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Best Of Big 3 Volume XVII

This Post Has 14 Comments

    1. Martin Balsam

      Who would down-vote this???

  1. Parkdale Massive

    Biiiiiiig three!!! Thanks for the pad cast. I think I listened to ‘Screams of the Scaremaster’ about 900 times!

    One a side note, Did Leeds Mattress go out of business?

    1. Martin Balsam

      i think leeds mattress tanked! i can’t find an open store anywhere; none of the numbers work, and nobody seems to know what happened. craziest thing, it’s like the guy never existed.

      now i’m worried about the ‘you’re killing me, larry’ guy.

  2. HarperLee

    You’re a good man, Don Barris! I’ve got to get to work tracking down my favorite episodes now, seems like a good task to take on this weekend 😀

  3. REN

    Can you really consider anything that Perry is involved in a “Best Of”? Sure, some moments are better than others, but it just seems indecent to not call it a “Worst Of”.

  4. B3FAN

    I gave $100 for the fund anything..thing. iM STILL WAITING FOR MY PACKAGE. did anyone receive anything?

    1. simplydon

      We’ve taken the money we’ve raised from the FundAnything and put towards completing our pilot or Big 3 Project that we’ve been working on … We still are trying to get the project edited, when that is done you will receive what we told you that you’d get … Thanks for the additional pressure!

    2. REN

      I’m contributed $1, and I’m still waiting on Perry to suck my package. What happened? Did he raise his rate to $2 and not notify everyone?

  5. REN

    Did anyone else notice that Perry was off key when singing harmony during their performance of “Windy City Heat Musical” song? Perry is great singing in the studio with a arsenal of “computer audio graphing” production tools backing him up, but he can’t pull it off live.

    1. Buddy

      But you should really consider joining FB because there is a ton of cool pictures and videos on there of the Big 3.

  6. Daniel King

    Why is Perry so unprofessional and always interrupting the songs?

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