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Best Of Big 3 Volume XXI

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Chaud Karl

    Get to the part where you…

  2. Seth

    Big three reality show!!!! Yes yes yes

  3. Martin Balsam

    And thus begins my fortnight.

    Thank you Don and Mary Jane for keeping this alive. Much love to you both.


    Hey Big Fella,thanks for all the hard work.
    Just to let you know,your Javaho buddy hasn’t changed a bit,I sent him a nice email and he banned me from all his sites and swore at me.
    What I said was,,,

    Hi Perry,I heard that since you are not getting any more money from the 10 Dollar shout-outs that you have been blowing guys in the men’s room at the Reseda Denny’s for 10 dollars a go.Is this true,and if so,what time of day are you working the place?? I have a couple of pals so you could make an easy 30 bucks. Hoping you are keeping well.Bye for now. J.

    Piece of shit stronzo banned me.I was just trying to help him out.I mean,what did I do?
    As they say in polite circles in Newfoundland ,fuck him,johnny

  5. REN

    The Scaremaster is a sexual predator. Women, children, and casting directors across the world will breath a collective sigh of relief once he is finally neutered as part of the Javaho confirmation ceremony.

  6. REN

    I had to pause the episode so that I could pre-order a copy of Scaremaster’s upcoming book “The San Fernando Valley Whores Plus the Orange County Whores” on I recommend the hardcover edition as a great coffee table book.

    He got his best friend to give a blurb for the cover.
    “For guys that love chicks that used to be dudes and are still almost dudes!” – Walter Molininski

  7. carcassonne johnny

    Hello everyone.As I already said,the Stronzo banned me from his websites because I sent him a nice email.So I thought it might be nice to send him some postcards instead.It will be good to stay in touch with him and also his postman and complex manager will be left in no doubt about his sexuality.So,Folks,I ask you,lets show some solidarity and send the stairmaster postcards from all points of the globe.It is a good thing to keep the postal system working.And he might even start stamp collecting.

    1. REN

      I don’t recommend any of your attempts to harass Perrie. It may be fun for you, but we have to deal with him. I liken it to poking a hornet’s nest with a stick…if that nest was full of hornets that when disturbed attack women both verbally and physically, scream homophobic slurs at the top of their lungs, and intentionally harm themselves in order to get assistance from the government.

      1. carcassonne johnny

        Ordinarily,I would agree,but it’s Perry,so fuck him.

        1. Martin Balsam

          with all due respect, bro, let the professionals do their work. we — including perrance — all get more out of it that way.

          1. REN

            If you really want to mess with Perry you should consider proper training so that you can do it safely. Don Barness teaches a course at the Learning Annex in West Hollywood titled “How to Fuck With Perry Carajello for Fun and Profit”.

            Some of the topics include “Vaccinations and treatments for common Javaho diseases”, “Clothing to protect against bites and projectile saliva”, and “How to have a conversation without really existing”.

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