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Don’t Call It a Comeback – The Big 3 Returns

The guys are back after five long weeks of being away and are now coming to you from a secret location in West Hollywood, CA @ the NEW Simply Don – The Podcast Network Studio.

Show Summary

The three lads from Liverpool are back bringing their unique way of producing a podcast by talking about Pop Culture and their own Personal Lives.  The guys talk about why they left Ace Broadcasting then went into where they were when they first heard about the 9/11 tragedy.  Mole was then quick to to change the mood by bringing out a bottle of bubbly to celebrate the return of the Big 3 Podcast, the NEW podcast network & the NEW studio.  Perry claims to be a ladies man and his love of WOMAN’s toes but claims he wouldn’t rape a man’s toes.  The guys say goodbye to a friend of the podcast, sharp guy, Uncle Frank Potenza who was the first to put it together that Windy City Heat was filmed as a visual for Pink Floyd’s, Dark Side Of The Moon.  Perry refuses to eat an apple pie that was sent in because he had already had lunch.

The podcast includes the shows regular segments that the listeners seem to love, Guy Talk, Mole Play & Perry’s Corner making the guys return wonderful.

If you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood.  Every Monday @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the place where The Big 3 got their start!

Join the interaction on the social networks with the Big 3 by following them on Facebook and on twitter … Oh, if you haven’t seen it as of yet get the cult classic film, Windy City Heat to really get a feel of what’s going on here!

Want More Big 3 Check Out

Show Credits

Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski & Perry Carmello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Sound Engineer: Brian Meyer
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller


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This Post Has 111 Comments

      1. Offensive (Please choose appropriate screen names.)

        For the douche bag censors, EGBDF is pun on ROYGBIV.

        1. Offensive (Please choose appropriate screen names.)

          Ok, I wasn’t censored after all. Never mind. Sorry for calling you a douche bag, douche bag censor.

          1. jomilla

            The Comment Names shouldn’t be censored so I’m not sure how you arrived at such a long and terrible user name.

  1. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA


  2. Collin

    Thank God. Its back!

    1. Collin

      Oh yeah, the site looks sharp.

  3. jomilla

    Sorry for the delay guys, Now that we worked out the bugs it should be smooth in the future shows..

    1. jomilla

      Very Cool. Future shows will be posted in Mp3 and I’m in the process of converting this show.

      1. Demetri

        In the meantime, I posted it in mp3 format to DepositFiles. I also changed the tags and filename so that it fits with the old ACE era podcasts.

        If bandwidth costs become an issue, maybe you could post a link like this for future casts. That way those of us who download it directly aren’t draining your bandwidth.

        1. jomilla

          What do you mean you changed the tags?

          1. Demetri

            I changed the meta data tags that hold the info for track name, artist, album, etc. Actually, the only thing I changed from the M4A/AAC file that was originally posted was the track name, from “Episode 1001” to “The Big 3 Podcast EP233 – Don’t Call It A Comeback” that way it fits in succession with the ACE episodes.

          2. jomilla

            Ok, will fix that in future episodes..

  4. jomilla

    Open Letter to All:

    As the Simply Don Web Developer, I do not own any of the content produced by the site and cannot modify or delete anything without consent. All project Business, Requests for Comment Deletion of other members, ect should be sent through the site’s contact page and not to me or my personal email address.


  5. Neil Leeds

    Thank you..Jomilla

    Neil Leeds..Nice work!

  6. aunt carol

    Heather and I, enjoyed the Debut Podcast of THE BIG 3 on the NEW. Simply Don Podcast Network!!! May I add, that I Can’t really BLAME Perry, for Admiring my Niece Hearhere’s TOES!!! They really are SPECTACULARY Gorgeous.

  7. aunt carol


  8. Ladies Don't Want Perry

    Perry is alive after he left those messages to Mary Jane?!?!
    On behalf of all women. Perry is digusting!

  9. steve

    cant play on apple or zune this sucks give me back my 2 cent donation

  10. Dude

    Thank Dimitri. I can’t figure out how to download it from this site it just plays in another window.

  11. Andrew Jacobs


  12. Grady Enward

    Props to Mary Jane. I believe she is the “heart and soul” behind the podcast. Amazing woman.

  13. Nick (Seattle)

    Big three! You guys f-ing rock! So glad you’re back, I was starting to have withdrawal symptoms. Almost about to get my fix with some hard narcotics instead.

  14. Gene Novak

    Glad to see the show back. Although I still think I’m a little confused about whether Perry just blew that guy or fucked him as well.

    1. Demetri

      It’s heavily debated, and we may never know for sure unless Randy Callahan himself makes an appearance on the podcast. I imagine the Perry/Randy reunion being an Oprah moment. Perry apologizes for years of defamation of a man who only helped him to get ahead in show business, while Randy apologizes for not using a condom. They hug, maybe shed a few tears, and vow to keep in touch with each other.

  15. Alex

    Why is Perry trying to foot-rape women?

  16. Gene Novak

    jomilla I think I noticed a small bug in the site. My cursor was in the URL box when I submitted the comment (I didn’t type anything and hit enter), and when my comment was posted my name was converted to a link pointing to:

    I think your script is looking for the text “Website URL” if you didn’t enter a url but it’s not looking for empty strings. Just FYI!

  17. Gene Novak

    jomilla I was mistaken, when I cleared the text box out and put my cursor into the comment box the url reset to Website URL and when I submitted it it still linked to http://websiteurl/

    This time I just entered a space in the URL box and I’ll see if it links still. BTW, is this a joomla site or did you write it yourself?

  18. Jdubelu

    i love my HN but you guys are a def. up there too.. welcome back ya fuckin mo mo’s .. to bad ya guys arnt deathsquad…


  19. el

    just glad you are back.

  20. damien

    Wow guys great new podcast!!!

    Now i can quick picking bugs out of my skin waiting in fear of no big 3 podcast!!!

  21. Chris

    The scaremaster does kind of look like Benjamin Franklin.

  22. Ladies Love Cool Don

    And with the local Simply Don news, The Big Three with a triumphant comeback…

    Don’t call it a comeback!
    We’ve been here for years.
    Rockin’ our peers, and puttin’ suckas in fear.
    Makin’ the tears rain down like a monsoon.
    Listen to the bass go BOOM!
    Explosion, overpowerin’.
    Over the competition, we’re towerin’.
    Wreckin’ shop, when I drop these lyrics that’ll make you call the cops.
    Don’t you dare stare, you betta move!
    Don’t ever compare…
    Big Three to the rest that’ll all get sliced and diced.
    Ace Carolla’s payin’ the price.

  23. Cecil

    soooooooooo glad to hear my big hairy sexy perry back with his sensual voice

  24. Yabels

    So hyped to see The Big Three back!

    Is Brian involved in this show?

  25. StevesDesigns

    Congratulations for launching The (long overdue) Simply Don Network. All the programs will be worth following. When your web store is up and running I will be the first kid on my block to order a Big Three Mouse-pad and Coffee Mug. Podcast Suggestion – Jake Byrd’s Celebrity Nest. You guys are terrific! Welcome Back Big Three!!!

  26. Alex

    One other thing. Is it possible to boost the volume of the Podcast by a little bit? I can turn my MP3 player’s volume all the way up and it can still be a little difficult to hear them. I have to turn up my compute speakers a little.

    Just saying.

  27. Happy D. Clown

    “Mary Jane, what would you say?”
    “She was terrified.”
    So glad to have you guys back. I love y’all!

  28. Happy D. Clown

    The Dark Side of Windy City Heat totally works! I’ve done it, like, three times now and I notice new stuff every time!

  29. James Thompson

    Fuck yes! The funniest podcast is back!

  30. Gumballs

    Listening to the Big 3 podcast is a great way to celebrate the 10th anniversary of 9/11.

  31. Offensive

    This is probably the place to post things that are inappropriate, but true.

    The 9/11 Memorial is ugly.

    It’s a square, dark, depressing pit in the ground, which is exactly what the terrorists were trying to accomplish. Instead, we should have made it a garden — the total opposite of destruction, the total opposite of their culture of death.

    Create the best botanical garden in the world. Transplant a Sequoia, maybe “General Sherman” himself, from California to NYC. How great would that be? A failure of imagination, IMO.


    No disrespect meant, but it’s ugly.

  32. lauri2

    I think I always knew that Perry hated America, but this al qaida-thing still came as a big shock. What a disgrace to the honorable Cookie Caravelli.

  33. Offensive (Please choose appropriate screen names.)

    Serious note: we all know the reason behind let’s be “inoffensive” is something disgusting and offensive. It’s a Tragedy, a Comedy, and a Compromise, and a Comedy.

    We chose money.

  34. DommCobb


  35. felon

    is it me Or is Mary Jane Just Smokin hot?

    1. Grady Enward

      No, it’s not just you. Mary Jane is extremely hot, and smart, as well. Incredible female.

  36. the Cookie Caravello fan club

    Hey big three fans,
    My name is Pete, and I’m starting the Cookie Caravello fan club. If you’d like to join, let me know. We need to honor one of the greatest gay naval officers of all time, Cookie Caravello. Three cheers for Cookie! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!

    1. Bob Mosely

      I will join. What does the membership entail?

  37. Neil in teal

    What a fair weather fan Neil Leeds is. I see how it is. He’s all over the Big Three podcast when they were with Ace Broadcasting. Now where is he? What a star fucker. He probably wanted to offer Carolla a bed, so he could complain about it in one of his ‘hilarious’ bits. “I mean, you got these beds. Are they hard? Are they soft? The pillow’s all lumpy. That reminds me. There’s nothing worse than lumpy mashed potatoes…”

    1. Neil Leeds

      To Neil in teal,

      I appreciate your comments as always,and I have no hostility towards you.I will tell you that is a false comment about my charater.I have nothing to do with Adam or Ace,I was aware of Don and him changing his network and helped Don as much as I could.I have a family business and Don and I knew that the internet keywords with my name and my company would have trouble for some of the content that my family clients may have and my factorys that support me.I love Don and his podcast and always wish him the best.I am not gone,I watch the program and down the line when Don finishes up his show and podcast,one never knows that something could be done on a different level with me,as much as I had fun and enjoyed getting away from my business,I had to make a choice to be responsible to 75 employees and clients,to slow down for a while.I love to have fun,and I have been on tv for over 16 years now everyday in Los Angeles and I still clean toilets and being known is nice however,I made a decision for the company..not because Don switched to his own business format.I did the same thing when I was 25 years old..I risked it all got on a one way ticket ..a plane from NY to LA and never looked back and worked 7 days a week to acheive what ever small amount of success I have.I never have taken anything from anybody,and I love and support Dons ideas for his new podcast..that is the american dream.I did the same thing.It is not easy and I hope everybody applaudes him for it and supports his show.He will have so much more coming your way.I am sorry you had to add that in..but This is coming from me direct.I mean what I say and always have.If I was able to be in decoy…I would love to be a part of the show to have a good time and have some is so great to have fun.I may be more low key..but I never shyed away because I was able to handle words that were not hurting me.Well the web makes me fly around very easy and I was getting calls to my cell phone and my work and the factorys etc and Don and I know where we stand.So if you know me,you would never have bothered to write that statement.Please accept my comments in good spirit,because this show was never about Neil Leeds,it was about The BIG 3 PODCAST.Rock ON everybody.Peace Neil Leeds

      1. Neil in teal

        Neil, I’m sorry for my comments. I was in an emotional state when I wrote it. I just realized that you’d no longer be a part of the podcast, and I was upset. You see, you were my favorite part. I am also from New York, and I’m an aspiring businessman. I look up to you. So, again, I’m sorry for taking that shot at you. I was just hurt. Thanks for your heartfelt post. You are truly a great man, and you will be missed.

        1. Neil Leeds

          To Neil in teal,

          Thank you for the very nice comment back.I apreciate your words and I wish I could be back in NY sometimes,however I have so many obligations here in CA with the economy tough on me and everything getting in my way as far as free time,I had to watch out for the business.I have to watch out..the web links everything so fast.I hope very shortly Don and I can find a way for me to join in on his program in a unique way that will not connect the dots to my family buisness.I love Don and his crew,and the fans.Everybody treated me so was so great.I miss being on and I was excited to listen to the program the hour it went up.I want to say I am not gone and I will always be here to say hello and when Don gets everything the way I know he will have it.I think at that time we will find a place that will work with me and the show.Thank you so much again for taking the time to write back to me.Neil Leeds…The BIG 3 Rocks!!I am waiting myself for the next show..I hope you all enjoy it as well..Have a great day..I know Don needs everybodys support to help him continue to bring his great show to everybody,so I will put a shout out,please give a few bucks as a token of appreciation to Don and his crew for the wonderful podcast network that he promised to put back on..and he did it with his heart and his soul..He is a work a holic and he gets things done.I admire that so much.Peace everybody..

          1. Neil in teal

            You are a classy guy. It’s no wonder you’re such a successful business man. I can tell what a quality man you are by reading your words. I aspire to be a success story like you. Do you have any advice for a fellow New Yorker looking to make it? Also, why do you think Perry is so unsuccessful with his business ideas? I bet he sells four skateboards a year. If he had half the business acumen you have, he’d be a millionaire. Instead, he’s a lawsuit happy, closeted gay man. Neil Leeds, you are an inspiration!

    2. Neil Leeds

      Dear Neil in teal,

      Thanks again for your reply,as far as business advise,I would say try to find something you find passion in doing…you may end up doing it for a long time.Then stick everything you have into your project whether it is a five year goal to save $100.00 a week which today the interest rates are low,so it would add up to maybe 30k if you never touch it or even 50k if you add one extra day of work and put that in to,try to reduce overhead and things you do not need and build incredible credit up…This way if you are just starting up a business you have your seed money that you worked hard for and you have credit..that is always a great start…if you already are in business,then I would go very long into questions of what you do? who is your target market and your main competitors,what makes you stand out…service is key..Loving your work and your employees which I like to refer as part of my team or family is very important..inspire them to deliver exellence..People buy from people they like doing business with..First I say take care of your clients and your clients will take care of you,they will refer you and will continue to visit or buy from you.I think the first thing to always remember is that there is always the get rich games and then there is the long term thinker..I would say think long term and do not get disapointed by short term results.The long term will prove to be a success.Its hard to say this,but try to remember never give up..If you got something or love something go after it.Live your dreams by working hard to reach them.They are always possible.You are your own economy,the mind and your integrity,Warren Buffett says it takes a lifetime to build your reputation and a few seconds to ruin it..He has many qoutes.I think reading annual reports of public companies is always important.I think it is also handy to follow politics to a degree,to see how things will be taxed and how to plan your future savings and to always remember that there will always be someone smarter or richer,however that does not take away your unique qualities that are god given.We are all blessed and we can try to be more thankful for what we do have than what we do not have.I have so many things I can share but I will take the whole blog up,so as I end this longer than usual comment.I give a prayer to all of the Big 3 fans for health, Love, prosperity and remember kindness goes a long way.I believe in many things,however I know I had to work hard for everything that I have.I never stiffed over anybody and I never wake up to do so.I am proud of that.I may make less money because of that,but do not always believe that nice guys finish last..its not a race.It is your life and I think everybody should try to make a legacy for themselves in a way that imprints the world with a special touch.
      As far as Perry I know him for a small bit of time,but I love him,and I want him to get better with his surgery and that tragic accident that he has to go through.I think perry has a chance to become very wealthy as we all can over time.I am happy to see that he is trying to get better and he is seeking his future out and I think as time goes by,he will slowly branch out as well.I know the show has humor and such,but from what I see in Perry and everybody in the cast…They are incredible people with talent and passion to succeed in what they are trying to accomplish,and with that doors will open.I appreciate commenting on the subject.It was very brief because I would have to give you 50 pages of my thoughts or at least 5 hours of my time to brief you on what has happened to mistakes,and everything I have learned having worked now for over 30 years.I started at age there are many stories.Maybe that will be for a future work on business ideas and help others reach their potential and inspire them to be the best they can be.I like that stuff.Have a very great day.Love always..Neil

      1. Neil in teal

        Wow, Neil, you have no idea how much that response means to me. I’m going through a tough divorce, and it’s affecting my business. My bitch of an ex-wife cheated on me with the fucking guy who cut our lawn, and it’s really devastated me. I loved her, and she tore my heart out. I try to check it at the door and not let it affect my business affairs, but every time I try to forget about it, I think of that greasy fuck riding that mower in my yard and fucking my wife when I wasn’t home. Anyhow, your words really picked me up and lifted the fog from my head. It motivated me, too. I will work hard and be successful to show that bitch and her stupid fucking father. Thanks again, Neil. You truly are a light in these dark times.

        1. Neil Leeds

          TO Neil in teal,

          I can relate to your story,I was planning on getting married to a woman a few years back,and after being abstinence and trying to be the most ethical man,I find out she was cheating and lying.It hurt so much…The song from Nazareth “LOVE HURTS” check it out on you was what I listened to over and over and then slowly the pain goes away and the doors open to someone who really loves you, and you will one day be able to forgive her,however I would not take her back..that is just me.Do not jump into any new relationships,other than meeting new people and allowing yourself time to enjoy your life and getting healthy and working on your goals and dreams.Woman or just relationships in general can be very painful,time consuming and end terrible.The great thing is you are still alive and you did not use bad judgment and hurt the man or her for what she did to you.That was exellent mind control.Stay the course.I promise you the pain will go away,you do not need to heavy up on drugs to stop the will not work.The pain comes right back after your high is over.The gym is the best medication.I know how hard this is on you,it is more painful than most things in life.It is so bad what somebody can do to another person they claim to love.I know through how you write that you are super smart and I know you will succeed in your business ventures,but I would say do it 100% for “you” because you deserve it and she will one day look back and she will see what a very awful thing she did to you.We can all learn to forgive,maybe never forget,however being the stronger man will prove you to be a winner and when it comes to your next love,you will have even more experience than you ever had before,and that woman will appreciate you when she gets to know how you handle yourself and how hard you work.Woman like men who are honest with their feelings,and I feel it is ok for a man to cry,it is real and you should and can…let it out..Then watch how everything falls into place for many great things that will be on your way.I am so sorry to hear about this woman.Your are not alone..even though that statement does not help you.You are not down yet..You are Rocky and you will get up stronger and better than ever..Mark my words.The best to you Neil Leeds

      2. Neil in teal

        Neil, I’m thinking of getting a tattoo to celebrate being over my stupid, motherfuckin’, lawn mower dick suckin’ ex-wife. What do you think I should get? I seriously value your opinion, so please think this out. Remember, tattoos are permanent.

        1. Neil Leeds

          To Neil in teal,

          I love art,I think tattoos are a expression of individual suffering,identity,and many other things,however..just my true thought and opinion I would not want you to have to look at that tattoo everyday for the rest of you life,and your next lover to have to deal with thinking about your ex either.She does not deserve a place on your arm or body.She wronged you..Please celebrate that it was better to go through this while you are young and are ready to take on the world then later on.The tattoo is permanent,or removal is a option,you may even have to do a cover over…why? for her..No way..your celebration is that you were gifted with strengh and courage to move right past this woman who cheated on you.Do not let her see you falling..Place your mind control on your business,work,family friends and everything that makes you happy.Let the divorce go through in peace..because that makes you so special and it will leave you with no regrets on how you treated her after finding out.I do not mind you getting a tattoo,but way for her to have that place on your body..she lost that opportunity..There is no real celebration for a divorce anyway,it is sad and very unpleasant.I say you make a life plan for your next five years,write them down ..and check them off one by one as you complete them..The stats show that those who write down their goals and stick with them end up acheieving them..Well your first goal is to heal your pain,and rise up from the ashes of a very bad divorce.Somebody is over your head and watching out for you,so keep in mind..there is somebody much better than her,and hold the line a little to find her.It is like a interview process..You are going to find the qualities you want or you move on from the fakes..Take time and relax..take a breath and keep busy to allow this pain to slowly remove itself from that powerful brain we all have.If you have any questions I can help you with feel free to ask.I know it is very hard as I write this to will still be in your head for a while,but I know you will find your calling without her.Watch out for that will realize in a few months as well that she is not taking your body..No way she needs to get help and find may even wish that for her..that is ok to do.Love her and let her go..It is ok to still love her,it is not ok to keep her.God bless you and may the best days be ahead for you.Your friend Neil Leeds

    3. Ed

      I agree with all the points above. Neil Leeds is a complete piece of shit. Now that the big three aren’t at Ace, he’s nowhere to be found. He’s probably beating off somewhere on a mattress in one of his stores. He’s worried about google searches? The Big Three Podcast is for everyone. It’s a family show! Don even had his baby, Donna, on for a few episodes.

      1. Neil in teal

        Hey Ed,
        Watch your fucking mouth when talking about Neil Leeds, okay? If you’re messing with him, you’re messing with me, and I’ll punch your fucking teeth out. What have you done with your life? Neil’s a successful business man and is from the greatest place in the world, New York, baby!

        1. Ed

          Bring it, Neil. I’ll fight anyone who wears teal. That’s a woman’s color. Neil Leeds is a pussy and so are you. Just like your stupid hero’s slogan, “I won’t be beat”!

          1. Neil in teal

            Teal’s a woman’s color? Have you ever heard of the Miami Dolphins, you inbred fuck? I’ll meet you anywhere, any time. I’d be glad to kick your ass. You don’t get people like Neil Leeds. Sometimes it’s hard to understand true genius.

      2. Neil Leeds

        Hi Ed,

        I respect what ever you want to call me,and I can take the foul language,However with 26 stores and what I face,if you had to walk a mile in my shoes…you may have chosen different words.I love The BIG 3 and as you see I am not gone yet.I have nothing to do with ace,let us stop that stuff..I would rather put the humor back in this blog and comment section..why waste it on me..Lets give some great feedback to the ones who deserve it the most and that is the cast and crew who include Don and Mary Jane, Mole, and Perry.Please hold on for a bit.I will find a way with Don if it is to his liking to get back on and have fun..I love the podcast.I even love you..I would rather be talked about than not..I just wish we could keep on track with the truth,it really hurts to think that anybody would believe that outright lie! Peace.Neil

        1. Ed

          “I would rather be talked about than not.” There’s that ego. Look at the big, bad mattress man. You and this Neil in teal are probably lovers. You both make me sick. If I owned one of your mattresses, I’d take a giant shit on it. Go back to Ace, ya company man.

          1. Neil Leeds

            If I did not get talked about,I would not have been able to have built 26 stores,clients talk about my commercials and what my company stands for and then they come to get the service and sleep set they need for there health.So yes I need to be talked about in my line of work..I think that is not ego that is branding..My company is Leeds..and I happen to have put my name and face on my business,not many people are willing to do that.They are silent and stay behind the scenes.I went with tv for 16 years and that is the truth.If you want to continue bashing me with your foul language ..if it makes you feel better.Then vent your frustration on me.No trouble.The only thing is that while you are cursing me out I still work 7 days a wek and I am on tv everyday and I support 75 people and create jobs and help the economy from what my team and company provide.I am proud to continue that.I know you have a divided thought of me,and I will not challenge your thought to change it.God knows,and that is all I need.Neil Leeds…please if you really cared about The BIG 3,would you be kind enough to stop advertising them by bringing the name to the comment section..Don needs the advertising.I am sure Adam and his crew are doing there own thing,I just do not happen to be in that circle as you say I am.I am in my office over 15 hours a day.Peace ED.It is ok to love and be kind and gentle,for I know it is inside of you,however you would rather take me down a few points..keep in mind life is short and one never knows what could happen in life..I think you should be greatful for THE BIG 3,and allow Don and I to come up with something..because you do not know the full story and this is not the place for it.I just know that I read your words and accept them.I have a big enough ego to say I still love you and whenever if you want to move foward from this worthless topic and go on to something more funny or more interesting I think we all as fans would be happier..Thank you so much ED.

          2. Neil Leeds

            Dear ED.

            With Love..

      3. Neil Leeds

        To ED,

        Why do you continue to advertise Ace,when you are on The new podcast with new fans everyday? Give Don the advertising and support the podcast.I do and I will continue. You keep talking about the past ..we must move to the future wich is SIMPLY DON THE PODCAST NETWORK..I promise to work with Don and his crew to find my way back if he approves,I am not working with his past crew at all.I am signed on to Lets make a deal on channel 2,and I have projects coming up on HBO..I happen to advertise on channel 7 which supports channel 7 ABC and many others..which Jimmy Kimmels Show is on.So please let me stop there to say,I have spent over 30 million dollars advertising my brand and that brand is My name and me,and I must make choices.Some I regret,because my business was first..I gave up the celebrity apprentice with Mr Trump because I could not leave to NY for 11 weeks.I gave up A show with Mark Burnett because I liked some of the format and some that I could not be a part of,and the list will get bigger.I wish I could have done many of the projects that I was offered,but I sacrificed to build my company first and to eat.I am sorry.I want to do Pillow talk,and if Don and his crew and team find a way to work that in.I want to do it and support it.That never changed.This image and web site issue was started from my very first show with Don,you did not know that.I really just want to tell you how wrong you are,but give it time and you may know the truth.If you do not believe me..I accept it.Neil

        1. Ed

          I’m not going to argue with either of the Neils. You are both fucking morons. I’d rather sleep on the side walk in a pile of glass than a bed that had your name on it. Spend all the money on advertising you want. You’re not getting my business. And I’m so sorry to hear you had to turn down Celebrity Apprentice. What a sad story. My heart bleeds for you.
          PS. Neil in teal, the Dolphins fucking suck. It’s fitting that you’d root for Dan Marino. He never won a super bowl, so like you, he is a loser.

          1. Neil Leeds

            Dear ED,

            Thank you Ed,I think that ends the debate not to argue with the both Neils.I understand your frustration with me,and I am sorry.I do appreciate yor words and that you would never buy a mattress from me.I truly will acept that.I still wish you well in your pursuits of your own anyway.As always Peace.Neil

          2. Neil in teal

            Yeah Neil! Way to get the final word. You showed that idiot Ed who’s boss. Ed, you got owned.

          3. Ed

            Oh, Neil in teal, you want to start this shit back up cause I’ll gladly continue. Neil Leeds, control your watch dog. Both of you should go post on the Ace network.

          4. Tony in The Big Easy

            Ed,that is the funniest shit
            I’ve read on here,ever.I was howling laughing how you destroyed Neil and his fan.I myself pray that Neil Leeds does not return to the big 3 podcast because he has absolutely no sense of humor and his long-winded explanations of anything bore me to tears.One show appearance was fine,but it had to turn into him believing he was actually an honorary member of the Big 3.And that,I just can’t tolerate.Go back to selling mattresses and leave comedy to the professionals.And please, don’t reply to this with a college dissertation length bullshit life-lesson.

          5. Neil Leeds

            Dear Ed,

            I am at peace,I do not want to fight or argue,this is disrepectful to the podcast and what it stands for.I know The other Neil will be fine as well if we move on and work to a better day.I thank you for standing up to everything and we all have to do our best through these tough times.I know I am nt having it easy,I just want friendship..or peace knowing we are complete in calling each other every name in the book.It will not help our days or the show..Let the PODCAST ROCK! …THE BIG 3!!!Neil L.

        2. Neil Leeds

          Dear Tony in the Big Easy,

          Thank you for the comment..sweet and short..your wish is my command..Peace.

          1. Ed

            “your wish is my command” What are you a fucking genie now, Neil? If you were a genie in a bottle, I’d take that bottle and shove it up a fat hooker’s ass and then throw it into the ocean, hoping to never see or hear from you again.

  38. Mike

    Will you guys ever discuss car related questions on the podcast? I have a question about an Olds’ Delta 88.

    1. Alarming Andrew

      “Kar”-avello Talk?

      I think you’re on to something. “My car is making a noise, which kind of sounds like ‘ewwww ewwwww!'”

  39. Word Smith

    Caravelo-v. Partaking in a homsosexual act for the sake of employment.

    ie. That dude totally Caraveloed his way into that movie.

    It all started with Perry’s grandfather Caravelloing his way into Al Capone’s good graces. Then, Cookie, who wasn’t a good cook, kept the family streak alive by Caravelloing his way into the much sought after role of Navy cook. Finally, Perry Caravelloed his way into that role with Randy Callahan. What a rich family tradition.

  40. Dean Cherry

    Everyone stop nitpicking about the format, it was the first available download on the site, cut them some slack, they did a great show.

    And besides we got to hear a delightfully romantic story about a consensual dalliance between Perry’s mother and Butchy the hunky auto mechanic.

  41. bedeep

    MJ (I assume it’s MJ doing the photography) needs to shut of the little autofocus beep on her camera. The mics are picking it up.

    Great to hear you guys again. Congrats on the new studio. I LOVE the decor. It is what I always imagined Randy Callahan’s office was like when Peri blew him.

    Can’t wait to hear from Neil Leeds again. And of course Terrifying Tim. That great chemistry between Tim and Peri is something to be missed. It’s great how Peri can be the thick simpleton to Tim’s quick-witted verbal artistry.

    Again, glad to have you back. I hope the large donation I sent into the ten dollar shout outs made the hiatus a little easier after you split it between you.

    1. Neil Leeds

      Thank you bedeep,


  42. Frazer Smith

    Donny, the big house is back! Go blue!!!!!!!! Man, that game was something else. I was so pumped up that I considered getting a Michigan “M” tattooed on my right butt cheek.

  43. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA

    Neil Leeds is such a cool guy. I really hope he shows up on the future podcasts.

    1. Neil Leeds

      Thank you Bihl.I hope I can as well,it is such a blast.Take care.Neil

  44. felon

    not working in iTunes?

      1. simplydon

        Don’t do it … Ace Broadcasting has our name in the itunes set up so let’s see how we get that

        1. Mary Scaramello

          It works Don, it doesn’t go to the Ace feed.

  45. Alex

    Neil, you don’t have to respond to ‘every’ comment. Don’t get me wrong, I like you in the podcast and thought you were awesome in your debut when you get Perry and Don to reconcile over Perry stealing from Don. I just find it a little odd that you respond to every comment made to you no matter how bizarre it may be.

    I mean, if some dude leaves a comment on how your mattresses got him laid with a couple of tourists from Thailand but he got AIDS as a result of that and blames you for it. It’s pretty clear the guy is joking. Or some other weird shit like that.

    I don’t know if you’re potentially aware of that or if this is just how you deal with ‘trolling’ but I just thought I should let you know.

    1. Neil Leeds

      To Alex,

      You are correct,I will keep my emotions lower moving foward.I just have a hard time with heavy stuff,regarding my integrity.However I know this is a comedy show,but we did share, and The BIG Three share there lives on the podcast.I did the same so I guess I took it a little personal.I love interacting with the fans and have a great time just writing and finding new friends.Thank you for your advise.Neil

      1. Floyd Mink

        To Neil Leeds,

        You, Me, an Alley, Midnight, Fistfight, on.

        Your pal,
        Floyd Mink,
        Melrose PR, INC. and Co.

  46. b-real

    Not on Itunes…don’t want it. Step it up! Thought you were the Biiigg Threeee!!!!!!!!!!!!

      1. Jr. Bob Dobbs

        Thank you for that-makes it SO much easier than constantly checking the site and then downloading it and then dragging it into itunes. Bob is all about slacking.

  47. Cecil

    Neil Leeds is a very smart and handsome man and i am happy to hear he is smart and makes responsible decisions

  48. A stallion whose ancestors at one point hailed from Italy

    I, for one, am greatly disappointed that Perry does not like to rape men.

  49. Frad Baulson

    Fucking jesus jehovah…when is The Scaremaster going to drop the sucking Randy Callahan’s dick thing, already? I mean, jesus jehovah! It’s been fucking 20 years.
    Yeah, Perry. You give great head. Got it. Now let’s move on.

  50. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA

    wheres the new episode?

  51. thebearjew

    Is the new podcast available on itunes. Can someone help me find it because I can not. BIIIIIIIIIIGGGG 3!

    1. JoMilla

      Waiting on the account info from ACE.

  52. mewmewmint

    God dammit Perry! You are so stupid!! Why do you even say anything about politics or the news!? Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11!! The terrorists were all Saudi Arabians. Saddam is from Iraq you moron!!

    Glad to see the Big 3 is back! Though I wish you would get rid of Perry and get back Terrifying Tim! Oooo-oooo-ooo-ooo-ooooooh!

  53. Floyd Mink

    Hi, Big3,

    It’s Wednesday or Tuesday and I miss you so. Just dropping in a little note to say, Hey… what’re you guys up to? I’m chilling and sippin’ a hot toddie and trying out this new Chong Bong that Connie found at a flea market. You guys stop by later, if ya want. Just, please… don’t bring Perry, if you do decide to stop by.

    Your pal,
    Floyd Mink,
    Melrose PR, INC. and Co.

  54. Sam Stewart

    Perry looked really good this episode

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