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Jimmy Kimmel security guard Uncle Frank is on hand to help Don & Perry solve the mystery of Mole’s disappearance.

Show Summary

Don’s a little emotional at the top of the show today. Coupled with a voicemail from John Quincy Adams and a ransom note, Don and Perry learn that Mole has been kidnapped by Brazilians. Luckily Uncle Frank is in studio, and he helps lend his knowledge and expertise from being a retired cop.

Burt Ward is also nearby, helping to take care of Don’s baby. The guys hear a segment from Burt Ward’s audiobook, and roll through this week’s $10 shout-outs. The guys also have a solid round of Guy Talk, where Uncle Frank discusses the most bizarre woman he’s ever dated.

In the last part of the show, Perry talks about considering running for President in 2012. Don also hears some great old stories from Uncle Frank, including one involving Frank Sinatra. As the show winds down, Baby Donna and Uncle Frank are getting restless. The show wraps with Perry’s corner, and Uncle Frank supports Perry’s potential presidential run.

If you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood.  Every Monday @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the place where The Big 3 got their start!

Add the guys on Facebook, and don’t forget, get the cult classic film, Windy City Heat to really get a feel of what’s going on here!

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Show Credits

Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Brian Meyer
Big 3 Production Manager: Mary Jane Green
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Web Engineering: Sandy Ganz

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This Post Has 25 Comments

  1. Danny Dick Dong

    Hey you gais where did the money go? LOL

  2. Mumbles Slam

    Why did it take this long to get my favorite character from JKL live on??? Not only is he a wealth of knowledge, but he is an ex-cop, the EXACT kind of guy you want investigating kidnappings and such, besides the fact that he’s Frankie’s grandpa.

  3. ocdodger

    The biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! or(twoooooooooooooooooooooooo)

  4. Nick (Seattle)

    Another episode sans mole?

  5. Gaylord Focker

    With the exception of Perry, please don’t ever bring a crybaby into the studio again.

  6. Chris

    crybabies are really annoying please do avoid bringing them in when recording.

  7. PussyFangsFuzzySpider

    I would like to impersonally apologize.

  8. PussyFangsFuzzySpider

    When it’s just you two, more saxaphone interludes please — too much high-brow, like watching C-xxx-span.

  9. PussyFangsFuzzySpider

    Woo ooh ooh ooh. Occasions. Family occasions. Woo ooh ooh ooh.

  10. Sam Harter ATX

    This was a really great podcast. I want to tell you that your podcast always brings a smile to my face even when perry fucks it up sometimes. THank you Don Barris and Mole Whatevershi and Scary Perry Karavelho for making my day better every saturday. I listened this this when I first woke up and i’ve had about 9 drinks and i feel fantastic and it is all thanks so you guys. Please keep doing thise forever, i will send you a 50 million dollar shout out if i can ever afford it.

    -Sam Harter, Austin, Tx

  11. Unka Grizz .

    God Bless Uncle Frank , he is the best !

  12. Wolf Gangbang Puck

    I like this board because I can post retarded comments and they won’t delete them. (Thanks.)

  13. Zac eats snacks

    make this a video podcast.

  14. Achmed

    Hey I just saw the windy city heat screening on youtube. You know, perry, where you saw it for the first time. I noticed, when Don went to puke in your bathroom, that you had a Man In The Moon poster on your bathroom door.

    Perry, is Man In The Moon one of your favorite movies? Do you like Andy Kaufman? What is your favorite thing about Andy Kaufman?

  15. Emmanuel Daskalos

    that is one ugly baby!!!!!!!!!!!! BRING MOLE HOME! we need Navy Seals!!!!!!

  16. Tommy Two Schlongs

    The Big Three makes life worth living. Well, that and the fact that I have schlongs!!

  17. Alex

    Why does Perry think he can be president in 2012? And he comes off as unprofessional and slightly racist.

  18. Emmanuel Daskalos

    we need a racist president!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Wolf Gangbang Puck

      But he’ll never run. I’ll settle for someone who drives a Camaro with racist stripes.

  19. Enrico

    Rumor has it Perry has alienated himself from the Big 3 for good. There is buzz everywhere online. I can’t wait for the new shows with Terrifying Tim. Perry’s alright, but it’s like listening to my Dad.

  20. Concerned Citizen

    When the hell does the new episode come out?
    I’ve been refreshing this page for 2 hours!
    p.s. Perry Karamellow for president.Don can be secretary of poontang.

  21. OH, COME ON!

    I’m finally awake for once on a friday night and not passed out drunk, and I’m psyched to listen to the podcast. COME OOOOOOOOOON!!!!! RRRAAAAAWWWWWRRRRRR!!!! <UH OH. I'M LOSING IT.

  22. 52Tucker

    As a lifelong skateboarder and owner of an indoor skatepark, I can’t tell you how many kids are hyped on the Terrifying Tim brand. I can’t keep up with the orders!
    Thanks Tim for keepin’ it real on the streets and not getting all lame and internety, that stuff is whack. I only go interneting when I’m at my grandma’s house, cause she’s old as shit and still thinks computers are cool.
    Seriously, though I think Perry has to get with the Terrifying Tim brand, because kids right now think he’s dead or something. I don’t know, that’s just what I’m hearing on the streets.
    Plus, they think he’s into dudes or something, since the skull on the board looks all cross-dressery, like a drag queen on break trying to blend in. Just sayin.

  23. Graham Wellington Boone

    I don’t think most Americans would vote for a name like Parry Karavello. Too ethnic. And, on paper, a lot of people probably don’t know whether “Parry” is male or female. But Barris or Molininski? Those are names we can get behind. And, perhaps most importantly, with regard to Don, studies show that Americans like people from Michigan, so there’s also that. Californians like Parry have shown an inability to balance a budget. Don has a lot going for him, I think.

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