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Best Of Big 3 Volume XXVI

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Java-no

    Are you trolling us, Dan?!?!?!

  2. REN

    Thank you Don Barness for taking time out of your life of hobnobbing with Hollywood (west) big-shots to post a new episode. There is no one I would trust more as the curator of Perry’s legacy.

  3. REN

    I’ve been commissioned by a British millionaire, who wishes to remain anonymous, to write an unauthorized biography of Perrance Carafellow. In my research I’ve come across some gaps in the time line that I’m hoping some Caravellow historians can help me fill in.

    Here is what I have so far.
    1977 – A young Caramellow pioneers the fedora look
    1992 – He blows a dude

    1. Carcassonne Johnny

      Hi REN. Just a couple of things.We tend to use the European spelling of the family name;therefore he is Perrance Karamelli,at least here in the old world.
      The other thing is,I feel it would be more accurate to say 1992- blows his first dude.Then from around 1995 till the present time,works the Denny’s Mens’room on a regular basis.(I believe this is a done partly for pleasure and partly to boost his fake disability scheme income).
      He has banned me from emailing him,but I like to stay in touch by sending him tastefull picture postcards,to keep his morale up. Ciao.Johnny.

  4. Carcassonne Johnny

    Hey Folks. I just called the reception at the Villa La Paloma condo complex to see if they had any empty apartments.There will be a refurbished studio coming up on the ground floor from April 15.
    So if any of you real fans want to be a R/T Perry neighbor ,it can be done for a mere 1,200$ a month rent plus the usual charges. Fuck it,if I didn’t live 8,000 miles away,I would be in there.OOO OOO OOOOOOO.


    1. REN

      As a true fan I am going to wait until Apt. 101 or 103 become available.

      How in the world does Perry afford $1,200 a month rent? Oh right, he scams the government. Rent is high in the area because Reseda, CA is known as the chili cook-off capitol of the United States.

  5. Carcassonne Johnny

    Don’t spose any of you fans have an up to date phone number for the scaremaster?????

    1. al jolson

      somebody needs to check the bathroom walls at dennys to see perrys number is up there soliciting blow jobs

      1. REN

        Perry gets most of his clients through word-of-mouth advertising. The words being “if you want some guy to put his mouth your dick there is no better place than the Denny’s restroom in Reseda.”.

  6. Sam

    Auditions was my #1 by a long way.

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