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Best Of Big 3 Volume XXIII

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Seth

    Glug Glug Glug is what happened when Randy finished into perrys mouth. then randy said in a humorously gay way whilst looking lovingly down into Perry’s eyes, ” You did great Tiger.” Perry who has long suffered from chronic knee pain and having achieved his goal got up,,, and cleaned randy off…

  2. Tandy Flanigann

    I miss the big 3….I want them back, and I want to see them pummel Kara-smello unmercifully….Perry is just a complete and utter failure. What is most amazing to listen to, is how perry continues in his delusions….wow…

  3. REN

    I just bought a slightly used banana hammock bikini that I want to look good in so I’m looking to shed a few pounds before summer. Does anyone know if you can have carbs on the HN diet?

  4. REN

    It’s good to look back to the past for some hilarity, but it is hard for me to laugh when I don’t know if Perry is OK. I would like some updates about how he is doing while the Big 3 is on hiatus. Has he been keeping up with his scamming of the government enough to pay his rent at **** ******** ********? Has he been able to avoid opportunistic casting directors seeking to prey on his naïvety? Has he been torn apart by a roaming pack of rabid Javahos while at a religious retreat? And most importantly, is he getting enough pie?

  5. REN

    I can’t figure out where to post on the Simply Don podcast, and I don’t know if Don looks at these posts, but I would like to post a few complains about the store.

    1) I would like a larger variety of Big 3 shirt designs.
    2) How about a shirt that isn’t black? When I think Perry Carevelly I think pink, but I’d settle for white.
    3) Why are the DRPs always on back order? I understand they are popular and that you only carry the highest quality date rape confections, but this is really starting to cut into my man raping.

      1. REN

        There is a fake store which is used to trick all of the fake fans that are only into the Big 3 because of Perry’s status as a movie star. I shouldn’t even be saying this since their could be Javahos listening, and they have really sensitive hearing, but the store for the true fans is at

  6. QuoteMakingAtheist

    In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god’s blessing. But because, I am enlightened by new podcast-age.

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