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Invest in Moleventions

Mole is back from a whirlwind experience in Rio. The guys also contemplate recording another cooking show, and get down and dirty during Guy Talk.

Show Summary

After last week’s confusion, Mole is back from his trip to Rio and tells the guys what happened to him. They also get an update on the latest legal woes from the Mole Play Home Game, and Perry is upset he may get sued as well.

Later the guys attempt a round of $10 shout outs, and get into an argument over how the money is being split. Perry also gives his plugs for 60 seconds, and Mole talks about some of the other Moleventions on the horizon. During the discussion, Perry has a heart to heart with Mole about why he won’t help out with his snowboards.

Before this week’s Guy Talk, Perry wants to know the plot of Bean Town Heat, and Don breaks down what the opening scene will be like. They also find out more about the situation with Carrie, and even act out a couple conversations during a round of Mole Play. As the show wraps up, Mole explains the origins of Easter, and Perry reveals his frustrations during Perry’s Corner.

If you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood.  Every Monday @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the place where The Big 3 got their start!

Add the guys on Facebook, and don’t forget, get the cult classic film, Windy City Heat to really get a feel of what’s going on here!

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Show Credits

Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Brian Meyer
Big 3 Production Manager: Mary Jane Green
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Web Engineering: Sandy Ganz

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This Post Has 33 Comments

  1. Chilling Charlie of Chilling Charlie's Skateboard Company

    I just purchased $3,000 worth of Don Blockers for my home, my office, my family, and my friends. These things are fucking great. Never again will I lay awake at night, thinking about the sweat rings that will inevitably be left on my tables the next day. Thank you, Don Barris, and thank you, Molinski Investments.

  2. Gene



    “….2 black kids. i’m not getting involved.” hahahaaaaaaaaa

  4. Leo Schefe

    aw snap, son! you look dumb.

    1. Dr. P from

      I never thought I’d see my 15 minutes of fame. And to top it off it came in the form of a Big Three shout out? I can’t believe my luck! Hope Mole likes my invention of a gun that looks like a briefcase!

  5. Craig Baxter

    Ohh Ooooh OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ROLEPLAY BETWEEN DON AND PERRY WAS …oooohhh ooooh oooooOOOOOOHHHHHH!! MORE MORE MORE! i like when perry touched dons nipples.

    1. Baskin Robin Williams

      Got to get it Don Perignon, man date Don Perignon. With feathers. I’d pay to see that.

  6. Nick (Seattle)

    Oh thank god mole is still alive. Was definitely worried after what happened last week. Can’t trust those brazilians. The Professioneck does seem like a decent idea, but you guys need to hire an ad agency with a better copywriter. There’s at least one grammatical error that I could point out in that advertisement (then should be than) and this type of thing looks unprofessional (a bit ironic). Just letting you know since I want to see mole’s business succeed! Biiiiiiiiiig 3!

  7. Dr. P from

    Here’s my Molevention: [IMG][/IMG]

    1. Baskin Robin Williams

      Well you know, here in the Boston Area, there was a mall shutdown because someone had an umbrella that looked like a gun.

      What a great idea! A mall-shooting gun shaped like an umbrella.

      1. Dr. P from

        Hell yeah! I think a good slogan would be “Guns don’t kill people in the mall, Gunbrellas do!”

        1. Baskin Robin Williams

          I have another idea: when I first read the title, I thought to myself “Molest in incestation? Huh? That’s weird.” But it was just my eyes working funny.

          Anyway, there must be a market, because incest is incestuous like cupcakes. It’s everywhere.

  8. Baskin Robin Williams

    I haven’t listened to the show yet, because I don’t want to ruin it, but could you do entire sing along show to Journey’s Escape album? Dressed as ladies?


  9. Baskin Robin Williams

    “an entire”, I meant. I fart posted, or post-farted. Dearly post-farted. Sorry. Asses to asses, douche to douche.

    1. Baskin Robin Williams

      Dressed as ladies though, I want to emphasize, tough ladies wearing cow bells. That’s essential, it won’t work otherwise.

      Helga and Gertrude carry the show, while Perry as “Herr Lemon Squeezer” plays an apprentice cheesemaker who muddles his curds.

  10. Mike

    Perry’s unprofessionalism and racism is the worst. I hope he meets his violent end at the hands of Colonel Machete Bubbalicious.

  11. Danny Dick Dong

    I think you guys should make a Randy Calihandjob sex game to distract everyone from the MolePlay the Home game fiascho

    1. Alex

      You owe Parry $5 now. Pay up.

      1. Danny Dick Dong

        Didn’t sign that contract fooligan.

    2. Danny Dick Dong

      Let me know if you guys want to invest in this Moleventions and I can halp u gais

    3. John Blocker

      Randy Calihandjob Sex Game…that’s rich. Did Mole send u money yet?

  12. Gaylord Focker

    Awesome podcast. I was laughing out loud at “Bowers, Coast or Fisher”. Simply brilliant stuff.

    1. smoov

      Great idea

  13. Perry's balls

    We are made of 100% Canadian rock maple.

  14. Roy Roundtree

    i thought the Lord was my path to Heaven but i have Awakened! This podcast is my stairway to heaven!!!!!

  15. Ning Kumpu Pu

    Don’t make fun of the Polar Bears. Imagine your first day at Polar Bear school. Yeah, not so funny, huh?

  16. Harry Ceword

    Superman Ghostbusters and Machete Bubblelicious kidnapped Mole!!
    Only Big Tex can save him now!

  17. PussyFangsFuzzySpider

    Where’s the show? The show must go on, and on, and even more on.

    Please don’t say you’re cancelled. Not without my daughter.

  18. Unleashed Fury

    Here it is Friday night again, and like every Friday night I’m refreshing the page every 30 seconds waiting for a new Big 3 podcast.

    Damn you Big 3 for making the greatest show EVER!

  19. John Blocker

    Does anyone know if Randy Callahan ever ate Perry’s ass, or vice versa?

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