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The World’s Best Podcast

A slew of guests join to discuss Perry’s Dad, sexy bald men, and why Mole went to rehab.

Show Summary

Don reminds everyone that this will be the second to last episode at ACE Broadcasting, and unfortunately Mole has had another incident and is now staying at a rehabilitation center. The guys then talk about Perry’s dad, and Don makes Perry apologize for his homophobia in the midst of an ad read. Later, Big 3 sponsor Neil Leeds returns to the show.

Perry’s agent Hank Greenberg, along with his assistant Becky Romaine, drop by later. Hank reminds Perry to keep his priorities straight, as mandated by the contracts they all signed, and Becky talks to Don about her mom’s obsession with bald men. John Quincy Adams also calls in to give an update on Mole.

In the final part of the show, the guys allow Becky to help out with Guy Talk, and Mary Jane assists during a quick round of Mole Play. The show wraps up with Perry’s Corner, where the guys talk about the latest updates on the Bean Town Heat project.

If you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood.  Every Monday @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the place where The Big 3 got their start!

Add the guys on Facebook, and don’t forget, get the cult classic film, Windy City Heat to really get a feel of what’s going on here!

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Show Credits

Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Brian Meyer
Big 3 Production Manager: Mary Jane Green
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Web Engineering: Sandy Ganz

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This Post Has 44 Comments

  1. Fan

    What I love about this podcast is that we were all Perry, Dan, or Mole at some point in our lives. Timeless.

    1. Fan of Fan's Comment

      Hadn’t thought of it that way. I totally agree. 🙂

  2. Oklahomo

    This blows… I hate when Mole isn’t on; it’s not as funny w/o him. I guess his health is more important and I am being selfish. They should switch it to The BIG 4, because Leeds is on every week now – wtf?
    Get better, Mole!!!! Do not pull a “Winehouse” on us!

    1. Nick (Seattle)

      I second this comment. We need more mole! Get well soon my friend!

      1. Yurgi

        We need more ass!

    2. Neil Leeds

      Thank you for the comments,The BIG 3 PODCAST is going to be THE BIG 3 PODCAST,I Neil Leeds just love being on the show because it is so great and fun to be on,However the show is a passion for DON MOLE and Perry,and I and many others people will be guests..sometimes for one time and like me maybe more than a few times,However it is the theme of the show and the creation of the movie and everything that they spent years working on that makes it THE BIG 3 PODCAST..I am glad to be on when I can.I hope you enjoy it like I do.Neil Leeds

  3. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA

    Dear Neil Leeds,

    I had an idea for a podcast when The Big Three finally start their new studio. I was wondering if you could get the guys, including you if possible, to all smoke Salvia on one of the future podcasts(or at least talk Perry into doing it by himself). The reason I ask this is that Canada recently established some critical laws turning the plant into a controlled and illegal substance, which is appalling to me; basically the Canadian government is becoming more and more corrupt, power-hungry, and communistic. It would be a good idea for the Big Three (or just Perry)to smoke Salvia on one of their podcasts as sort of a protest against the Harper Administration in Canada since there are many Big Three fans in The Great White North. Also tell Perry that Canada is seeking to ban all Windy City Heat DVD sales and censor The Big Three Podcast completely. This would be a way to convince him to take a few hits of the plant on his own to support the fans up there. Doing this would mean a lot to me and many loyal fans up in Canadia

    Thanks and God bless.

    1. Neil Leeds

      I would need some time on that one,However do not rule it out yet.We have to get that studio up and running and this suggestion will be kept open for a round table discussion.Thanks Neil Leeds

      1. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA

        Thanks Neil, that would mean the world to me. Keep up the good work and I cant wait for the new studio.

    2. Salvia Bad - Weed Good

      Don’t do it! I had Salvia ONCE. I lost feeling on the right side of my face, couldnt walk, and was completely paranoid that I did too much and might be dying.

      1. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA

        I guess it depends on what potency you start off with; you gotsta start small. Weed is the greatest plant ever put on earth but salvia can be used for spiritual purposes and aid in believing something beyond this physical shell (such as vision quests and whatnot) and I know Perry can definitely benefit from this since he is a godless Satanic/Communist Javaho slut who wants to ban Christmas and spit on the idea of spirituality, the same people who illegalized Marijuana back in the day and are trying to ban salvia right now.

  4. Unka Grizz .

    I just shaved my head for Becky. I think I’m in love.
    Great job once again Neil Leeds!! You bring a Gentleman quality to the show!
    Don you were FANFREAKINGTASTIC on the Podcast!! I am your biggest fan Don!
    Loved your Mole Play Maryjane !!
    Good job Scare Perr !! Don’t forget your PPPP’s Perry!
    I hope Mole makes it through rehab ok! When he gets out I will be his rehab sponsor if needed.
    Don is Hank Greenberg Perry’s Manager or his Agent or both? If he’s just Perry’s Agent then who is Perry’s Manager? You have me very confused now.
    Great Podcast !! I really enjoyed it very very much !! GO BIG 3 !!

    1. Neil Leeds

      Thank you..We love you to..”THE BIG 3 PODCAST” Thank you for your wonderful comments.Neil Leeds

    2. Harry Ceword

      You’re a bigger moron than P-Lo.

      1. Neil Leeds

        Thank you..any comments are better than none at all.Neil

  5. Stink

    I love when Niel’s on the show! I”m hoping that Niel and Perry can have a seperate show together once they switch over to the new podcast network. Maybe Niel can give Perry some motivational lectures. You know, get him on the right track.

    1. Neil Leeds

      Thank you,Perry is so fun to work with,A fun guy who knows how to take the heat.I thank you for your comment and I think Perry would always be there to take advise,he is a very wise man.Neil Leeds

  6. koko

    i’m sorry but the show just isn’t the same when Mole isn’t there. its called the Big 3 for a reason. God Bless Neil Leeds for trying to keep the show going. He is a genuinely good person, however, Mother Theresa herself could not replace Mole.

    1. Neil Leeds

      Thank you KoKO,You are correct..Mole is in a class of his own..Something I could not replace or duplicate.Thank you.Neil Leeds

  7. Alex

    Why does P Lo keep saying ‘thank you’ whenever someone addresses him? It could be in any context but he say’s it all the time. What a dumbass greasball.

    Bring back Terrifying Tim!

    1. Neil Leeds

      “Thank you” is not that bad..but maybe terrifying Tim could be on the way? Neil

  8. Demetri

    The Big 3 are trying to raise $2200 for their new studio. The auction only brought in $600, so they’ve started up a Paypal account for donations. The email address for Paypal donations is simplydonthepodcastnetwork​

  9. koko

    Didn’t Perry just win $25K from that lawsuit? He should use some of that money to pay for the new studio instead of buying $100 hats and decorating his greasy Italian arms with expensive tattoos.

  10. Gaylord Focker

    I love the Big 3 and the Big 3 Podcast so much… yet I have to say, with the exception of Perry’s commercial for ASM Plumbing and Porn, this episode was dreadfully un-funny. The Big 3 has set a high standard for itself and this installment didn’t live up to that standard.

    I am not going to name names but Neil — “Brevity = wit”

    1. Neil Leeds

      I will take this comment fully understanding your comment.It was a tough day,We had a lot on our plates and I know The BIG 3 PODCAST does not want to do shows that disapoint the fans,so thank you for the comment,and as a guest and fan myself.I will always remember to come to the show with as much passion and excitement as I can.Thank you Neil Leeds.

  11. Harry Benson

    Picture 19 is great, Don is getting his head rubbed by a beautiful woman. Neil is all smiles, no doubt having a great time on the podcast once again, what a great guy and funny too. Becky has on Parres hat and it looks like she really must love Dons bald head.Perry looks like hes thinking about twisting the italian sausage when he gets home, daydreaming about Dons enchanting blue eyes, while smothering his face in his own greasy hat. Hank looks like hes worn out from a long day of shopping, better get some rest.

    1. Neil Leeds

      Thank you for you comments,I hope to keep my smiles going and you as well.Peace.Neil Leeds

  12. Donna, Don Barris' illegitimate baby daughter

    “The World’s Greatest Podcast?” What’s inside my diaper, which hasn’t been changed in four and a half days, (thanks to my Padre, Don Barris) contains less shit than that statement. Yeah, listening to Don and Perry whisper, and some freaky lady getting off by rubbing Don’s melon is pure audio gold. How sad is it that the guy who’s gone a third of the time and who loves to shove produce into his sinuses is the most “mentally stable” in the group?
    BIG THREE!!!

  13. Steve

    What we need is a Big Three E Hollywood True Story. Or one of the Big Three can die, they can take a vote amongst themselves on who. Look what it did for Amy.

    Then the biography show will do something on them. Then they can have a great comeback with movie deals, interviews, write ups, and a great podcast. Then the Big Three can live on (except for one). Maybe that’s a bad idea

  14. Salvatore

    Why do both Mole and John Quincy Adams say “Do you know whom it is” when they call or leave a message

  15. OJ McDuffie

    More Mary Jane and less Neil Leads

    1. Neil Leeds

      I think you are correct,Mary Jane is wonderful.She is beautiful and talented and works so hard to keep the BIG 3 running with her amazing work ethic.Go Mary Jane.I appreciate your comment.Neil Leeds

      1. etc

        how about more of both Neil and Mary Jane

        1. Neil Leeds

          Hi Etc…THE BIG 3 PODCAST is always looking at the comments and ideas.We appreciate this comment and as the new studio gets up and running I believe that many great things are on the way for the fans that are now a part of the show,and the new fans that will be joing on across the world.I Neil Leeds love THE BIG 3 PODCAST and crew that work so hard to put these shows on every week.It is not easy.Mary Jane deserves a great round of applause for everything she does.Perform direct,and so may other great talents that you will be able to watch as the show moves foward.I hope I can be a part of the show as much as I can,However I am a fan for life of these great people who make this show come to your ears and eyes.Thank you very much Neil Leeds

  16. mewmewmint

    Perry, you suck at reading.

    What you should do to read better is to read a bit ahead, say it in your head, and compose how you are going to say it. This way you sound like an actual person talking like he’s actually thinking of and saying these things himself, instead of a 3rd grader who just learned how to read.

  17. koko

    Hey Neil,

    Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to respond to the Big 3 fans. I was just wondering if you have met Terrifying Tim? I think you guys would hit it off. Tim’s strategy in life seems very similar to yours. It consists of three components: professionalism, positive-thinking,and pretty hard work. The 3 P’s he calls them, and its taken him straight to the top! You seem to be doing pretty alright yourself. 26 stores!!

    So what do you really think about Perry? He’s always yelling and getting angry. You can be honest. He doesn’t read this stuff.

    1. Neil Leeds

      I like Perry very much,and he is going through a lot in his life.Having a major accident and another surgery on the way is very hard.He is handling it pretty well.He is a very smart man and he does have talent.Maybe as things settle down for him,he will get better at being angry and yelling..?I do not know that for sure.I am praying that he does for his blood pressure.Thank you.Neil Leeds

  18. T-bone McGurtzky

    Has Perry ever tried to blow you, Neil? You have to be extra careful around him. Here’s a tip: If he ever tells you “Hey, look over there!” Don’t do it! Because as soon as you look back, he’ll have your dick in his mouth. I’ve seen it a dozen times…

    1. Neil Leeds

      I am not sure if he would bother trying to go after me,I am not that hot!!..I think he loves woman..If he were to try I am not interested in that life style,so I would be quick to respond.I will remember not to have my pants down while “recording”..Just joking..Thanks for being a fan of the “BIG 3 PODCAST” Neil Leeds

  19. Dr. Nelson

    More Cookie Karamello stories please! I teach a course in naval history and love the fresh perspective I get from hearing about P-Lo’s old man.

  20. Chicago Loves The Big 3

    Neil – thanks for the T-Shirt and the buttons…very cool. You didn’t have to send them out so many thanks for doing so, and for being a supporter of The Best Podcast Ever!!!!

    1. Neil Leeds

      NO trouble.I am glad you received them.Neil

  21. Lavinia

    At last! Someone who unatssedndr! Thanks for posting!

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