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Best of The Big 3, Volume II

This week, the guys take a look back on some of their favorite highlights from the The Big 3 Podcast.

Show Summary

Don, Perry and Mole are all back to host the second volume of their Best Of Clips. Hear commentary on moments like:

– The live acoustic performance of their theme song
– Mole’s hypnosis
– Dominic Monaghan’s brings the sides from ‘Lord of the Rings 4: Still Ringin’ and auditions Scary Perry & Terrifying Tim
– The arrival of Baby Donna

And more!

If you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood.  Every Monday @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the place where The Big 3 got their start!

Add the guys on Facebook, and don’t forget, get the cult classic film, Windy City Heat to really get a feel of what’s going on here!

Want More Big3 Check Out

Show Credits

Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Brian Meyer
Big 3 Production Manager: Mary Jane Green
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Web Engineering: Sandy Ganz

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This Post Has 21 Comments

  1. Pervis Guts

    I thought surgery would cure that “kid-in-a-sandbox” look Parrey has in all the pictures.

    1. Alex

      Nah, Perry would need to go to Mickey Rourke’s plastic surgeon to fix that.

  2. Airborn Baby

    The picture of the airborn baby cracks me up because Perry looks like the only mature person in the room. What a hilariously false impression it presents.

  3. Harry Ceword

    Don, wanna sell-out the Ding Dong show? Put Marry Jane into a bikini.

  4. Mumbles Slam

    The hypnosis bit made it into the Best Of? Really?? The ABSOLUTELY worst segment from the greatest podcast in history made the Best Of??? Do we really have to listen to that again to know that it’s complete garbage? I’m a HUGE, HUGE fan, but the first time was painful enough, thanks.

  5. Wolf Gangbang Puck

    It’s “best of” my comments this week:

    Japanese chicks with dainty feet look good in frip frops.

    That’s it.

  6. Unka Grizz .

    This is the GREATEST POCAST on the Air today !!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Alex

    This can’t be the end guys.

  8. Jimothy

    If this gets canceled too…. seriously this is my favorite show…. WTF?!?!

  9. MrDinosaur

    Does Perry always have a bag of Famous Amos in his crotch?
    Maybe that’s why Randy Callahan took such a fancy to him.

  10. Dean Cherry

    I really wish someone at ace broadcasting would put the theme song up to download.

  11. Please don’t let this be the end!!!! I look forward to this every week. I have listened to every show multiple times.

  12. Joeweed

    Don’t end the show. This is this best thing on the podcast universe! So much production and heart.

  13. Buccaneer Ron

    If it were a real “Best Of”, There would only be 5 seconds of audio and an hour of silence, Cuz this shit SUX !!! Long Live The SHEK !!!!

  14. J-Rock

    Did Scary Parry Karavellough die?

  15. damien

    can we send in windy city heat dvds for signing?

  16. felon

    Don Barris is an idiot

  17. Jackson

    I’ve listened to every episode about 10-15 times. Don’t let it end.

  18. Zeke

    Are these guys better on stage? Is the guitar playing at least cleaner?

    1. Zeke

      Well I am glad to hear that they are

  19. Jonesy

    The best way to keep the show from getting cancelled is to bring in Terrifying Tim. Perry’s homophobia, racism, foul mouth and insensitivity simply have no place in today’s society. I’m also tired of hearing how badly he treats Don Barris, who is constantly struggling to open doors for him, and how he talks down to Mole all the time just because Mole is a little stoned and slow. Who wants to listen to someone who would turn on a true friend like that?

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