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Best Of Big 3 Volume XXII

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  1. Judo n Slade

    Now that the details about Coz’s past have come out, I imagine it’s anyone’s guess when word of the Italian Scallion’s own unwanted drug-induced dalliances with his boys at the Reseda’s Denny’s and the Bow will also come to light?

    1. REN

      The odds are pretty good that Perry was another victim of the Cos. They both ran in the same Hollywood circles. Picture it, Perry as a young ingenue starting out in the business and who would do anything to get ahead; including wearing a provocative fanny pack and fedora combination that drove men wild. And while I hate to blame the victim, Perry is fucking magnet when it comes to attracting man on man rape.

  2. REN

    Why do good girls like Sheeba always fall for the bad boys like Perry? Is it his devil-may-care attitude towards life (which applies to all aspects of it including hygiene and gainful employment)?

    Even in a description of her that included the terms “she male” and “drug addict” I still couldn’t help feeling she was out of Perry’s league.

  3. REN

    I’ve never seen anyone deny their own homosexuality less than Perry, in fact, I can’t recall a single instance of him denying that he was gay. Apart from his lack of a denial, all of his actions seem intended to entice homosexuals to accost him.

    Perry could learn from the way I conduct myself. The first thing I do upon waking in the morning is reaffirm my commitment to heterosexuality. I then open the front door of my house and scream “I am not gay” at the top of my lungs. I’m always careful to pepper any conversations I have with racial slurs lest anyone get the wrong idea.

  4. Alex

    So, what ever happened to the reality show pilot?

    1. REN

      Rome wasn’t built in a day. Creating the greatest reality show pilot ever takes time. I’m no Don Barness apologist as I’m firmly on Team Perry, but I do believe that he is hard at work crafting his magnum opus.

      1. Judo n Slade

        Cmon people! Don has better things to do than send out the special crap he promised all of us who contributed a hundred dollars to the fund anything account for the project! OK, so it was months, maybe even years ago,that promises were made and hands were shaken. DAMN IT-HE’LL GET TO IT WHEN AND IF HE EVER GETS TO IT!!!

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