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The Big 3 Update 2

Perry Explains …

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Rick Portman

    Ahh.. So perry supports nambla huh? I knew there was a reason he hangs out in elementary school parking lots..

  2. SMB

    Sorry you guys are gone.

    You are my favorite podcast to listen too.

    Even amongst all of the arguing, I still can fall to sleep easily to your voices even though you all argue so much. Your arguing does not strike me so much as controversial, aggressive or strained, but rather, natural.

    Chaos, my friends, is what makes nature progress.

    If you do not continue on, I wish all three of you very well.



  3. Perry's Ankles

    As a mental snapshot, I can imagine Perry alone in his apt 102, with WCH playing on the tele, the podcast can be heard blaring in the background and Perry is on his semen-flavored couch. Pants @ ankles, staring @ a picture of Beiber’s mugshot, with the fannypack around his neck Perry shots a load on his own chin.

  4. jpmoneypants

    It always seems pathetic when Perry states “I’m alive” when asked what he has going on in life. But considering how unbelievably stupid Perry is, him keeping himself alive is actually quite an accomplishment.

  5. MrDinosaur

    You guys really need to get something going soon so that Perry can get money.
    There’s no way he’s going to be able to keep paying his dues to the Reseda Buyers Club without you, Mr. Barris.

  6. Science.Violence

    Hey who them 3 guys that go in that Comedy Central movie?

  7. Randy Callihan

    Perry, can we meet up for some more hot sex? You suck a mean dick. Remember when I blew my load on your face and some of it got in your eyes? Maybe me and Dmitri Moreland can make you the meat in a manwich.

  8. Need news

    More Big 3 updates! What’s going on? I don’t know!

  9. sloppy head

    I saw Pery on BBC the other day, and i don’t mean the channel

  10. More updates!

    C’mon, no news? I still check here every week hoping. Come on, Perry, do something crazy so Don can update us.

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