You are currently viewing THE BIG COM3BACK


Perry apologizes for all his gay slurs in the hopes of getting the show back on the air. They also listen to an international commercial they recorded, and talk about kinky Russian sex.

At the top of the show, Don thanks the ACE Broadcasting network for allowing the show back on the air after a week long suspension. Perry apologizes to the homosexual community, listeners, and also to the staff for his inappropriate behavior.

John Quincy Adams calls in with an update on The Big 3’s latest international success, and air a previously unheard commercial they recorded. They also take a call from their friend William Randolf Hearst, who’s concerned that Perry’s tendency to sue people will prevent them from getting work.

Hearst stays on the line for a Guy Talk segment, and the guys discuss some really kinky sex they were involved in. Perry talks about his own explicit encounters, and makes a promise to never sue again. Wrapping up the show, the guys do a round of Mole Play, where Mole sets the scene and directs the conversation.

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Show Credits

Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Brian Meyer
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Web Engineering: Sandy Ganz

This Post Has 59 Comments

  1. Good Gravy

    On coming back: As the wise man said, it is better not take a dog on the space shuttle, because if he sticks his head out when you’re coming home his face might burn up

  2. Dr. Crawford

    So it was prophesied–they came back!!

  3. Bronson

    Pooooooooooooooooost 3!

  4. Jack Payback

    The Big Three are back!!!!!

    All will be right in the world now…..

  5. TrueBeliever

    F this show. More Daves of Thunder!!!

  6. Unka Grizz .

    Hey TrueBieber if we wanted any crap out of you we would squeeze your head .
    Great Pod Cast Gents 3 ! So glad you are all back ! I can sleep again !
    Perry you hung out at a gay shop when you were young ? Hmmmm that explains A LOT !
    Daves of Thumper!!! Is going to crash and burn . He needs to mind his own damn business !
    Mole we need to party together soon dude . BYOSW (Bring your own Sharkweed.).
    Thank you Don and Adam Carolla for keeping the Pod Cast on the air even though Adam has never replied to my Robot Dance Off Challenge . I know he’s scared of me .
    LOVED the Skateboard story ! I’m an ol skool Skateboarder just like Perry and Thank you Perry for not blowing my computer speakers this week .
    Can’t wait til the next Pod Cast ! Same Pod Cast Time , Same Pod Cast Channel .

  7. Sandy Gallagher

    Don kinda looks like one of the cave dwelling monsters in The Descent…. Only fat….

  8. Rolo Tomassi

    F*ck Yes! And Perry didn’t even have to blow anyone… Or did he, Adam?

    1. Shotgun Ed

      You won’t get away this time, Rolo!

  9. Get it on

    Glad to hear some more Mole Play. It’s one of the best segments on the show. “SHUT THE FUCK UP, PERRY! WE’RE DOING MOLE PLAY!”

  10. Tairy Hesticles

    BiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiG 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Fuck yeah best podcast on the network…. thats right fuck you Fagasheck.Perry thanks for blowing Adam or knuckle shuffling his piss pump, the show needed to go on and you knew that. Mole always next year on the Prop 19, I think the %’s will be the other way around next time. Don quit fucking all the hot hollywood sluts!!! we don’t want to hear about it SERIOUSLY.

    BiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiG 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Statutory Perry

    This is honestly the only pod cast I’ll actually listen to.

  12. Dave Dameshek


    1. Don Barris

      Damn is right Dameshek … If this is the real Dave Dameshek you won’t be able to escape the wrath of The Big 3 Army, you challenged us and now you must pay … The Big 3 Army consist of people that have dedicated their lives to this podcast and you attack us … Your pretty boy good looks isn’t going to get you out of this mess, “Damn is right Dave Dameshek”.

      1. The God of War

        The drums of war have sounded. Let the battle begin.

      2. Dave Dameshek

        1. Take out Sol Steinbergowitz-Greenbaum and frame a few patsies. 2.Put the “Big” 3 on the back burner 3.JUST YOU WAIT AND SEE,JERK!

        p.s. “If this is the real Dave Dameshek…” compare my pic to yours.Me=Handsome You=hmmm not so much.

        1. Jimmylegs

          Three strikes and you’re NEXT!

  13. Peter

    BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG 3! Gonna listen to this one, literally 100 times. Literally.

  14. Gabagoo

    shitting on perry when he brought up a good point with the Ipad really makes you guys seem like you don’t know what you’re talking about.

  15. Shawn

    “You gonna do the intro now?”

  16. Disco Pwnstar

    I WAS HOLDING MY BREATH waiting for the show to come back. i havent listened to the new show yet. i hope there’s some explanation and i hope whatever the problem was, you guys are able to stay with ACE and continue doing what you do. good luck.

  17. Red Eye-ris

    Perry had sex with a dude? You guys need to get him to tell the full story in the next show!

  18. Saul Steinbergowitzgreenbaum

    I’ve been contacted to represent Dave Dameshek with regards to lawsuit filed 11/19/10 against Mr. Caravello for slander which occurred on the Big Three Podcast. Please contact my offices immediately so we can resolve this matter with due haste.

  19. zillaj

    You guys missed another opportunity to bring up Randy Callahan when Perry said Sam Kinison died in 1992. You’re slipping, boys!

    1. Don Barris

      The “Saul” that I know spells his name S – O – L … So unless you’ve changed the spelling of your first name this might not be the same Steinbergowitzgreenbaum.

      1. Sol's Leg

        I need you to update Mole and Perry about my condition, Don. It’s quite dire.

  20. Charlie Heston

    Don – You can’t talk to Dave Damesheck like that!

    1. Dave Dameshek


    2. seriously

      did somebody order a damn dirty pizza?

  21. Harry Potgrower

    I knew Perry was still on the powder! He always has that white “mustache”

    1. Harry Potgrower

      Whoa! My avatar looks like a walking piece of shit. Maybe it’s a hashman..

  22. Mumbles Slam

    Seriously? This episode is called The Big Com3back and it’s also considerably SHORTER than all the previous podcasts?? You were off for a week, and you reward our patience with shorter airtime?

  23. dan

    is that perry singing the intro/outro music? its actually kinda good…

    1. the human erection

      here here! where can i download the big three theme?

  24. Niles Standish

    Hello! It’s Niles Standish posting! I just wanted to say that I, too, was quite offended by the incessant, homophobic ranting from Mr. Karavello. I also find it quite peculiar that one John Quincy Adams sounds very much like my posh self. Perhaps we should get together sometime, John! Anyway, on behalf of the homosexual community, I accept Perry’s apology, even if it was a bit forced. Perhaps Randy Callahan, Perry, J.Q.A., and myself can meet for some tea and talk about our sexual adventures someday. Ta-ta!

  25. Tairy Hesticles

    Don I really hope you aren’t fag enough to post on the Dave’s of Thunder forum. Fagasheck get off this forum you pretty boy pussy. quit stealing the hype of the big 3 because eventually it will be the biggest show on this network and you and the Feenster can go feltch each other.

    P.S. Feeney is pretty funny but this Fagacheck guy has gone too far.

  26. Dr. Crawford

    I’m in love with this podcast, but I have to say, this Big Com3back was a bit of a letdown. Andy Dick was a great guest and made for a great episode;without a real guest they tend to fall back on their old material which they already explored in the first couple podcasts. They should try to have more flamboyant guests that are sure to have good chemistry with Perry to spice things up.

  27. GT-Zero

    It’s great to listen to the Big Three again. Awesome stuff!

    Yo, Shek, post some of that Scary Perry porn! Perry said he’s not into that gay crap, but I bet he’s a human “finger cuff”!

  28. Doucc

    That definitely did not gimme my big three fix.

    34 mins?!?!? We’ve been waiting two weeks!!

    More next week………..biiiiiiiiiiiig 3!

  29. Greg Sumner

    Less Big 3. and More of a big 0. Big 3 can’t get into.

  30. Brown Eye Russ

    I bought a mattress from Drago and it was filled with human hair!

  31. Yabels

    Sol’s gonna lose his leg!!

  32. Disco Pwnstar

    i can’t stand dave dameshek so much. that guy is the least funny act on the network. dave only gets where he is because uses his friendship with adam to make him think he’s funnier, get this clown off the mic. im sure he’s a nice guy but he cant keep up with the ACE talent, and it’s only gonna become more refined from here. find another position dave before you humiliate yourself… further.

  33. Mumbles Slam

    Suggestion for next podcast: Lot of controversy surrounding these new TSA pat-downs, should explore them more by putting Perry through the procedures. And, if necessary, it might be helpful to go through the various degrees of stages including a strip-search if suspicious lumps are found during the pat-down.

    1. Mumbles Slam

      Could also demonstrate what the TSA scanner looks like by taking photos of Perry in a see-through mesh body suit.

  34. cheflarz

    I have a job for Perry. Contact me.

    1. BJ

      Are you willing to pay double?

  35. blorg

    love the bid three! also lofe the smell of my own farts! keep on truckin bitches!

  36. blorg

    Love this show. At least the Big Three would’nt sell a book that is a rehashed transcript of their show/podcast, wow, what a tough read, I have had more enjoyable literary pursuits with toothpaste and aspirin labels! Its true you havent read a book! Thank’s Big Three!

  37. Jebus Christ

    I like this podcast… but to say its better than Daves of Thunder is too much. So far, its been good radio, but also one loooong gay joke…. we get it, scary perry had his dick sucked. Move on. Until then, more DOT.

  38. Big Fan

    This show is minor league compared to DOT.

    Why are new shows not posted on the same day every week?

  39. Nick Tesler

    Yeah whoever came up with the show name “Daves of Thunder” is a genius not unlike Thomas Edison

  40. Hans Gerber

    Perry may need to be replaced if cannot be more respectful of Mr. Barris.
    I would like to take his place and be closer to Mr. Barris for his security. This Dip Shit Dave should tread carefully. I have him in my sites.

  41. Poop Goober

    Don Barris is a sad fatty who needs to pick on people to escape the enormous depressing void in his life. Mole should have his own podcast. More Mole!

  42. Kris

    Is this show done for good?? Havent heard anything for a while.

  43. mom

    this podcast blows…what a waste of my time

  44. mom

    we look to ace broadcasting for clever, intellectual humor. This does not meet the criteria.

  45. dico pwnstar

    hey “mom” you fag maybe you dont get the joke, funny your talking about intellectual humor. now THAT’S irony.

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