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Best Of Big 3 Volume XIX

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. REN

    The dissolution of the Big 3 is our generations breakup of the Beatles. There is no single cause or member responsible. As each member became focused on their solo projects their relationships suffered. Dan has the “Ding Dong Show” and his driving need to create a new superstar on the level of a “Perry Caramellow” to prove he isn’t a one hit wonder. Mole has sold out (or bought in) to the business world and is selling corvettes. Perry is following his dream to become a movie star, and now that he is out of the system the only thing preventing that was his commitment to the Big 3 along with a lack of talent and general repulsiveness.

  2. REN

    Perry is extremely boastful regarding his cum sucking skills often comparing himself to a vacuum. I’m sure he’s had a lot of practice in the peep booths around Reseda, and I want to believe him, but just comes off as braggadocio when he makes these claims.

    1. REN

      Who is this “Salvatore Sebergandio” fellow? I just sampled some of his oeuvre, and my first impression is that he is a combination of prolific and awful, and that he is the worst at what he does.

      1. eddie torres

        I think Slavator owns a VCR shop and editing deck. He might be connected to MacLeod Tech Services. There can be only one!

  3. Tim

    Does anyone have the Perry Blue Iris pictures?

  4. Al Hoffman

    Perry will be looking for another casting director to drop to his knees in front of by the time I’m done typing this. “CAREER’S OVER!!!!!!”

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