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The HN Diet

The guys raise concerns about Mole’s dangerous diet, and Neil Leeds returns to discuss a sleepover party/podcast at one of his stores.

Show Summary

Mole recaps the diet he’s been on since returning from Rio, and claims that he doesn’t remember that he wasn’t here last week. Don and Perry are clearly very concerned for his health. During the $10 shout outs, the guys read a letter from a Canadian listener, and the guys act out the latest spot for ASM Plumbing.

Later, Perry is asked a very tough hypothetical question, and the guys take another concerned phone call from John Quincy Adams. Neil Leeds swings by again after that, and the guys discuss possibly adding a sleepover party element to the podcast that will be taped at one of Neil’s stores. The guys then wrap the show with Mole Play, and another intense edition of Perry’s Corner.

If you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood.  Every Monday @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the place where The Big 3 got their start!

Add the guys on Facebook, and don’t forget, get the cult classic film, Windy City Heat to really get a feel of what’s going on here!


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Show Credits

Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Brian Meyer
Big 3 Production Manager: Mary Jane Green
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Web Engineering: Sandy Ganz

Image Gallery


This Post Has 65 Comments

  1. Offensive

    It takes brass balls to reach for the brass ring, and you came in second. But that’s still a winner: a pink panda or a utility knife?

  2. Offensive

    Censorship. Sunk off the coast of Antiquated Island. No fucking survivors.

  3. Thanks for the sponsorship Neil but...

    Dear Neil:

    Good to see you have helped the show financially, but dude, as Don says, “You don’t have a funny bone in you’re body.” So please don’t try and tell Perry “Shut the fuck up”- that’s Don’t line. And dude, no wonder chicks don’t want to date you- you’re very creepy. In any event, you have money, so just stay behind the scenes and stop weirding the listeners out.

    Thank you,

    Ben Franklin

    1. Neil Leeds

      Hi Ben Franklin,I have not told anybody to shut the … up,and never plan to.However I am not sure if you are that close to me to make the comment on my chick life.I really do not mind that you do anyway.I never said I was funny so maybe your right on that,if Don asked me to stay off the show I will always listen.I love commenting back to the fans of the show and I thank you for writing about me.It takes courage to be so blunt.I still love you anyway even if it weirds you out.Peace Neil Leeds

      1. Thanks for the sponsorship Neil but...

        Dear Neil,

        Thank you for your response. I admire your perseverance and sticktuitiveness in life. You also have a good heart. I love you too.

        Ben Franklin

        1. Neil Leeds

          Thank you Ben,I appreciate your words back and my last post would go to anybody who would see it,not you directly.I just have that soft spot on how hard it was to work so hard,and grow up with a very rough be picked on in that department.We all have stories and that is why I love the show.To be able to talk about them in a open forum.With kindness and respect enjoy your evening.Neil Leeds

    2. Neil Leeds

      The only thing I do not do in fun and games is count peoples money,I feel if it is theirs,and they have it,However they is there for them to use it on what they wish.Some of the richest people in the world have came from poverty,Im not on the rich list,But I did come from poverty.I find it upsetting when someone labels me a man with money.I am much more than that.I just felt I had to add that comment.I worked since I was 9 years old and it was never easy for me,and still is not.I love the BIG 3 PODCAST and you to Mr BEN FRANKLIN.Neil Leeds

  4. Perverse

    For $9.99, you’d get more shout-outs from 7-Eleven Zombies, them that linger for taquitos.

  5. El Bee

    Great show as usually, I look forward to this every Friday night and I’m never disappointed. I think Neil should be a permanent member on the show and it could be renamed “The Big Four”.

    1. Neil Leeds

      Thank you EL Bee that was a super cool comment.Neil Leeds

  6. Neil Leeds

    Hello to the BIG 3 PODCAST…I had a great time at the studio.I appreciate the invite and I am excited about the auction that is still going on.I would love to hit the mark and get that new studio going so that THe BIG 3 PODCAST moves to much greater areas.It is so fun to be a part of it.I work 7 days a week and I never seen how times flys so fast, except when I am a guest of the show.It is remarkable how much fun and joy it is to be a guest and to hang out with Don, Mole, and Perry and the whole team that make this production so great.I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart.I am honored,to be invited when I am.Peace and Love to everybody…Neil Leeds

    1. Jonesy

      Hey Neil, always nice when you stop by, don’t listen to the detractors. You have such a positive attitude and always see the good in people, it amazes me that a person like you can stand to be in the same room as a hateful, racist, homophobic, fat, negative person like Perry. I guess that, too, is a tribute to your good nature.

      If you get the chance, see if you teach Perry to be a better person.

      1. Neil Leeds

        I thank you for the comment…I can try for you.Neil Leeds

  7. Frightening Fred

    Whats with Perry and his homosexual tendencies lately. I was going to buy some boards but my friends will call me a fag.

  8. yurgi

    When am I going to be invited to the show???!!! I’m still pissed at scary fairy for trying to rip me off. You mess with yurgi, your ass is hambergi.

  9. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA

    Great show BIG THREE. I really cant wait until these guys find a new studio. I hope Don is more lively in the next couple shows by the time these guys start at the new studio; I cant stand one of my favorite comedians of all time sounding down since the last couple shows.

    Neil Leeds is kickass as usual

  10. MrDinosaur

    Haven’t listened yet, but I love Perry’s Pavlovian response of staring with his mouth open when there’s a giant wiener in front of him in picture five.
    Also, in picture 24, it looks like he’s Hitler dancing.
    This should be a good episode.
    Thanks guys.

  11. Trevor Corey

    all that homo talk creeps me out

  12. Yes, I'm Bi

    Mole is looking good… Perry not so much.

  13. Nick (Seattle)

    Yay mole is back. I was worried he wasn’t coming back this time. Perry’s unprofessional ass almost f-ed it up last time.

  14. Kevin

    The Film Vault is gone so I checked this out again …

    Jesus it is horrendous, unlistenable garbage. Sounds like someone give a bunch of dim witted, ADD afflicted, 13 year olds a tape recorder …

    Why does this still exist but Daves of Thunder and The Film Vault are gone? Insane.

    I know its free but I’ve bought several hundred dollars worth of stuff through the Amazon program because ABN provides good content.

    This is not good content.

    What growing business succeeds by cutting its most popular products?

    1. Randy Callahandjob

      You, Sir, clearly are an uninformed listener who hasn’t heard the Randy Callahan story – in short, Perry blew me whilst I pleasured him with my thumb & ring-finger, in exchange for me landing him a role on a sitcom w/Christina Applegate (which I never did). Don, Mole & the Scaremaster ROCK, and all things Big 3: Terrifying Tim Perpedic, Neil “The Mattress King” Leeds, Mary Jane, Guy Talk, Don Blockers, the AIDS blood on Perry’s toothbrush, Captain Bubblicious, Mole Play (not affiliated with Mole Play the home game, a division of Perpedic Industries), ASM Plumbing & Porn, etc etc etc

    2. Kevin Fails At Passive Agressiveness

      I think it is Ace Broadcasting you are trying to contact with your questions and concerns.

    3. TootsieRollTim

      hey kevin, get the fuck out the page, come to the ding dong show on monday and il find you and strangle you, now go watch an episode of Home improvement you phony fruitcake

  15. Kevin

    Yeah I get it, a stream of “outrageous” nonsense.

    It is boring.

    I’m done thinking about it forever now. I’ll join the rest of the world (minus 12 listeners) in not giving a shit about the big three.

    1. Randy Callahandjob

      And we will continue to not give a shit about Kevin, the fag who doesn’t give a shit about the Big 3. Just curious though – do you really like the Film Vault?

    2. Kevin Fails At Passive Agressiveness

      This has clearly been a changing moment for you in life. You are altered forever and there is nothing you can do about it. The podcast has been stamped in your memories forever. run, hide, it doesn’t matter. It is inside your brain!

    3. etc


  16. Perry's balls

    I hope that was a Canadian ten dollar bill that Perry received. Being made of 100% Canadian rock maple, we are well aware of the Big 3’s popularity in the great white north.

  17. pierre trudeau

    perry caramello is huge in canada. although maple trees in canada are becoming extinct because of all the canadian maple he is using for his skateboard company. PERRY STOP KILLING CANADIAN MAPLE TREES. There are lots of homosexuals in canada. Gay marriage is legal in canada. I could hook you up with lots of hunky canadian men, but stop killing canadian maple

  18. Banana Bush (technically a shrub)

    One of the things I appreciate about this podcast is you discuss popular culture and your personal lives, but also interview obscure Dutch rock bands. When is “Within Temptation” going to be on the show?

  19. Guy Richington

    Neil, can you get Perry to open up about the Randy Callahan incident? He drops subtle hints about it every once in a while, but we still don’t know what really happened. I mean, I know that he blew Randy Callahan and Randy jerked him off, but I’d like to hear the details. Like, why did he blow Randy Callahan? I need to know.

    1. Neil Leeds

      I will do my best,I have no idea about that crisis myself.Peace.Neil

    2. Demetri

      He blew him because Randy offered to get him into SAG, put him in a movie with Christina Applegate, and not to prosecute him for attempting to rape a cast member on the side of the highway. And that’s if you believe Perry’s side of the story; Randy has a different version of what type of sexual acts actually took place.

      What I want to know is why Perry is so ungrateful to people like Randy and Don, who have done nothing but help him to get ahead in show business.

    1. Corey Feldman

      Yup, that’s him.

      1. Randy Callahandjob

        He is me.

  20. korn

    I know most of you won’t do this but I personally am going to unsubscribe all of the ACP shows until the Film Vault comes back. Hit Carolla where he can measure it, in his listener-ship.
    BTW: ANYONE who believes that Carolla isn’t responsible for the show cancellation is naive.

    1. Neil Leeds

      Everyone else seems to be glad the film vault is gone.Peace.Neil.

      1. Neil Leeds

        I never wrote that comment..above.Please do not use my name for your comments.Thank you Neil Leeds

        1. Neil Leeds

          Don that comment was not from me,please check the account of that fan.Peace.Neil

      2. Neil Leeds

        I know it is fun to write comments,however when they are used with my name Neil Leeds,and it is not representing how I feel or that I said it,it crosses the path of injustice.Please for the comment above saying that I am glad the film vault is gone.I am not yet aware of the film vault and I will speak to Don about this.I would rather have you place your name back on your comment.Thank you very much.You do not have to hide.If that is how you feel.Then say it..but please do not use my name.I have to get to know about the film vault,and when I do..I may be able to comment about it.I first will speak to my main man Don first.Thank you again.Neil Leeds..Thank you for being a fan and listening to “THE BIG 3 PODCAST”..I view the comments and I understand the freedom of speech as well.I just want to be fair with my name.

  21. Johnny Dicksacker

    I’m standing on the Golden Gate Bridge. I’m gonna fuckin’ jump. Life is shit. No, you back the fuck up! I’ll do it, man. I swear to all that’s holy in this piece of shit world. If you don’t get Perry C as in Car A-V as in Victor E-double L-O here in thirty minutes, so I can lick his swarthy Italian nuts that taste like a day old footlong spicy Italian sub from Subway (product placement), I’m gonna end it.

    1. Randy Callahandjob

      Would u care to rim Perry C as in Car A-V as in Victor E-double L-O’s swarthy Italian anus as well?

      1. Johny Dicksacker

        Do you even need to ask? I’m gonna jump! Help me out, Randy. You can film it if that’s something you think you’d be into.

        1. Randy Callahandjob

          You’re goddamn right I wanna film it…the world needs a Perry C as in Car A-V as in Victor E-double L-O sex tape. He’s gonna be the next Kim Kardashian I tell ya, the next Kim Kardashian.

  22. Perry Karamello

    A coworker of mine down at the dock told me about this podcast. I had never heard of the big three before. He said I’d like it because a guy with the same name as me was on it. Boy, was he wrong. I love Mole and Don, but that Perry guy is doing a disservice to Perrys everywhere. He’s suck a dicksuckin’ cocksucker. I’m going by my middle name from now on. My new name is Gaylord Karamello.

  23. Neil with the veal

    Hey, who wants some veal parmesan? I’m Neil with the veal!

    1. Neil Leeds

      Not a bad catch phrase for a nice restaurant.Thank you Neil Leeds

    2. Neil Leeds

      I have been called” Neil the bannana peal” I guess things ryme.Neil

  24. Inigo Montoya

    I’m looking to make sweet, sweet love to my wife, and I’d like to ask you what bed you think would be best for that. Here’s the catch: she had an accident a few years ago and unfortunately, she ballooned to 600 pounds. I thought she was just right at 400, but that’s neither here nor there. Anyhow, we’ve broken four beds, a kitchen table, and four futons (like the one that piece of shit Perry sleeps on). What can I fuck my hot wife on? Make it sturdy. Maybe a mattress on top of old tires or something? Help me out, Neil!

    1. Neil Leeds

      Hi, Inigo Montoya,I would love to help you out,however I do not know the accident she had, and how she could be able to get better to improve the weight yet.I know mattresses can only last for a period of time and weight does play a big part in how long they will hold up before sagging.I would not want you to keep spending your money and wasting it.I think that a memory foam bed will hold the best for you and you can find some of the no name brands at very affordable prices.I can not play into the sexual part of your crisis because that is something very private between your loving wife and you.However I give you a prayer that your wife and you find a great way to keep on the loving that you have.I am glad you have that in your life.You are blessed.Love always Inigo.Neil Leeds…Have fun and I hope your wife recovers completly.Thank you for being a fan of “THE BIG 3 PODCAST” P.S my cousin suffers from weight troubles and goes through very tough times with being very heavy and I will say the weight goes in the range you mentioned,she is always in the hospital and her blood pressure is through the roof.I pray for her as well.I could not comment on her sex life.I would not ask that from my cousin.I just want her to be able to live a normal life,with not feeling sick everyday.We all have obstacles to overcome and I think you will work on helping your wife and yourself find that perfect matter what it takes.That is what love is all about***

    2. Neil Leeds

      Hi,Inigo Montoya,I would love to help you out,however I do not know the accident she had, and how she could be able to get better to improve the weight yet.I know mattresses can only last for a period of time and weight does play a big part in how long they will hold up before sagging.I would not want you to keep spending your money and wasting it.I think that a memory foam bed will hold the best for you and you can find some of the no name brands at very affordable prices.I can not play into the sexual part of your crisis because that is something very private between your loving wife and you.However I give you a prayer that your wife and you find a great way to keep on the loving that you have.I am glad you have that in your life.You are blessed.Love always Inigo.Neil Leeds…Have fun and I hope your wife recovers completly.Thank you for being a fan of “THE BIG 3 PODCAST” P.S my cousin suffers from weight troubles and goes through very tough times with being very heavy and I will say the weight goes in the range you mentioned,she is always in the hospital and her blood pressure is through the roof.I pray for her as well.I could not comment on her sex life.I would not ask that from my cousin.I just want her to be able to live a normal life,with not feeling sick everyday.We all have obstacles to overcome and I think you will work on helping your wife and yourself find that perfect matter what it takes.That is what love is all about***

    1. Demetri

      No, it was a movie called “Tehachapi”, which according to Wikipedia was later renamed “Across The Moon”.

  25. TootsieRollTim

    whats up with my t shirt, u said you’d get it soon. i hope you do. i was stoked on it

    1. Neil Leeds

      I am getting out everybody I promised a shirt.I was happy to get so many replys for one,that I had to order a new box because I ran out of the few I had left.They are coming from Washington and I will be sending it out to you for sure..Hold On TootsieRollTim..I say something I get it done.It will be to you for sure.Please let me know when you do get it.Thank you Neil Leeds.

      1. DJ Don Blocker

        Sounds good Neil with the deal Leeds! I’m stoked too. Thanks bud

  26. Donna, Don Barris' illegitimate baby daughter

    Has everyone gone bat-shit crazy? I mean, between Mole trying to be the Cheech AND Chong of the 21st century, to Perry going for that “Gallager-80s” look, to Dadsky (Don Barris) threatening to pull the plug on this fiasco of a podcast for the last 79 weeks, it seems that there’s something in the drinking water, and it’s called mental illness. Even these mental retardates who’ve responded are even nuttier than usual. I mean, the one guy is fucking Jabba the Hut. Yuk. I’m only six months old so is it too late to go back into the womb and NOT come out until I feel better, like in another 20 years?
    BIG THREE!!!

  27. TootsieRollTim

    thanks neil, if u need my address, just ask. you are a real stand up guy. And you sure can seal a deal!

    1. Neil Leeds

      I just wanted to update that the fans Of The Big 3 PODCAST who emailed me for the free T shirt that was going on for a few days..They were all shipped today by Fed ex and you should receive them soon.Thank you for being fans Of The BIG 3 PODCAST..Neil Leeds

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