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The Big 3 Update 3

This Post Has 34 Comments

  1. MrDinosaur

    I miss my friends…
    My life’s meaningless…




  3. Are there any old wax cylinder recordings of young Paery Carvedilol and Sheba singing a steamy Tennessee and Titteana style duet? Maybe Never Say Never by Romeo Void or something from Paery’s childhood like the Kay Kyser Orchestra?

    Also this hiatus has been really, really hard… We need The Big 3.

  4. Nick (Seattle)

    April… fools?

    1. MOLES WIG

      Posted before April 1, a total joke nonetheless…

  5. Roy Alex Gomez

    great music. but please bring back the big 3!!!!!

  6. Martin Balsam

    unbelievable. i got a boner for NOTHING.

  7. sloppy head

    there is no such thing as getting a boner for nothing 🙂

  8. Dr. BJ Smegma

    dons been smoking too much apple cherry wood tobacco

  9. Ris15

    what the hell Don! stop this madness and get the podcast going already! Im not happy sir, Im not happy!! nope not one bit,,,, As Dog is my witness,,, there are you happy I’ve use the lords name in vane.
    You should be ashamed of your self!

  10. Mike Nunes

    I really miss the big 3, no disrespect to Don his new podcast is great but nothing compares to the big 3, I hope the podcast comes back so I can send a $10 shoutout

    1. HarperLee

      Better shot at 3:05

      1. Martin Balsam

        Holy crap, it’s really him. Faux News loves to use actors as “people.”

  11. Perry's Ankles

    WRH was on Hannity, dicussing Spring Break folly. Did that greasy, scumbag, javahoe ever pay dude that 50 bucks?

  12. Bon Daris

    Wtf did I just listen to?

  13. T sackman


    Stop being a pussy and get the pad cast up again..


  14. Martin Balsam

    Fridays used to be magical.

    1. charlie

      I agree bro!

    1. Martin Balsam


    2. charlie

      oh snap the big 3 is back! thanks don… BIG THREE!!!

  15. T Dot

    F*#$!!! Do I ever miss the podcast… 🙁

    I have been listening to to old Ace podcast episodes. Today I pissed myself listening to Perry (as Wolfman Jack) talking about “rough trade rim jobs” while shilling for ASM Plumbing and Porn….Magic

    1. Martin Balsam

      Then buddy, you should listen to Simply Dan the Padcast #19. You’re in for a treat.

  16. Judo n Slade

    WHAT A WEEKEND!!!!! First was a California horse winning the Derby, then the full slate of Game 7 NBA GAMES, and culminating with THE BIG THREE COMEBACK. Thanks Perry for having the REUNION at the Temple and inviting all of us back to your place for filet tips and Sobe. We don’t get out much but the warden saw that Ja k Nicholson flick and is giving us a field trip. Don’t worry Perr, us guys will be wearing our striped suits to the Worship Hall.

  17. Lisa J (tranny)

    Just shot a 1/4 cup of semen into a turkey baster. Going to find that greasy, javahoe, scumbag at Denny’s and put it on his french fries. Podcast ruining cocksucker.

  18. Lisa J (tranny)

    So Don is fucking Perry again. He’s not letting him promote his SK8boards on the new show. Complete BS.

  19. T Dot

    Loved the reunion podcast. Perry went fucking nuts…and he is NEVER getting out of “The System”.

    I think a great idea for another “Best of..” podcast would be a collection of Perry’s voice mail messages.

  20. Matriculate Faster

    I thought the Big 3 podcast was returning!? Screw Solo Don…The fans want THIS show. Don’t turn Perry into a Ding-Donger.

    1. simplydon

      Thanks for your imput … You make me feel great for working so hard on this Big 3 Podcast

  21. Science and Violence

    But Don never did give nothing to the Javaho Man
    That he didn’t, didn’t already have
    And Cause never was the reason for the evening
    Or the tropic of Randy Callahan
    So please believe in me

    When I say I’m spinning round, round, round, round
    Smoke apple cherry wood tobacco glass stain bright color
    Image going down, down, down, down
    Soapsuds green like bubbles


    how about some few minute combo of perry’s voicemails and naming that semi podcast reunion vol.2
    bless from japan sir don , signor mole & still in the box cavareloo

  23. Nick (Seattle)

    I almost just shit my pants when I realized that today was the return of TB3! Hope they post it soon…

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