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Farewell To The Social Media

Perry seems on fire from the minute that he gets to the studio because as everyone finds out later he had a big announcement to make but never gets around to letting his feelings be known and because of that we don’t get to the announcement until the show is nearly over. John Quincy Adams announces his new “Beef Eater” clothing line while making a wise decisions to use The Scaremaster to model the new shorts. Check out

This Post Has 25 Comments

  1. Tim H.

    I feel like this page is missing something….

  2. Daniel King

    Wolfie’s back!

  3. okstateben

    SOOOOOO GLAD the show is back!!!

  4. Al Hofmann

    Nothing makes my day / week like a new padcast!!! Thanks Don

  5. Al Hofmann

    “This is why you’re bleeding from the ass” CLASSIC!! ROFLMAO

  6. Dean Cherry

    This makes me happier than a Javaho with a bone in its mouth.

  7. al jolson

    don, are martin balsam and andy dick still on the counsel for the system? I heard dom moniham had applied fo the counsel. are any of the counsel gay?

  8. Daniel King

    I’ll be honest I’m very concerned about Perry’s rectal bleeding.

  9. T Dot

    Thank Dog!!!

  10. VG

    Thank Dog the Big 3 Podcast is back! Life without it was almost as boring as Vince.

  11. meatsahce

    i think we need more bleeding b holes.. great great ep

  12. Musgrave322

    Tom Brennan and Nick Shadursky better discipline the s**t out of that Javahoe Gypsy really well for closing down his social media networks. This possible incident will be the most unprofessional act Perry has done in the Big 3.

  13. charlie

    mole play gets me everytime haha

  14. j

    so great that you guys are back! BIIIIIIIGGGG 3!

  15. HarperLee

    Don: “Do you have blood in your underwear right now?” Perry: “No”
    Perry got off on a technicality there since we all know he doesn’t wear underwear. I’m sure his beefeater hole was leaking blood (most likely with trace amounts of semen in it) throughout the entire episode.

  16. Chaz Boner

    it’s good to see that the more religious Perry gets, the calmer and kinder he gets. Dog truly is great!

  17. pollock

    i love that beyonce song too. I just wanna dance whenever i hear it. can we get a vine of perry do the dance for this song? i can see him shaking his finger around and doing a dip.
    all the single ladies
    all the single ladies
    all the single ladies
    a put your hands up

    ow ow ow ow ow owow

    if you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it
    if you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it

    ow ow ow ow ow owow

  18. KindaGamey

    So was the “is it safe?” build-up just a joke that never got finished or are you going to give us the punch-line at some point? Maybe I missed it.

    1. simplydon

      Watch the movie “Marathon Man” & you’ll tell me, “Is it safe”

      1. KindaGamey

        Ah thank you. Just watched the “is it safe” scene, horrible. Sorry for my impertinent and uninformed question.

        Check out this list from Wikipedia (Big Three). That’s some list you guys are a part of!

        Big Three is a term used colloquially to refer to the three most prominent entities in any given grouping or subject. It may refer to:

        * The leaders of the three major Allies of World War II: Joseph Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill

        * The leaders of the three major Axis powers of World War II: Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Emperor Hirohito.

        * The three best known science fiction writers: Robert Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, and Arthur C. Clarke

        * The star characters of the cult classic film Windy City Heat and the Big Three Podcast: Don Barris, Walter “Mole” Molinski, and Perry Caravello

  19. REN

    I’m really curious about this Javaho picnic ritual.

    Beneath the trees where nobody sees, you’ll find Caramello down on his knees
    –That’s the way the Javahos have their picnic
    Go back deep, into the bog, you’ll find them worshiping christ-like dogs
    –That’s the way the Javahos have their picnic

  20. Judo n Slade

    Since when was Perry on social media?

  21. Harry Ballzer

    Can you guys just kill perry?…

  22. carcassonne johnny

    Brillant,world class tard-bating guys.I nearly wet myself a few times.Do,please,come to France,you could send the “stronzo” to Italy to learn some real greaseball ways.The Beefeater shorts will sell well in Italy too.Merci very much to you all.

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