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Best Of Big 3 Volume XXX

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. REN

    Was Perry auditioning for Tim Burton’s remake of Planet of the Apes? If it comes out that Tim Burton was considering an actor who was in the system at the time it would hurt his reputation. In fact, it could be even more damaging to his career than making a bunch of shitty remakes and casting Johnny Depp in every single movie.

    1. Mazzbot

      This full episode did not fully download. It stops after the first phonecall. But it is awesome!!!

  2. Scary fairy

    Great episode from what I heard but it gets cut off after the first thirteen minutes. Need more big 3!!!!

  3. Judo n Slade

    Fell off the chair hearing Perry imitate an ape for 10 minutes. He has to be the missing link between Cro-Magnon man and Neanderthal man! Always looked like it and now sounds like it too.Enen back then a young JQAS had his number,if you know what I mean!

    1. REN

      I think a lot of people fail to appreciate the level of craft that Perry has attained as an actor. He brought the facet of the ape being homophobic to the role. That wasn’t in the script.

      Neither was the back story he created for the character of the ape being a heretic because he refused to acknowledge the one true ape god and instead worshiped a dog.

  4. Roy Alex Gomez

    I really believed Perry’s impression of a homosexual gypsy ape.

  5. Judo n Slade

    Laughed out loud when Perry had to ‘check his schedule’ to meet JQA. Perry’s schedule for the next year could fit on his smallest toe nail.

  6. REN

    Those magic meta moments…

    My favorite part comes after a length discussion over Don’s gambling debt Perry is unable to grasp the momentousness of the occasion.

    JQA: Don owes me one hundred thousand dollars.
    Perry: One hundred dollars?
    JQA (in serious tone): Am I wasting my time talking to you?

    That could be the title of the Big 3 book. “Am I Wasting my Time Talking to You? – The Journey of a Javaho Gypsy in Hollywood”.

  7. Martin Balsam

    perry’s loyalty to don on the wager was both surprising and heartwarming. most anybody would have a hard time balking at $30k, but perry did.

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