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The Com3back.

Annnnd WE’RE BACK! Hear a sneak peek about when our next show is and what to expect!

If you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood.  Every Monday @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the place where The Big 3 got their start!

Join the interaction on the social networks with the Big 3 by following them on Facebook and on twitter … Oh, if you haven’t seen it as of yet get the cult classic film, Windy City Heat to really get a feel of what’s going on here!

Want More Big 3 Check Out

Show Credits

Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski & Perry Carmello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Sound Engineer: Various People
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

This Post Has 40 Comments

  1. Cookie Karavello

    Let the Toe Raping begin! Good to see the big three back, can’t wait for Mole Play, can wait for Perry’s Corner…..

  2. Alex

    Wait a sec, did Don pronounce Ace Broadcasting as AIDS broadcasting? Is it just me?

  3. Dean Cherry

    So excited for this…can’t wait to here about perry and his fondness for toes.

  4. ElCursi

    Perry loves dudes!! ahhhhahahahaha!

  5. randy callahan

    looking forward to the return. hopefully they have officially added terrifying tim to Big 3 and got rid of perry, his unprofessionalism is what had them removed to begin with, and Don and Mole shouldnt have to put up with it anymore

  6. Mr. Fister

    Fuck yeah! so great to hear the new studio is up and running, was going to write a nasty comment about Perry’s homosexuality but I’m just too elated! This new podcast gonna be up on iTunes?

  7. lauri2

    FUCK YEAH! Much love to the scaremaster from Finland! i just wish he would be a little more straight and professional this time around, dont fuck this up Perry!

  8. Jim Givitis

    Nice. Bring back Terrifying Tim; drop the mattress dude already.

  9. StevesDesigns

    Welcome back to the most inside and brilliantly written weekly podcast. Don and “Mole” raise the bar for all others with their genius and passion for delivering clever entertainment. Perry is famous based on his curious talent and long friendship with them. LONG LIVE THE BIG THREE!

  10. Linda's Johnson

    Perry sucked my prick also Randy.

  11. It’s the 9th and I’m here and I’m looking all around for the new podcast as promised and it’s not here and now I think you guys were lying to me. Just as your pal Neil Leeds lied about this lumpy, piss-stained mattress that he swears up and down is new but it’s not and I’m going to sue his ass off. But really, I guess I just miss you guys and have been doing coke for three days now waiting for this episode and it’s not fucking here!?!?!? Screw it. I’m sure Perry screwed it up or didn’t show up or sold the recording equipment or something retarded.
    Your pal,
    Floyd Mink

    1. aunt carol

      Hello, I can’t find the new big3podcast either!! Don told me that they taped it yesterday!! Anyway, I was the 2nd highest bidder on the mattress…Is it really used?? I was told it was top of the line. Awaiting your reply. Sincerely, aunt carol Mcdonough

    2. Neil Leeds

      Hi Floyd,I know you want the podcast back on,however can you please remove that ugly comment.That is not for this forum.Thank you Neil Leeds

    3. simplydon

      I CAN Guarantee that Leeds Mattress did not, never has and will not sell a mattress that is lumpy or piss stained … I ask that you PLEASE keep Neil out of Big 3 business because he is no longer part of the project and lies like that are the reason that he left … Again I’llI ask that you PLEASE leave Neil alone!

      1. Floyd Mink

        A. I’m not sure what the curfluffal (sp?) is all about; up and down Melrose, Santa Monica, and many side-streets, Neil Leeds is KNOWN to sell second-hand mattresses that pimps sell off to recoup upfront money. Everybody knows that; and so do you, Don… so do you.
        B. Where’s the new show? How are we to take the word of liar that Neil’s mattresses are not skidrow seconds when you don’t put up a podcast you promised us so-called “fans.” Obviously, we’re a pack of stooges for following you guys through the sewers of the InterWeb to find this new podcast that doesnt exist anywhere in mankinds known unervisio and….
        I cant talk anymore, I need a bump and to regroup and really get to know my TRUE feelings on this subject.
        I feel we can all still be friends… in the long run. But, right now, i kind of want to spit on Perry for not allowing the Big 3 to have the podcast ready. That’s All I wanted to say.
        Your pal,
        Floyd Mink
        West Coast PR Guy; SoCal. Many of you rubes around the world may not know what that is: It’s the town I roll big Bills in, Baby. Benjamins ’til the end. Good Night.

  12. Colt Shackleford

    Am I the only one checking this page every 20 min?
    I can’t wait.
    BiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG 3!

  13. thee

    i blame perry. totally unprofessional.

  14. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA

    Why isnt the podcast up yet?

  15. Neil Leeds

    Mr Floyd,

    I have no idea about a mattress you are speaking about,however this is not a place or forum to speak like that about my mattress business.I would not even go any further to say if you are a customer that has a problem with a mattress,and you say I lied and its pee stained..I do not take that as a joke.I can be reached at and you can tell me about what you are speaking of.Please call your lawyer and have him file a lawsuit if that is what you are going to write about,because if you know how I run my company,you will be wasting some big money after you realize that everybed has a number from the factory and a production date.I do not play games.I will ask Don who you are and the freedom of speech is acceptable,however defamation of character about something that is not fact and harmful to a company is not legal,and I will turn this over to my lawyer Monday Morning for discovery.I had a great time with this podcast,however that is not funny and I will not allow for it.I would suggest you use sound judgement with that comment.If you can respect the podcast and Don,I know he will have a podcast up shortly.Neil Leeds

    1. Demetri

      Defamation is only illegal if you can prove that the person intended malice. Floyd is just fucking around, Neil, don’t take his comments seriously. You won’t lose any customers because a random guy in the comments section of a podcast made a silly remark about your mattresses.

      1. Bertie

        Essays like this are so important to broeaidnng people’s horizons.

    2. Demetri

      It’s the internet. A guy like Floyd is nothing compared to a full on internet “Troll”. Floyd is a fan that’s just trying to be funny.

    3. StevesDesigns

      Well said.

    4. Floyd Mink

      Mr. Leeds (if this is even the Mattress King who wrote that one… i’m responding to?),

      Mr. Leeds,
      In that case, it seems, our lawyers will have a field-day going tit-for-tat over this second-hand mattress you ripped me off on.
      And, by the way, we have pictures, dna, hair, and dried-pee flakes to present in court… ALONG WITH the Mattress in question.
      You will surely be hearing from my barrister soon, Whitney Leoroy Balm, soon. And then your lawyer can call back. If it’s okay we can take it from there, I guess?
      Should we have lunch and plan out the lawsuit first? Is that proper proceeding in courtroom jurisdictional etiquatte. I’m out of the loop on that one.
      Anyway, we’ll sort that out later.

      Your pal,
      Floyd Mink,
      West Coast PR Syndicate.

  16. Colt Shackleford

    Did it not happen yet?
    DAMN! I honestly almost wrecked my car getting home to listen to 3 dudes shout at each other.
    Not even Dr. Drew can cure my addiction.

  17. Don Foo

    Ha. Me too.

  18. Daggaroni

    Hitting the refresh button isn’t helping the new episode appear. I just hope Mole didn’t relapse on that HN diet.

  19. Big Fan # 2329347

    I hope they talk a ton of shit about Ace Broadcasting, Fuck Weez.

  20. Harry Benson

    Great to hear your voices Don and Mole. Its true the Scarmaster doesn’t like to rape men, he loves to suck them off willingly and on command, in dimly lit offices. Can’t wait for the first podcast, need to know how Moles doing. MoleplaY should be even better now in the new studio. Don please continue to try to show Perre how to be a true professional such as yourself, your’e doing the lords work, but you knew that. BiiiIG 3!

  21. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA


    1. simplydon

      The Episode will be up soon… Don is working on it.

  22. Perry Caravello

    DON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PUT UP THE PODCAST! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      1. Demetri

        In the Best Of compilations you can hear some of the cut content. It’s the most noticeable with the first Andy Dick experience. The Best Of version is taken from the original audio, and doesn’t have a some of the edits that are in the full episode. Nothing earth-shattering though. It’s better in the edited form; at least in that case.

        Remember in the 5th episode when they came back from suspension and Perry had to apologize to the homosexual community? He barely gets into his speech before getting cut. Supposedly it was an hour long show that was cut to 35 minutes because Perry flipped out and started threatening to kill people. Now that’s something I’d like to hear!

        1. Demetri

          There’s also video of the first 4-5 minutes of the first episode on Facebook. After Perry throws the mike at Sol, he starts screaming that they’re all whores and starts getting up to leave, and Don has to grab his arm and tell him tell him to sit the fuck down. It was cut for the actual podcast.

  23. Neil Leeds

    Thank you guys for understanding and supporting me with your comments about my mattress business,I wish I can be in costume under a different name so I can join in the fun more,I am stuck because I have so many families and friends in my mattress business,that lend me money,to keep me alive in these bad times and a reputation that is clean.I love the Podcast and everyone of the fans…Working with Don and Maryjane and mole and Perry has been so fun.I just have been getting a little flack from the web linking my name to my business.It stinks that it has to go that way,on another good side for the show is that the web is a great tool to launch out to the world,and for that more than me.I want Dons dream to turn into a reality…and as I see is.Im am proud.I am ok with the fun stuff believe is fine.I just work 7 days a week for the past 16 years to keep Leeds Mattress open with 26 locations and my team and staff ..I have to feed them with clients and advertising and health care and etc..that is why I defend my company from any attacks.I love you all and ..I hope you are all proud of Don and can continue to support his growing network.I know day by day..inch by inch,this podcast will be ultra great..Peace out ..Neil Leeds

  24. jomilla

    Open Letter to All:

    As the Simply Don Web Developer, I do not own any of the content produced by the site and cannot modify or delete anything without consent. All project Business, Requests for Comment Deletion of other members, ect should be sent through the site’s contact page and not to me or my personal email address.


  25. Grady Enward

    Great show, Don and Mole. Thanks. Perry loves him some toes.

  26. Perry's Bloated Face

    We love you Neil! We just realized we live right next to a Leeds Mattress store. We will definitely buy our next mattress from you. Thanks for supporting the Big 3! We look forward to the podcast every week.

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