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Screams & Yells From The Scaremaster

This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Musgrave322

    We’re all so sad that the Big 3 has to go away, but it would be really interesting to find out what will happen to Perry since he is living his life out of “THE SYSTEM”.

  2. REN

    Perry is now free to make “Angel City Heat”. I’ve read the script and in it Stone Fury goes undercover as an actor to infiltrate a gang of homosexuals and find himself getting into a bit of “trouble” that he gets out of in a way only Stone could.

    1. REN

      *SPOILER ALERT* he blows a bunch of dudes

  3. Mike Majestic the magic man

    man even having best of episodes makes my entire week thanks! GO DOG! BIGGGG 3 my earrrrrrs!!!

  4. carcassonne johnny

    my dog,dat der javaho don’t half do some screaming.what an asswipe.

  5. REN

    Guys, I need a little support, and I don’t know who else to turn to. Last night was rough, and this episode brought up a lot of memories. In truth, I haven’t had a good Friday night since the king of Friday night comedy abdicated his throne.

  6. REN

    I try to be fair minded and defend Perry when I think he is right, and that got me to thinking that the story of Perry destroying the Big 3 is a little too convenient and neat. Naturally blame is going to fall on a javaho gypsy that turns everything he touches to shit, and who is going to suspect Ole Blue Eyes, Dan Barney? He is not without his motives, and he edits the episodes to make Perry appear in a negative light. How do we know that Dan doesn’t take Perry calmly and intelligently answering a question and manipulate the audio (the technique is known as “computer audio graphing”) to make him seen like an unintelligible idiot.

    As for possible motives, Dan has always been jealous of Perry’s star power and the special relationship he has with Mole.

  7. Mazz

    This is the BEST of the best of episodes!! I’ve been waiting for a compilation of all his scream flip outs! The best part of the show is his high pitch screams!!

  8. al jolson

    please don. how bout 1.99 per week for subscribers for a new podcast each week. you can keep it from perry. give the aninmal a couple bucks per week to keep him coming. he’ll never know. the project MUST continue.

    1. Judo n Slade

      You’re not gonna keep it alive for 8 bits,Nelson. How about at least a 10 spot. Me fears no amount is big enough to compensate for the grief Perry gives ‘The Danald.’

  9. Daniel King

    Why is Perry so unprofessional?

    1. Wade

      Are you Australian?

  10. ToeTagTeaBag

    One of the things i ask for from the big 3 podcast is the screams of the javaho, this episode truely delivers that

  11. MF

    Have to compliment whomever does the computer graphs for the big three. This one especially cracks me up whenever I look at it. The similarities with Perry and the chimp are eerie!!!

  12. Randy C.

    This is the Big 3’s cumshot compilation.

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