You are currently viewing Best of The Big 3, Volume III

Best of The Big 3, Volume III

In the third installment of the Best of the Big 3, the guys look back on some of their favorite episodes, and Perry tells the origins of how he broke his neck.

Show Summary

While Perry recovers from his neck surgery, the guys look back on the third installment of their Best Of clips. Of course the Big 3 are on hand to introduce each clip, and along the way they discuss Perry’s hopes of getting the AFLAC voiceover gig, fake Facebook messages, and the origin story of how Perry broke his neck.

Don also talks about the new and improved $10 shout out (hello Big 3 Fun Pack!), and the guys listen to clips of Andy Dick at Perry’s apartment, and the entire epic saga of Mole’s kidnapping.

If you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood.  Every Monday @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the place where The Big 3 got their start!

Add the guys on Facebook, and don’t forget, get the cult classic film, Windy City Heat to really get a feel of what’s going on here!


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Show Credits

Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Brian Meyer
Big 3 Production Manager: Mary Jane Green
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Web Engineering: Sandy Ganz

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This Post Has 25 Comments

  1. Nick (Seattle)

    the mole kidnapping segment was out of order, but some good memories nonetheless… glad he made it out of that alive!

    1. Nick (Seattle)

      scratch that, spoke too soon… not out of order

  2. Starver

    Perry looks like a tranny that got beat up.

  3. Drake

    Don’s constant plugs for the comedy show are beyond annoying.

    1. Don Barris

      Then please drop me as a friend so I don’t torture you any more Drake.

      1. G.W.

        Don, maybe if you didn’t charge for the podcast, the plugs would be less annoying for Drake? Oh wait… Don’t listen to that turd. Plug away, brotha!

  4. Demetri

    Lots of commentary in between the clips on this one. It was almost like getting a brand new episode. I hope to god that if the sponsor thing doesn’t work out with ACE that the Big 3 podcast can live on somewhere else, because this show is like heroin to me.

  5. Unka Grizz .

    Drake SHUT THE FUCK UP !! No crap talk from the cheap seats jerk face ! Have you seen Don at the Comedy Store ? Well you should ! I want to hear more about the Comedy Store Don ! Don’t listen to Drake Puss Head . Drake you get the honor of listening to the Best Podcast in the world and you start with your cry baby crap ? Fuck you and the horse you rode in on . Great Podcast Don !!

  6. Unleashed Fury

    It’s unreasonable for Ace Broadcasting to expect the Big 3 to find their own advertising. And by “unreasonable”, I mean “ridiculous”. I hope you have a plan B.

    How about a tour? Ace Broadcasting should be able to tell you which cities are generating the most traffic. Target those first. It bet Seattle will be #1.

  7. Collin

    Great story at the end. Cant wait for next weeks episode. Just bought Windy Heat from the amazon link. I can’t get enough…

  8. Alex

    Drake should go hang out with Randy Callahan, maybe he’ll get ahead in show business and know what it’s like trying to build hype in something you believe in.

    Can’t wait for next weeks show guys. I hope this isn’t the end.

    What’s the address for the shoutouts? I want to send something just in case.

    PS: It is not anthrax.

    1. Demetri

      7510 Sunset Blvd.
      Hollywood, CA 90046

  9. Ifeel Vibrations

    The level of energy, professionalism, and overall quality that Don Barris brings to the table each and every podcast is something that every aspiring podcaster, comic, and comedian should be taking note of.

    They should also carefully be watching Perry Carivelo so that they know exactly what not to do.

    Sure, he has hazel eyes, a stylish fedora, and an Eagle Creek fanny pack (the “almost a duffel bag” sized model), but it takes more than that to succeed in Hollywood.

    What Perry needs at this point in his life is to just listen to Don, who has done so much for him. Perry needs to show his appreciation.

    The only way this can be done is for Perry to eat an entire box of chocolate donuts.

    It’s the only way.

    1. Graham Wellington Boone

      Hear, Hear! I agree: Don Barris is constantly re-setting the bar for podcasters everywhere. I would add that in my opinion (and I am in show business), this is largely due to the fact that Don hails from Michigan, where you have REAL people who succeed due to hard work. Not like California, which is where Parry Karavellow’s from. Nobody puts more time into their craft than Don, and that’s why he’s successful and why ladies love him. LL Cool D.

      Also, Don, I’m working on getting Domino’s Pizza as a sponsor for the show. We’re almost there.

      1. G.W.

        Well put, Mr. Boone! This is the belief of all the true fans, Don. Don’t listen to the whiners, and pussies. I hope Domino’s gets onboard, because it’d be a damn shame, to lose this fine show.

        We all need to buy Big 3 t-shirts, when/if they become available, to support these guys. That’s what we fans can do to help.

      2. I Feel Vibrations

        Ladies love Don – LL Cool D indeed.

        I hope that the government of Italy will decide to sponsor the podcast, seeing as how the King of Italians, Perry Carrevillo, is one of the top 4 members of the Big Three (when we take Mr. Perpedic into account, as we must.) He’s a Chicago Italian American, which is much less prestigious than being a New York Italian American, since deep dish Chicago style pizza is vastly inferior to regular New York style pizza. This is simply a fact.

        As much as Perry is just a zero-effort-giving broke-neck mountain kind of guy, he does have an undeniable level of talent not seen in Hollywood since Marlon Brandow. He has the potential to be as good as Sam Kinison as well. But the ONLY way he can “unleash the fury” is with the help of his friends Don and Mole.

        I was shocked and upset at how Perry hardly gave a shit that Mole was abducted by Ghostbuster and Superman Bubblicious. He also never denied taking the $75,000 for himself. Obviously Perry stole it from Don, who was holding onto it for safe-keeping.

        Finally, I would like it if there were Big Three Podcast shirts made available for sale, as well as Windy City Heat shirts. You could even expand the line to include Scary Perry Fanny Packs, which hold up to 7.4 liters of cargo space.

  10. Rashad harrell

    Why the fu$k don’t you ever have black guests?

  11. Unka Grizz .

    See Don the fans LOVE you ! Don’t listen to the haters like Drake Dunglicker . Everyone should go see Don at the Comedy Store . I love The BIG 3 50.00 Shout Out Package Deal Fun Pack ! I can’t wait until I buy mine !!

  12. K.SAVAGE

    I agree with Unka Grizz 100% Don is the best! That Drake guy is an idiot!

  13. K.SAVAGE

    And this is the best podcast on the air! I think soon the Big 3 podcast will be listened to in every household in the world!

  14. Alex

    Listening to this again, I just caught Mole saying ‘Let’s have no bad blood’ when Andy Dick and his HIV Positive assistant comes over.


  15. Alex

    Don Barris “Perry, I know this is crazy but people fuck with you.”


  16. Stink

    The only reason I’d think that the plugs would be annoying is if the listener was unable to get to the show. It would be like teasing them.

  17. Bryan

    This was one of the best of the best of best…i liked this show.

  18. Jenny Honey

    Perry is fucking HOT!!! Italiano baby!!!

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