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Best Of Big 3 Volume XXIX

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. Martin Balsam

    i’ve been refreshing every thirty seconds for the last sixteen hours. i’m like a kid in a candy store, except that i’m pretty drunk and i can’t eat candy because i’m diabetic.

  2. BillPullman69ALLtheTIME

    Thank God that Don was finally able to fix it after that reckless asshole Vince fucked it all up. God I fucking hate him.

  3. MoleFan


    Thanks Don, Maryjane, Mole and Perry!

  4. MoleFan

    This episode ties up a few things about JQA and the Perry Project I’ve wondered for a long time.

    But it also raises some new questions. For instance, did Perry give Randy Callahan a blowjob? Why does he hate America? And why did he kill Nathaniel?

  5. Mike Majestic the magic man

    Holy shit! this was fucking amazing! the Andy Dick part might have been my favorite but its so hard to choose! thank you Don and MJ and anyone else that had to do with the putting together of this ep or any of the best of’s they’ve been a real treat for the fans!

  6. al jolson

    “its a dusty shithole” dusty shithole is my favorite female wrestler. this made me crack the fuck up

  7. Al Hofmann

    I feel like a 5 year old on xmas morning everytime there’s new unheard before Big 3, Thank you Santa, I mean Don!!

  8. REN

    I think Perry should be given due credit for his effort in answering the rhetorical question “Who do I have to blow to get a ______ around here?”. I once thought of that as merely a figure of speech, but now know it has practical applications. I know exactly who I have to blow to get a SAG voucher.

  9. REN

    Why does that greedy gypsy prick keep harassing Don about being paid to podcast? Doesn’t he know that if he makes money it will reduce his government benefits?

    The IRS should look into Perry’s finances. Why does a businessman that runs a multi-hundred dollar skateboard empire receive government assistance? Why does he feel that the taxpayers should fund his lavish one bedroom apartment at Villa Poloma Estates? Perhaps there is some undeclared income from 10 dollar shout outs and winnings from trivia contests that would interest them.

    1. Judo n Slade

      Don’t forget the mega corporation Perry runs out of the trunk of his car. I know he sells t shirts made by some poor children in Bangladesh and then charges us a jacked up price. Someone should check why the visible part of that trunk is so shallow! What are hiding under those shirts Perry.?

    2. REN

      As an entrepreneur Perry understands the importance of having diversified income streams in addition to scamming the government. One of those streams is suing anyone for anything in court. I do hope his accountant has explained that judgments awarded must be claimed as income.

      There are some bright spots in his tax situation. Starting this year the IRS is allowing money spent on bad rap lyrics as a write-off.

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