randy and the other dudes. Anybody have a number where I can buy a Big 3 Skateboard?

  5. KindaGamey

    i can’t believe you haven’t fixed that pause button reset issue. 🙁

    also, i sent you guys a perry favicon for this page and you never used it. it was a little tiny perry in a fedora. (a favicon is the picture next to the words when you bookmark a page.)

  6. VG

    Parry blew his chance as if it were a casting director with SAG vouchers, it’s too bad because this is the greatest podcast of all time. Not to mention all the people who have to suffer because of the Scam-Master’s sinister ways. What the Huk is surely going out of business without Big 3 Advertising and no people in the greater Los Angeles area won’t know where to go for the finest in Thai cuisine and will end up eating Rigatoni Barbieri.

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