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Managing Miranda

Mole explains where he’s been for the last week, and Don grills Perry on the actress he’s managing.

Show Summary

At the top of the show, Mole frantically explains where he’s been the last week and how the Mole Play Home Game ultimately saved his life. Don explains that Terrifying Tim is now personally involved in some well-known international political affairs, and the guys have to explain to Mole that Osama Bin Laden is now dead.

Next up is a brand new segment: Interesting Things We Didn’t Know About Perry. The guys discuss Perry’s involvement as the manager to an up-and-coming actress, and he also clears up some messages being exchanged over Facebook. Since the show was recorded the Friday before Mother’s Day, the guys also talk to Perry about his Mom.

During this week’s Guy Talk, the Big 3 reflects on watching a mud-wrestling match, and find out more about Perry’s new client. They also spend time catching up with Perry as he’s about to go into surgery. There’s an intense round of Mole Play, and as the show wraps up, Perry gets emotional about his mother and daughter during Perry’s Corner.

If you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood.  Every Monday @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the place where The Big 3 got their start!

Add the guys on Facebook, and don’t forget, get the cult classic film, Windy City Heat to really get a feel of what’s going on here!

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Show Credits

Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Brian Meyer
Big 3 Production Manager: Mary Jane Green
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Web Engineering: Sandy Ganz

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This Post Has 65 Comments

  1. Wolf Gangbang Puck


    Got a menu in the mail today: ALL YOU CAN EAT SUSHI. How rude. Do we tell them ALL YOU CAN EAT HAMBURGER. No, of course not.

    I shall comment further after I’ve digested this episode.

    1. E Man Daskalos

      you dedication to this podcast is outstanding!!!!!!!! you need to make perry fan site.

    2. Fungible Assets

      Ok, I have listened to podcast. Verdict: excellent. It was totally conducive.

      I have an idea for future episodes. I hate Bob Costas. Plus, the Olympics happened last summer, so I forgot it already. So, how about an Olympics recap? Your listeners will appreciate that, because we’re into sports and activities.

  2. Nick (Seattle)

    Mole’s alive! I knew he’d escape from those punk ass brazilian kids. Biiiiiiiiig 3!

    1. Wolf Gangbang Puck

      Seattle should be in parenthesis, bitch.

      1. Wolf Gangbang Puck

        Sorry, I know many Seattlealantians, Seattletanians? Seattlopadians? Dicks, I know many dicks from Seattle and they’re not dicks. So I apologize for that outburst.

        1. E Man Daskalos

          you know a lot of dicks??????????? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          1. Wolf Gangbang Puck

            Yes, I don’t while my time cavorting with pussies like you.

  3. Nacho Cheese

    PERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck wit dat neck thing in the place with the guys. You’s good peoples.

    1. SteveP

      Yeh letz tipe lyk 5 yr olds.

  4. mark

    man i love this show,but that whole perrys mom rape thing was too far for me im done!! sucks i loved this damn show too!!! good fucking riddance

    1. E Man Daskalos

      good ridance to you mark!!!!!!!!

    2. sammy

      I’m with Mark, that shit was a little too far over the line… Perry is a fool but laughing at his mother getting raped?!?!? I was fucking cringing! Too fucking far!

      1. Demetri

        Part of Don Barris’ comedy is about seeing how far you can push something, and how far over the line you can get before you really piss people off. This is just that. It’s not so much about Perry’s mom being raped. Obviously there isn’t anything cool about that.

        1. Demetri

          Well said. There’s a reason why this podcast is different from every other podcast out there.

        2. E Man Daskalos

          it’s not his fault people don’t find humor in rape subject matter jokes. once you get raped then it is fair game to joke about.

          1. Wolf Gangbang Puck

            It’s only funny because it’s true, and that applies to rape and cancer, just ask the dead victims. Ok, that makes no sense.

            Actually, I’m dead serious.

            There’s no other conceivable way to digest the violence. A total rearrangement of reality. It’s so sad, unfathomable, totally deranged.

            I am happy to be alive. Could have died many times and skipped the introduction.

    3. mark

      dont talk shit on a message board homeboy come on, you think joking about someone’s dead mother being raped is funny?? if you can honestly say yes, well you do the rest of that math

    4. Vivian5

      Mark, you must realize that what Don does is usually a response to Perry and things that are going on/or Perry has pubilcally discussed, such as “this” situation where Perry PUT UP ON FACEBOOK ABOUT THE RAPING OF HIS MOTHER. So the reason for Don’s question is not to make fun of rape, Yet it is to get to the bottom of why Perry would even post stuff like this on Facebook publically and to look into Perry’s reasoning which has been the goal of the Perry Project from day 1 to look inside his mind and why he does what he does. The Big 3 is extremely unique unlike no other comedy act or podcast. With a project that pushes the line as close to the edge as possible, sometime’s things will go over the line and “That” is what makes this podcast so exciting! Again, I don’t think anyone is making fun of rape,
      I think we just got another look into Perry’s “bizzare outlook” on life, hopfully this project doen’t lose you or any other loyal fans.

      1. Alex

        Good explanation. I thought that went a little too far too, but Perry is known to exaggerate and he’s untrustworthy sometimes with all the times he threatened to sue. So, I don’t know.

      2. Mark

        But they where making fun of it at the begIning of mole play though you must admit that though right


        blame game. it was disgusting and in poor taste. it was egged on and not stopped. couldnt even speak up to say, hey this isnt funny? im sure the dead woman whos rape your discussing and giggling about appreciates it. immature bullshit. im not cold hearted enough for this podcast.

        1. Unleashed Fury

          No rape is NOT funny. Neither is cancer, people die from cancer every day. Do you know what else is not funny? Broken necks, trapped miners, overboiled water and gay sex.

          Oh wait… gay sex is fucking hilarious.

          1. E Man Daskalos

            Gay sex is what i live for!!! Listen. If it were not for it i would laugh less. Thank you to gay sex. LOL!!!!!!!!!! This podcast is my gay sex!!

      4. Wolf Gangbang Puck

        All Sober Big 3 Fans should re-read this message, when sometime and something, etc. and etc.

        What a load of gibberish. Three sentences bitch.

      5. Wolf Gangbang Puck

        God does not care about your emotions. Rape is rape. It’s the disgusting formation of a newborn child, so deal with it, like a rainy morning.

  5. Dean Cherry

    Is their any way we can download or buy the theme song to the big 3?

  6. 2 Cents

    i laughed, i cried, i smiled, and i learned. this episode was like a therapy session that i really enjoyed, and i was completely stoned.

  7. mark

    wash out your vagina… nice great line

  8. Unleashed Fury

    Perry also said that he was “raped” by Randy Callahan. I have a feeling that Perry exaggerates and makes up shit for sympathy all the time and Don/Mole where just trying to get to the bottom of it.

    1. E Man Daskalos

      Perry tried to tell people i raped him to. He came to my house and told my parents and tried to get them to pay him. They gave him 5 dollars just to make him go away. He took it and left.

    2. Demetri

      Yes, it’s sad that Perry feels that he needs to disparage Randy Callahan by calling him a rapist. This is a man who gave him a job in show business, got him into SAG, and protected him from being prosecuted for sexually assaulting a cast member on the freeway, and all he got in return was 5 hours of gay sex, and years of defamatory statements from the very man he tried to help. It’s kind of like Perry’s relationship with Don, minus the gay sex. You try to help Perry and you’ll get nothing but bullshit in return.

      That said, maybe we should be a little easier on Perry for not remembering the whole story. The word from Randy is that Perry blacked out once Randy started getting balls deep, and now Perry can only remember fragments from the incident. Combine that with his already crappy memory and you can maybe understand why he can’t get the story straight.

  9. c-men

    Moleplay! Loved the show today.

  10. E Man Daskalos

    “another”? we need to get 1.

  11. Feensters Union Memeber #3897

    Holy shit, Miranda is smoking hot. Look up her Facebook page.

    1. E Man Daskalos

      she looks like a prepubescent, runaway prostitute from Thailand.

  12. omax

    Mole makes it magical. good to have him back!

    Mark: go knit a sweater with coldplay.

  13. Alex

    Once again Perry remains unprofessional and talks about Miranda like he’s keeping her in his basement or perhaps storage space. Something cramped and grimy I’m sure. This is a warning sign for being a serial killer and I think Don, Mole, and Terrifying Tim need to investigate and show Perry the error of his ways.

    1. Fungible Assets

      In many ways, serial killing is the ultimate form of sarcasm. Perry is fine, just the way he his.

  14. Mark

    Once again wrong I don’t care about what perry posted they where joking about and it wasn’t right.. Just admit they where starting to joke about it at the beginning of mole play


      it was sick. it was used to find humor. humor through rape? someone could have spoke up and said, this isnt funny.

      1. Demetri

        How often do we joke about guys getting corn holed in prison? So maybe there is humor to be found in rape.

  15. Harry Ceword

    Really low of Don and Mole to bring up Perry’s mom getting raped. Lucky he didn’t attack Don and Mole.

    1. Demetri

      Perry was the one who brought it up on Facebook. Don and Mole simply asked questions about it, because a big part of this podcast is talking about Perry’s personal life. Then Mole set up a Moleplay where Perry could get revenge on the prick who did it.

  16. Johnny AIDSenstein

    Guys, Mark is obviously very sensitive to rape talk. I raped his mom once and she ended up moving in with me later that day.

    Just try to be understanding. Mark is now technically my son, and though he is a huge pussy, he’s MY pussy.

    1. cunt eyes

      I have to wonder how Mary Jane felt being in the room with those almost-jokes flying around…anyway Mole and Don backed off before it got TOO harsh, but I shudder to think what all those unfunny losers who constantly spam Perry on Facebook are going to do with this info. I’m waiting for the “Creepy Auto Mechanic” profile (if you do this you are a douche).

      1. E Man Daskalos


  17. John Pee

    People defending the dead mom rape jokes…just wow. If it was not plainly apparent that Don and Mole is running out of shit to demean perry with then it is now. Bad form guys.

  18. Steve

    All Thumbs Up to The Big Three!

    Mole found good use for Mole-play game pieces – YESSS! Don is always a brilliant host for The Big Three. Keep your neck straight and recover well Scary Perry.

    A fan for many years here.

  19. Zac eats snacks

    make this a video podcast.

  20. Enohead

    You know, as far as taboo subjects for humor go, I’ve always held the opinion that if something is worth taking seriously, it’s worth joking about. That’s just part of the human coping mechanism – laughing in the face of tragedy.

    How many times have you heard someone say, “I had to laugh, or else I would’ve cried”?

    I have told all of my friends and family, “if I ever get cancer and die, you owe it to me to joke the hell out of it.”

    There is no shortage of round-table discussions, talk shows, self-help books, podcasts, etc. featuring rape victims – oh, I mean “survivors” – that take the subject as seriously as you’d want. Let’s cut the COMEDY podcast a little bit of slack, shall we?

    1. Yables

      Well said. Only Perry and Perry’s Mom should truly be offended by the rape discussion on this show.

      That said, this podcast isn’t just dark comedy, its pitch-black comedy. It sometimes strikes me as on the level of the “Bumfights” videos, but with more nuance and panache in the execution. Still: The Perry Project and all involved have created something so memorable and indelibly compelling that I doubt any of us would dare tune out after a little discussion of a decades-old rape with some dubious circumstances surrounding it.

      1. Bumfights

        Exactly Yables! It’s like Bumfights. “Dark comedy” is the easiest kind of all. It provides shock and attention. Just say a bunch of sick shit, sit back, and say your’e only joking. It also does not bring a large audience, and the audience it does bring is ironically, comically “easy” minded, sick, and in need of attention.

  21. damien

    too funny.

    wheres my shirt?

    I got a mole-vention for ya but I need $10,000 to get it started.

    I call it a Perry catcher.

    It’s a latex thingy that rolls over your wiener to prevent std’s and pregnancy.

    Thanks mole Ill be waiting

  22. Tommy Two Schlongs

    That fucker that raped and killed Perry’s mom should have his balls cut off. I have two schlongs but only one set of nuts.

  23. Alex

    Just a thought: When Perry dies and goes to heaven, all of the Perry project materials should be released by the Criterion Collection in a massive special edition like the Kubrick and Herzog box sets.

  24. big jim

    How much does poor Logan & Chris have to wipe down that sofa after the Big 3 do their show? I can smell those guys from here, man, and I’m across the country! Sheesh!

  25. Zombie Dr

    When is Yurgi gonna make an appearance?

  26. Gaylord Focker

    “Is your mother the dame with the Oldsmobile?”


  27. Wolf Gangbang Puck

    Welcome to the digital age. Smell my finger.

    About technology, The Adam Corolla people just did a viewer special, a “behind the scenes” walk-around — tons of fun. Why don’t you walk around the building interviewing morons?

  28. Dr. Crawford

    A boy will experience thousands of murders portrayed onscreen before he reaches eighteen, and less than a dozen acts of rape. Many argue this disparity desensitizes people to murder while suggesting that rape is far worse.

    Of course, any high-thinking person recognizes that murder is worse, but people who are lead by their culture will not realize this until our zeitgeist tells them. Godspeed, Big 3.

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