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Best Of Big 3 Volume XXVII

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. REN

    Perry being a litigious person, you would think that he would be more heedful when talking about others in a public forum.

    If I was his brother, and noted all-around good guy, Brian LaBronte I would have Peary charged with 387 counts of libel and 1 count of being gay.

    1. VG

      Would Parry put his hand on Javahoe Gypsy Bible and testify under oath about the Randy Callahan incident before the statute of limitations runs out?

  2. Judo n Slade

    When first reading the title of this episode I said Dons really scraping the bottom of the mattress , But then Neal starts ripping Berry a new one that is later invaded by those Palm Springs auto mechanics and I see the genius called Don a areas. 2 queries: how did Neal lose his business a- was it when Berry spent the night in the store and enuresis over every last bed? And what about Neal’s teardrop?

  3. REN

    Has Neil Leeds ever listened to the show before? If he did he would know that Guy Talk is not about a plausible sexual encounter but is instead about telling a ludicrous story in a attempt to throw people off the trail of gay suspicion.

    One curious thing about Perry is that even in his fantasies he ends up paying for it. There must be something in his subconscious working against him and trying to out him.

  4. REN

    Patricia Caravelli: “I didn’t blow Randy Callahan either, he sucked my dick, then he went to jail after a raping a 12 year old bastard.”

    That statement says so much about Perry’s character. He is primarily self-interested and starts off minimizing his role in a gay encounter. He thinks he is intelligent and that making a minor distinction about the event somehow changes the nature of it. In his jealousy he defends Randy Callahan and attacks his young victim who Perry considers his competition for Randy’s love.

  5. mydarkpassenger

    I know that Neil Leeds is considered a nice guy but he is terrible everytime I hear him. I don’t know why he wants to have anything with the Big 3 he doesn’t seem like he even gets the show.

  6. Bobcat's Beret

    Neal Leeds is a genuine spirit. If I was in LA,I’d do business with him. Bravo! Glad he is a friend to the Big 3. Thanks for bringing him back.

    Biiig Threeee!

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