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Pool Party?

If Perry keeps feeling the way that he’s feeling now it doesn’t look like there is going to be a August 16th Pool Party & it doesn’t look like the eight fans that won a trip to stay in Perry’s apartment the five days they were in town either. It seems that the door for these two parties in mid-August aren’t completely over as of yet because Perry is very wishy-washy if he was sincere or not when talking about them during this podcast, but you be the judge. Want more

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  1. Simply Dan

    BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG 3!!! Fuck Perry and his dog cult.

  2. carcassonne johnny

    One of the disadvantages of living in southern france is that it is just so far from 7722 Reseda Blvd.Damb,I would love to go to a 3 day freak-out rave party at the scaremaster’s.I hope you guys trash the place.Enjoy.

  3. carcassonne johnny

    Dear Don and Mole.I just listened again because Perry was very unclear about how many of us are invited to his place for the rave-party.Like many people,I’m kinda broke at the mo,but I have a hacker friend who says he will buy all the plane tickets from Carcassonne to L.A. and back. Please can you give me Perry’s bank details and his social security number.ASAP.And don’t worry,we will fly tourist class,not 1st.
    Thanks in advance.Johnny.

  4. pollock

    i would say that perrance’s headache came from the top of his head repeatedly knocking into his headboard on his bed while he was biting a pillow and receiving the hot beef injection in his ass by a guy wearing a tom cruise mask.

  5. Daniel King

    Oh hell yeah I’m going to be at the pool all day in my Speedo!

    The pool at 7722 Reseda Blvd I mean.

  6. al jolson

    maybe we could have the “system” council members at the pool party. pervy must realize a little schmoozing goes a long way with council.

  7. WERX

    LONG LIVE THE BIG 3 !!!!!! Great Show! Replay tonight a 11pm eastern.

  8. VG

    God damn do I love the Big 3 Podcast/Project. Despite Parry’s unending bragging about the Randy Callahandjob, Don & Mole & Maryjane make it all worthwhile!

  9. Musgrave322

    A message to all Big 3 Fans…

    You need to convince Don Barris to have Perry miss the parole meeting to get out of “The System”. If Perry gets out, every celebrities will die a gruesome murder and every dog will turn into a Javahoe greaseball. If Perry is so “DESPERATE” to get out of “The System”, he can do it by doing the one thing he does best….. Blowing dudes and Sucking Dicks.

  10. MrDinosaur

    Did Michael Jackson write that “just stop doggin’ me around” song when he realized how retarded the Javahos are and left them?

  11. REN

    Why does Perry always put his religion before Don and Mole? Doesn’t he follow the code of java-bros before java-hos?

  12. Roy Alex Gomez

    is it me or is perry kinda sexy when he’s angry?

    1. Truth

      Just you perry suck dick

  13. REN

    Perry is really reaching in his attempt to sabotage the sleepover and shirk his responsibilities. It is clearly stated in the contest rules (Paragraph 2 of Section 312) that this is a BYOFM (Bring Your Own Filet Mignon) event.

    They need to figure this out quickly so that out of town people can handle accommodations. Just a tip, it is actually cheaper to rent an apartment in Perry’s shit-hole apartment complex for a month then it is to rent a hotel room for a few days.

  14. carcassonne johnny

    Hi folks,can you help me? Don says Perry was into Namblo(sp?)I have no idea what that means,can anyone help? Thanks.
    On another note,what chance “Il Stronzo” would win the angriest Javaho in the world prize? My God,that is one dangerously angry Javaho.I would be scared he would bite my cock off,not just suck it.

    1. officialNAMBLArecruiter

      Just go to and register for our monthly newsletter. We’re just a bunch of dudes fighting for freedom.

    2. REN

      You are probably more familiar with the SFMBLA (Southern France Man Boy Love Association).

  15. T sackman

    EPIC fucking JQA….song…I keep listening to it, over and over…

  16. T sackman

    “Dont stop,…beef eating…”

  17. Wendy

    You can lead a Javahorse to water, but you can’t make him bathe.

  18. HarperLee

    At about 9:40 Perry mentions that he would host a “Rainbow Party”? I wonder what shade of lipstick he’s planning on wearing

  19. T Dot

    I really wish Perry would get off the fence and just make a damn decision regarding the pool party.

  20. Lyle

    These podcasts are the best things in my life. If perry fucks up the pilot pool party there’s a special place for him in javahell.

  21. Gene Novak

    Anything planned for Perry and Randy’s anniversary yet? It’s coming up soon. Never forget!

  22. KillPierreKill

    What was that song playing in the background when Don made an announcement about the Big 3 fan club? I really dig it. And btw another classic episode. BIIIIIIG 3!!!! Ew eww ewwww!!!

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