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The Best Man

Everyone is getting ready for the big “Wedding Weekend” that starts the day that this podcast is released and it is also the day that “Expendables 3” is released, a day Don has been waiting for for months but that excitement is quickly squashed when Perry admits to illegally selling copies of that film. During his weekly call into the show, JQA admits to something that could put a real strain on his upcoming marriage to Tom Brennan

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This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. Luke

    First Comment! Super excited about the wedding! Quick question though, is this going to be a traditional Javahoe wedding? and will we be allowed to bring our dogs to the ceremony?

  2. Daniel King

    Don and Mole are the best!!!

    Perry… not so much.

  3. Edwin J. Sphincter III

    I don’t want it to end… sniff.

    Thanks for nothing you Javaho gypsy.

    Thank you for everything Don, Mole, MaryJane, Tom, Nicole and even Vince.

  4. Daniel King

    My compliments to Perry he was very professional in this episode. Never lost his temper once.

  5. REN

    We need to step up and support the Big 3 paadcast. Would a subscription model be viable? I would gladly pay 99 cents for a weekly episode.

    For those not on board, look at it this way. Wouldn’t you rather have the show and choose to support the creators willingly or not have the show and support Perry through your tax dollars after he loses his one distraction from devising schemes to defraud the government?

    We must keep Perry occupied and minimize the threat he poses to us all. It is as the old Javaho proverb goes, “Idle hands are the Devil Dog’s tools.”

  6. Fred Frenzel

    I’d like to sincerely apologize for the length of my $10 Shout Out. I felt terrible about it. It was the dark spot on the lung of an otherwise outstanding podcast! Seriously, one of the best. Perry’s epic freak-out over JQA’s call was one for the books. Books like the ones I write.

    Have a great Wedding Weekend! I shall be with you in spirit.

  7. HarperLee

    If this podcast ends I’m going to kill myself!!! OOOOOH OOOOOH!!! Not really, I’m just a lying, selfish, inconsiderate ass-hole who’s only concerned with his own shitty life…… Not really there either, but that revelation of Perry admitting that he makes threats of suicide just to get his way blew me away by how low he can go. It makes me doubt his claims of being suicidal after he raped Randy Callahan. I kind of doubt that he ever disliked the whole thing at all now. Plus the whole Expendables 3 lie? That’s sick, man

  8. Mike Majestic the magic man

    Talking about paying for episodes id pay almost anything for an every other week episode.. this show is soo fucking consistent and endlessly flawless.. i can listen to episodes over and over each time finding new things to laugh till i cry.. the newer episodes are achieving some kind of undefinable greatness i try to explain all of it to people that i like and it is soo complicated haha its amazing they can keep everything going or at least have till recently..i hope we get some new ones even if its only like one a month or longer cause these guys are soo damn smart and hysterical it really is incredible.. this episode was perfect thank you big 3 you were and will always be the best..

    oh and perrys ok

  9. REN

    What do we need to do to save this thing? It is like when a TV show is canceled prematurely without a chance to wrap it up.

    There are so many unanswered questions. Who blew who? What is the finest brand of tobacco; apple cherry wood or cherry apply wood? Was Perry’s accident caused by the Javaho tendency to hang your head out the window while driving? How many people has the Scaremaster killed? Will Perry ever be reunited with his daughter and then become sexually inappropriate towards her?

  10. Martin Balsam

    when quincy said “thoughts,” i think i pooed myself. so brilliant.

  11. REN

    The end of the Big 3. The end of Friday Night Comedy. We need to end Perry.

    Just think of what happens if Perry finally gets baptized in the kiddie pool at the temple and becomes a purebred Javaho. He will be lost to what influence we have over him for good. And what of the bitch he will marry and who will have his litter? By my estimation that is one life ruined along countless more to follow as a pack of angry Javaho pups are unleashed on the world all hopped up on crack with pockets flush from government handouts.

  12. Carcassonne Johnny

    Its August 17th.Ive just driven over the pyrenees mountains from Spain back to France.It was truly spectacual.Still I would rather have been at Perry’s Pool Party.So to all you lucky guys who are there,Enjoy,party-on and trash the dump for me,it may be the last chance you get,so go for it.X-Project his pad guys.Peace and Love.AOOOOMMMMMMM.


    Hey Big three why don’t you record and upload your conversations on youtube or on this website it would be much better than just to listen to it

  14. carcassonne johnny

    Hey Perry,you dumb Cocksucker.Do you realise that by your calculation,in 8 years time you will be 95 years old.(and I don’t mean dog years)You truly are one dumb SOAB.

  15. eddie torres

    Best MJ glam pose ever!!! Sooo sultry! Thanks for the grafix, AL Hoffman!

  16. Joe

    Is there ever going to be video of this? Like with the chilly cookoff?

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