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5 Topics

Don and Perry deal with some troubling podcast issues, and Neil Leeds swings by to defend Mary Jane during a musical number.

Show Summary

Mole is MIA, and Don has a list of 5 important topics to discuss with Perry. The guys talk about the struggle to find sponsors, Perry’s unprofessionalism, and the future of The Big 3 Podcast.

The guys move forward into this week’s $10 Shout-Outs, and then attempt to do a couple commercials to help pay the bills. Speaking of sponsors, Neil Leeds once again joins the show to plug his mattress stores, and also discusses a potential live remote show from one of his locations.

During Guy Talk, Perry talks about banging a porn star in a strip club, and Don and Neil discuss Sol Steinbergowitzgreenbaum’s party. Mary Jane then sings a song in place of Mole Play, and gets into a tiff with Perry over the lack of lyrics. The guys then talk about the importance of art, and Perry recalls his skateboarding and fighting days during Perry’s Corner.

If you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood.  Every Monday @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the place where The Big 3 got their start!

Add the guys on Facebook, and don’t forget, get the cult classic film, Windy City Heat to really get a feel of what’s going on here!

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Show Credits

Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Brian Meyer
Big 3 Production Manager: Mary Jane Green
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Web Engineering: Sandy Ganz

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This Post Has 46 Comments

  1. Darston Mones

    “Neil Leeds swings by to defend Mary Jane during a musical number.”

    Jeeesus, I can’t wait to hear this episode.

  2. some guy


  3. El Bee

    I sucks that Perry forced Mole to quit, but at least The Real Neil W/ The Deal was on the show. I think that Mole and Neil’s positive attitudes are a very good compliment to the show, helping balance out Perry’s constant negative attitude.

  4. Collin

    I was worried about downloading a big 3 podcast that didn’t include Mole. Holy F. Hilarious. Seriously. Another show that was better than the last. Mary Jane Green might be funnier than Mole.

    I love this show,

    By the way, fuck the guy that gave Neil “with the deal” Leeds shit (He won’t be beat!). Neil is a great contribution to the show… Period.

    1. Unleashed Fury

      Agreed. Neil is great. His first appearance was great. He’s dialed down since then but I don’t find him at all intrusive to the podcast, only entertaining. Love Maryjane too!

  5. CBR

    I agree wholeheartedly. Neil “with the deal” Leeds was the best addition to The Big 3 that I never saw coming. He fits in perfectly as a guest on the show, is extremely entertaining, and just the most good-hearted, thoroughly likable person who’s ever been on the show. Terrifying Tim is great of course too, especially when he does his ADC standup comedy.

    The episodes that deal with Neil Leeds are my favorites so far. He won’t be beat. Great episode, by the way. BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG 3

  6. Alex

    Don had me going until he mentioned ASM… and by that I mean I thought it was all a joke until ASM pulled the plug. That is an amazing business that I’ve recommended to all of my friends and family, and for Perry’s unprofessionalism to end that relationship has me wanting Don to replace Perry with the Great Terrifying Tim.

  7. Steve

    Mr. Leeds please accept my apologies for the comments I made about you and Perry’s neck brace a few weeks ago. I over reacted. At the time I did not understand and thought you were being disrespectful to Perry’s condition. I was very wrong, in fact you were being quite the opposite and helping him in the best way you knew how. Please forgive me for my comments, I was wrong. By the way you did a great job on the show today. You filled the empty spot left by Mole. Thank you most of all by being so generous to the Big Three Show and its fans. Thanks again.

    1. Neil Leeds

      There was never trouble Steve,I love your words and of course I accept your apologie…you never owed me one.However I thank you for taking the time to respond as you have..Your friend always Neil Leeds

  8. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA

    Seriously, God bless The Big Three and Neil Leeds. I really hope The Big Three Podcast does move on to another studio along with the help of Leeds and hopefully Mole returns very soon

    1. Neil Leeds

      Thank you so much.We will be like the Rocky story..We have to keep getting back up,stronger,better and never quit.Peace..Neil Leeds

  9. Perrys Penis

    …they slip off every time.

  10. Opinionated Human

    Mary Jane is awesome! I didn’t realize how funny she is, and smart. Have her on more, please. 🙂

  11. Dick Neutral

    Can we please keep in mind that Don Blockers are the most revolutionary idea in beverage control since the pop top? I honestly don’t think this gets enough attention. If we could get some sort of link to these on the Ace Broadcasting website, I think Don could sell even more.

    1. Randy Callahan

      Wish i had a set of Don Blockers now, to set my frosty mug on. Anyone know if they’re sold in stores, or are they available online only?

  12. Harry Ceword

    Aside from being HOT, what does MaryJane have to do with comedy? Is Don banging her or something? I don’t get it. Is the “My daddy touched me” voice her entire act? Don’t get me wrong, i’d love to hear her crying “Stop! NO!” in that voice, but it gets old quick. OK, WE GET IT, YOU’RE HOT!! Now what?

    1. Leo Schefe

      uncalled for and cruel. what is to be gained from verbally attacking her? what did she do to make you show hate for her?

      1. j


  13. Perry's #1 Fan

    Were you aware that The Big 3 podcast is not part of the ACE broadcasting network on the itunes page. You are not getting exposure to ABC fans through itunes.

  14. Leo Schefe

    i am never diappointed!!!! another great podcast i enjoyed while pleasuring myself. i found myself missing mole a little.

  15. Randy Callahan

    I wish Perry would suck me off again whilst I give him a handy.

  16. John Blockers

    I wonder how Perry’s load tastes going down…just wondering.

  17. Unka Grizz .

    @randy – YAWN !! Way old !
    @Harry Ceword – Who the hell do you think you are talking about Maryjane like that you two bit piece of shit !! She helps out the Podcast , what have you done to help the Podcast ?
    I would LOVE to hear you screaming “STOP! NO!” while I’m pounding you into a puddle .
    Great Job on filling in for Mole Maryjane !! You were WONDERFUL !!

    1. Randy Callahandjob

      @unka – Perry blowing me while I give him a handy NEVER gets old!

      1. Give Alaska To Canada

        look at you fucking up the whole changing names things. same email fucktard!

        1. Randy Callahandjob

          Why do u give a fuck if I change my name? You probably suck more cock than Perry…hoe

          1. You No Spell The Good

            hoe = garden tool
            ho = whore

    2. Harry Ceword

      @Unka Grizz- Eat a salted dick and die. I bet you want to “pound” me, homo. You think because you act tough from behind the safety of your computer, MJ will be your friend? Keep dreaming, moron.

  18. Neil Leeds

    Thank you everybody for being great fans of the Big 3 Podcast.I love this Podcast and,getting to be a guest once in a while.It really means so much to me.I am hoping to watch this podcast expand deeper to a nice studio with so much more to offer in terms of humor,special guests, and live broadcasts.I am sure Don has many things in store for the Podcast and I am 100% behind him.I love to break away from my other Job and getting to be a part of such a wonderful community.Sincerly,Neil Leeds

  19. BryanX

    Mry Jane is fucking funny. I know her from her stand up at The Comedy Store. Glad to hear her on the podcast!!!

  20. Perry's balls

    Sweet zombie christ, there is nothing better than a dick rubbing you in the face every now and then. Preach!

  21. DJ Don Block

    I know the idea of Perry running for pres has been bandied about, but I was thinking that he might make a better Secretary of State or Director of Homeland Security…thoughts?

    1. Margaret Varlamos

      As a Secretary i can tell you he lacks that winning “phone voice”.

      1. DJ Don Blocker

        True dat, Margaret, although Perry’s unbridled professionalism should more than makeup for this minor shortcoming.

  22. IP Freely

    shows the same despite change of email. u r fuct.

  23. Nanook of the North

    show make me laugh. Nanook show good. Nanook no gay. ok Nanook watch?

  24. Al capone's Pirate eye

    I hope the rumors about superman ghostbusters kidnappping mole again are false.

    Three cheers for neil leeds!

    1. Neil Leeds

      Thank you Al Capone Pirate’s Eye.Your Friends Neil Leeds

  25. K.SAVAGE

    Dear Mr. Leeds. Thank you so much for being a part of the Big 3 podcast. I have seen your commercials for years and I always thought you were an OK guy but since you have been on the podcast we get to see the real you and I must say you that my wife and I are now big fans of yours! We LOVE you on the podcast we look forward to every time you are on. You are a very cool guy and not a Hollywood snob and people get to see that on the Podcast and thank you for backing and believing in the Big 3 and taking part in something that you are a huge fan of! My wife and I both love what you bring to the podcast by being the Gentleman that you are in fact I think my wife has a crush on you LOL!!!! You bring a certain grace and caring to the podcast. Thank you Neil for being you and being part of the podcast! GO Big 3!!!!!!!!

    1. Neil Leeds

      Hey K.Savage.That comment made my day today,It has been rough the last few days with the business,However after reading your comments it made me feel nice.I love working with the cast of the Big 3 Podcast and I appreciate those special comments.It takes alot for somebody to take their time and write and I want to say, it really goes to my heart.I hope that you are doing great and thank you for seeing those Leeds mattress commercials over the years.They are a little old but I am working on changing them slowly as I have to.It is great to get away from 7 days a week to be a guest on the podacast,it allows me to have a little fun.I am at if you ever want to reach me direct.Thank you Neil Leeds

      1. Neil Leeds

        Spell check..”The Big 3 Podcast” Neil Leeds

  26. J Funk

    Here’s an idea for Mole’s replacement.
    Dave Dameshek
    At least we know he must be looking for work.

    1. Sick of Gay Obsessed Group

      Here’s an idea. Fuck this group of gay obsessed men grouping together to make fun of gay men. Make this less gay, or not gay, or maybe about things not involving sucking cock or handjobs or talking more about how you are gay or someone else is gay or perry is gay or how you are sitting online with men you dont know talking about all things GAY!

      1. Randy Callahandjob

        How about NO! The Big 3 is fine just the way it is – I, for one, love hearing about how Perry blew me whilst I worked his pole with my thumb and forefinger. If you have suck killer ideas, why don’t you do your own gay podcast. When will you fools learn that the Randy Callahandjob story NEVER gets old – in fact, as another fan suggested, every show should begin with “Can we get to the part where Perry blew that dude!” And many thanks to Mr Leeds for his gracious sponsorship of the show!! If/when I need a new mattress, I’m going to Leeds, where you always get the best deal!

        1. Neil Leeds

          Thank you Randy Callahandjob..Neil Leeds

  27. dan

    hey perr master, looks like youre going to propose to don in the picture.

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