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We’ve Returned Again

The Big 3 make their return to the podcast that made the three lads international stars and make the announcement that they will be shooting the un-named Big 3 series that will finish shooting in mid-August where they will invite fans to be part of the FINAL scene the weekend of August 16th. There were a few other announcements were made that a Big 3 Podcast will be taped every other week until that weekend, Simply Don – The Podcast Network Store will be opening very soon & Perry announce that he is going to be Baptized a Javaho Witness when we’re done with the series. check out

This Post Has 37 Comments

  1. Nick (Seattle)

    Yes! Yes! Yes!

  2. Daniel King

    Awesome to hear from Don and Mole again, so professional, I just hope Perry doesn’t fuck it up this time.

  3. Gangles

    This pleases me like nothing else.

  4. YURGI

    Is it too late to get Carson Daly?

  5. brownsfandan

    Ermagherd biiiiiiig 3!!!!!!!!

  6. Imbecile

    Just the other day I was watching Perry film a solo documentary at Costco. Now the band is reunited. Holy shit.

    1. Lisa J (tranny)

      I saw that video. Perry spending that government cheez on filets, pelligrino and other high-priced garbage. He should be made to move to a camp for other greasy, crackhead, scumbags who poach fat-ass disability checks. What a garbage-jacketed piece of shit. People that work full-time and pay their own way don’t eat that well. That modern day, gypsy, homo needs to take that video down. Thanks Don and Mole. Please make Perry get a real job.

  7. Spooky Sammy

    It’s great to see The Big 3 back together even though Perry is more despicable than ever.
    Thank you Don, Mole and Maryjane for the hard work. Perry can go suck a dick (which is his favorite hobby).

  8. Nicole Perez

    Thank you! Great to hear from the Big 3 and can’t wait for August.

  9. Al Hofmann

    Does the day seem brighter? Does the air smell sweeter? Does the day just seem filled with more joy? Must be a new BIG3 Padcast to listen to!

  10. HarperLee

    I just hope Perry doesn’t go back to using the podcast as an excuse to brag about all those times he blew that guy. Or was it just once? He talks about it so much that it gets kind of confusing. Super glad the show is back though!

  11. Nick (Seattle)

    At the 28:50 mark, I think Pairie forgot he was talking to Dan and not Randy.

  12. Edwin J. Sphincter III

    You can take the filthy Javaho gypsy out of the baptism dog piss water, but can’t take the baptism dog piss water out of the filthy Javaho gypsy.

  13. charlie

    Fuck yeah! BIG 3!!!

  14. VG

    Oh thank dog!

  15. Musgrave322

    It is really awesome that the Big 3 are back again, but I would like to let everyone know that I deserve to be out of “THE SYSTEM” more than that pathetic Javahoe POS Gypsy. Perry’s name should be at the lowest it can possibly go because he will never learn from his mistakes and act extremely unprofessional if he gets out.

  16. Michael Nunes

    Welcome back guys we missed you

  17. Martin Balsam

    A huge tub of pasta, a giant cheese pizza, and the Big 3. Fridays are Fridays again. I’m ecstatic.

  18. john c calhoun

    I think that an arbitration with the involved parties should be held at perry’s apartment. perry, tom brennan, don and mole and representatives from the board of the system removal. wasn’t andy dick just appointed to that body? could go along way in getting the slimey javahoe out of the system

  19. REN

    It is disappointing to see that Perry is still a complete hypocrite. He goes on a vicious 15 second attack against the Corvette (the great American sports car), but then gets upset when someone dares make 30 minutes worth of jokes about his religion.

  20. REN

    When listening to a great episode I hate to hear it end, and I especially hate when the episode ends 74 times. Perry will never really walk away. For a guy that worships dogs, it is fitting that Perry is all bark and no bite.

    1. REN

      Is this from the new reality show? I wish people could see this on TV. Fuck Hollywood and it’s system. It seems like once you join the communist party or blow a guy you are on their blacklist.

      “Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist Part and/or blown a dude?”

  21. pollock

    even perry’s lego has cock sucking lips. why does everything turn gay with perry?

  22. Alex

    I think I missed it but what’s the story with Perry being on Parole?

    1. Martin Balsam

      Perry’s been blacklisted in Hollywood and is trying to get out of the system. Brennan showed him the secret blacklist, so now Perry knows he’s stuck in the system until Don gets him out.

      In the meantime, Perry can still work in Hollywood IF he can get on parole like Mel Gibson did. But remember what Mel had to do (and who he had to do it with) to get past the parole board? Perry might decide he doesn’t like being gay after all and follow through with his plan to marry his sister.

  23. T1nmaN

    Sweet feathery Jesus! I can’t wait to listen to this!!!

  24. Puck Ferry

    Haven’t listened yet but please be back full time! My life has been so empty without the Big 3. Perry, teach us the way. Dog bless.

  25. Judo n Slade

    Maybe this time we’ll find out who blew who in 92

  26. Ed Speece

    I am so in love with Mary Jane…

  27. Shorty Longback

    YOU’RE NOT A PART OF IT MOTHER FUCKER! it, being, bible study. Thank dog the Big 3 are back

  28. Puck Ferry

    Can you return again, again already? What has that grease-ball Javahoe been up to??? The people want to know. #ItAin’tQuittin’

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