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Last Day Before Surgery

Terrifying Tim has reached a boiling point with Perry and let’s him know it.  Things get very heated as Don tries to resolve Perry’s delusional gun story once and for all.

Show Summary

At the top of the show, the guys discuss Perry’s upcoming surgery at long last. They also take a surprise call from Terrifying Tim, who updates them on his new documentary project and skateboarding company. Perry and Tim hash it out about who copied whose career, and Perry lays down the law for how Bean Town Heat should be cast.

Don brings up a picture that’s been circling around the internet, which sheds some light on the time Perry put a restraining order on Don. The guys have a huge argument about the facts of the case, and Mole tries to add clarity. Later, the guys take a call from John Quincy Adams.

Mole announces there’s been a big surge of Moleventions, including a new item inspired by Perry. The guys also read Perry’s will, in case he dies in the hospital, and try to convince him to eat more pie. Guy Talk is up next, followed by Perry’s 60 Seconds and a heated round of Mole Play. The show wraps with Perry’s Corner, where Perry explains just what the Big 3 means to him.

If you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood.  Every Monday @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the place where The Big 3 got their start!

Add the guys on Facebook, and don’t forget, get the cult classic film, Windy City Heat to really get a feel of what’s going on here!

Want More Big3 Check Out

Show Credits

Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Brian Meyer
Big 3 Production Manager: Mary Jane Green
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Web Engineering: Sandy Ganz

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This Post Has 33 Comments

  1. Nick (Seattle)

    Super early Big 3! F-ing fantastic!

    1. srick willy

      just in case you dont make it through the surgery scare master, would it be possible if my grandpa can lick your balls and cock. thanks man

      1. Sausage King

        I’ve heard of that fetish!! Incestual Grandparent Voyuerism. Do you video tape it too. My collection is off the hook!!!

  2. Smeghed

    I hate Terrifying Tim

    1. Alex


  3. omax

    good episode

  4. Harry

    I have to say, that was one of the better shows.

    I didn’t like Perry comparing friendship to machines made for amusement, sounded cold and demeaning.

  5. Alex

    I’m thirty minutes in. Just want to say; hats off to Don and Mole staying friends with Perry after filing that restraining order and lying. If someone I knew stole from me and filed false charges, comedy be damned I would not be talking to that guy.

  6. Wolf Gangbang Puck

    Restraining orders are meant to be broken.

  7. TootsieRollTim

    no. it just felt like some stranger had a belt strangling my arm dumbfuck

  8. Harper Lee

    Great podcast! And I’ve got Terrifying Tim to thank for introducing me to it! I recently was in the market for a new skateboard, and a good friend of mine (now a GREAT friend) suggested that I get one from Tim. It was kind of a hassle getting in contact with TT since he doesn’t currently have a webpage, but the trouble was well worth it. My buddy helped me get in contact with him, and when my sk8board finally arrived, it was a dream come true. The impeccable chinese workmanship and unique and original art design make the board a true work of art. Best of all there was a flyer included in the packaging that said to check out his podcast and that’s why I’m here! Thank you Terrifying Tim! Oooooooh Ooooooooh Ooooooooooooooooooh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Trevor Corey

    Great show, you guys are awesome. Hope the neck surgery won’t turn Perry gay.

    1. MrDinosaur

      Yeah. Like that guy in Vermont on the news a few months ago.
      I hope Perry comes out okay. If he died from this surgery, it would ultrimately suck.

  10. Lydia Torres

    well how is your voice now? a little rougher! Take those vitamins. Thanks for having at this recording Don! your so silly! Get rest while you can Perry we had a bizy weekend. Thanks for spending weekend with me! sincerly yours
    the lydil legal asst/medic/screenwriter/producer!

  11. Harvey Sourmilk

    I saw Perry on the 101 holding a sign that said “WILL SWALLOW SPERM FOR STAGE TIME”. He’s soooooo gay!

  12. Topher Grace

    Is the Simply Don Public Access Show going to be released at any point in the future??? I need more BIIIIIIIG 3!!!!!!!!!

  13. Perry's balls

    TT’s double decker bus tour was the favorite part of our week as well.

  14. Wolf Gangbang Puck

    This podcast is a gift, like vagina from heaven.

  15. Dr. Crawford

    While the fedora look may be contested, it’s pretty sick how much of Terrifying Tim is being ripped off by Perry, made all the worse by Perry’s litigious nature and Tim being all too ready to cave in to the demands of big bullies.

  16. Tony

    This was a High Tension episode. Tim snapping at Perry. Perry flipping out at Don. Talk of guns shoved in mouths. Very action packed!
    I give this episide 5 fucking stars!!!!!!!!

  17. Demetri

    This episode basically proves that Perry is a chronic liar. We get the details on Perry’s bogus story about Don putting a gun in his mouth, and Perry screams about how he doesn’t lie. Then 10 minutes later during Guy Talk he lies about having sex with Jenna Jameson and then admits it. It makes you wonder just how much he has lied about. What really happened with Randy Callahan? Well if you listen to Randy, a hell of a lot more than what Perry will admit to.

    The gun story just makes ZERO sense if you break it down, and Perry claims that he couldn’t bring the police report because his cousin won’t let him. The real reason as that either him or his cousin took a look at it and realized that it would reveal his bogus story for what it is, and so Perry came up with an excuse.

  18. Sinus Headache

    I don’t even know where to begin??!! I just listened to 4 of your podcasts and it is a twisted circus show!!!! LOL!!!!! I have to take a break after 4 of those but i’ll listen to other some other time. I haven’t seen your movie yet but i think i’m going to have to.
    BizarreO World hahahaaaaaa

  19. SteveP

    The Big 3 is so awesome. Terrifying Tim needs to be on more!!

  20. Yables

    I have to say, my hat’s off to Tim and Perpedic Industries for their hand in getting That One Guy. Osama didn’t have any idea that the Navy Seals would be equipped with Perpedic-designed TT Vests. They did their heroic work with the help of another hero: Terrifying Tim.

    I sincerely hope that Perry’s bed in the hospital has a Perpedic mattress, then maybe Perry will finally stop the threats once he is literally healed by the kindness of Tim’s works.

  21. damien

    Thanks BIG 3.

    Just bought a bunch of stuff on amazon including a new copy of Windy City Heat.

    Also left a plug for the podcast there.

    I don’t care if Perry sucked that dude off I still Love your podcast and Windy City Heat RULZ!!!!!

  22. Jimothy

    Good luck with your surgery scaremaster.

  23. Gaylord Focker

    Although Perry claims he is “addicted to watching the news” he has an astonishing lack of knowledge about anything in the news.

    1. Wolf Gangbang Puck

      Yes, and therefore he is a de fatso expert, a genuine boner fed expert. Just ask yourself: what is actually new in the so-called “news” today? Right, nothing. Ergo, diddly bo diddly.

  24. Feensters Union Memeber #3897

    Looks like the show’s getting cancelled soon.

    Per Tim Perpedic’s Facebook

    “TERRIBLE NEWS!!! Coming out later today will be one of the last four “Big 3 Podcasts” … Don has been told that unless that the podcast gets sponsors by the end of June, the show is over at Ace Broadcasting … So if anyone that is a fan of the show would help sponsor the show they should get in touch with Don Barris or the podcast is OVER!!!”

  25. Vinnie G.

    Hey guys, I was wondering if you all knew if the rumors of how Perry broke his neck true? He does know that even skinny/flexible Prince had to have part of his ribcage removed before he gave himself a blowie right? As for the Podcast being shut down due lack of sponsorship, I think the very least Perry could do after all he has put everyone through is to have Scary Perry Skateboards sponsor the show. I mean Tim P. blew all his money on helping the USA get Bin Laden, and Perry can’t even sponsor a podcast? Avarice from Fairy Perry!

  26. declutter

    There are some interesting cut-off dates in this article but I don’t know if I see all of them heart to heart. There may be some validity but I’ll take maintain opinion till I look into it further. Good article , thanks and we want extra! Added to FeedBurner as effectively

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