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Perry’s Pre-Show Sunbathing

On their 2nd show from the NEW studio the guys talk about Perry’s pre-show sunbathing and that falls under the category of “Their Own Personal Lives” but the guys also talk about “Pop Culture” during the show.

Apology To The Fans

Please forgive us for not having the podcast up by Friday evening … The goal here when we moved to the new studio/network was to have the show up around 5:00 pm PST so on the east coast it was up by 8:00 … Well, as you know we started this NEW network just FIVE short weeks after our last show at the Ace Broadcasting Network, so in less than two months from when we decided to leave “Ace”, we raised the money and built a studio, built a website and got the podcast back online … Not an excuse but for a group of people that knew very little about how to do what we just did I don’t think we did that bad, so I PROMISE to try and have the podcast up on time from now on.

Show Summary

Before the podcast started, Mole whet up on the roof at the West Hollywood secret location of the SDTPN Studios and caught Perry doing something that would later be brought up on the show.  It is announced that Neil Leeds will no longer be a part of The Big 3 Podcast, Simply Don – The Podcast Network and of course the cancelation of Pillow Talk with Neil Leeds.  Winner of the neck brace auction and friend of the show, Rucka Rucka Ali gave the first audio $10 Shout-Out that he received when he won the auction.  When catching up with Mole on what he’s been doing with himself , we find out that he has a twin brother named, Eddie.  Perry tries to get his job back as the spokesperson for ASM Plumbing & Porn with a commercial reading like he’s never done before.  When John Quincy Adams calls, he hints that he may have a real problem.  Perry shares his secret that he committed Foot Rape so he could impress the victims Aunt so she would date him.  The guys also have podcast regular segments, Guy Talk, Mole Play & Perry’s Corner.

If you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood.  Every Monday @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the place where The Big 3 got their start!

Join the interaction on the social networks with the Big 3 by following them on Facebook and on twitter … Oh, if you haven’t seen it as of yet get the cult classic film, Windy City Heat to really get a feel of what’s going on here!

Want More Big3 Check Out

Show Promo



Show Credits

Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski & Perry Carmello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Sound Engineer: Eric Marino
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

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This Post Has 66 Comments

  1. Roy G Biv

    This is killing me. I see the episode, but I cannot listen.


    Where is the Episode?

  3. Sam

    Where do I click?

  4. Randy Callahan

    Come on!!! I need to hear Perrys voice.

  5. JoeWeed

    So did Perry actually watch the guy jacking off?

  6. Nick (Seattle)

    Biiiiiiig 3! Specimen. Birdhouse. Washer. Mole if these trigger words did anything, please help me with investment advice. I need to come up with about 50 grand by the end of the year.

    Oh, and more stories about Cookie!

  7. Vincent Palermo

    Wow, Neil is gone. That is a shocker.

    Is Perry ever not totally gay?

  8. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA

    Totally agree with you

  9. Alex

    (Looks at pic 13) WTF? Perry is a gay man!

  10. long balls larry

    that couch… almost as gay as perry.

    just kidding. love you in a homo way, perry. peace and love.

  11. mark

    how can i get it on my ipod???

    1. Wisdum

      Stick it up your iAss. Apple sucks. Hardware lock-in & media hegemony? Fuck them.

      1. Lunix P Reginald


  12. Alex

    Sorry to see Neil gone. I loved him.

  13. Alex

    Hey guys -I hate pandering but- Thumbs up this comment if you want to see Yurgi show up for the Podcast.

    I love his Romanian porn.

    1. Mr. Fister

      her mouth tastes like my cock!

  14. Offensive (Please choose appropriate screen names.)

    The secret location looks a lot like MSNBC, the Los Angeles studio — there’s something really familiar about it.

    I am sorry so many people died in the Reno Air Races. I’m in sympathy with the victims, but that’s not why I’m sorry. I’m sorry because they will probably shut it down — no more Reno Air Races.

    I love crazy dangerous shit. That should be an amendment: Life, Liberty, and Crazy Dangerous Shit. USA! USA!

    Sorry. It’s really sad. But P-51 Mustangs flying at 450 MPH, 50 feet above the ground is worth it.

    1. StevesDesigns

      Don’t be surprised to learn that the secret location is actually in the basement of Don’s apartment building. Glad to have discovered Neil Leeds through this podcast. If he expands his business to New Mexico, I’d easily buy a quality mattress from him. He seems like the real deal to me. Long Live The Big Three!!!

  15. Come From Behind (Victory!)

    More investment advice. Thanks.

  16. Joe

    Yeah, but I heard neil’s all strung out on prescription drugs..

    1. Demetri

      According to Perry he is. Notice that they had to cut out part of Perry’s description of his phone conversation with Neil at around the 10:43 mark, and after the cut, Don and Mole admonish him for spreading rumors.

  17. Mr. Fister

    Agreed, I can’t imagine anyone but an actual bridge troll who would want to hassle Neil…but seriously, what do you expect when you give your personal phone number out over a podcast? Especially considering Perry Karavello’s huge gay fanbase.

  18. Denise Boland

    Thank you for enriching the world with this awesome podcast! Long live the Big 3.

    Also, please tell us more about COOKIE CARAMELLO!!!!!!!!!

  19. aunt carol

    Hey Guys, LOVED the 2nd PodCast of “The BIG 3” ON Simply Don the podcast NETWORK!! U Guys Rock..very entertaining!!
    Perry, CAN U HEAR ME???????????????????????? Do NOT Engage with MY Niece, Heather M. She IS NOT 4 U!!!!

    1. Dr. Filipe

      Perry, don’t listen to her. She’s just playing games with you. This means “please pursue my niece Heather and lick her toes, taint, and titties.” These women and their mind games. If all else fails, head back to that balcony for some hot man-on-man action or just call ASN Plumbing and Porn. They sound like a reputable company for either plumbing needs or hot gay sex on film.

  20. Harry Benson

    Great sophomore episode Don and Mole! Filled with details i was unaware, and aware of.

    I cant believe Mole has an identical twin brother, whats he up to these days, or any days for that matter? Hope we get a call in from him, or possibly a visit. Also didn’t know that Moles sister was a foot model, weird Perre didn’t seem interested. More than likely because of a detail we are all aware of, Perres love for men, on the ‘downlow’.

    Myself and others simply don’t understand why Perre, coming from a lineage of great gay men such as his Grandfather who was Al Cabones inseam specialist, to his father Kris ‘Ookie’ Kookie Karamello a proud semen cook, to Perre himself that sucks off guys in offices and watches guys jagoff on the roof while he jags himself off, still cant do a great read for ASM Plumbing and Porn. Its obvious he probably knows most of ASMs catalog anyway. Was Perre ‘touched’ by a plumber when he was younger? Whats the deal here?

    Beside Perres domination of the show with his gay talk, sidetracking of Guy Talk and lackluster Perres corner, it was a fantastic show. Moleplay was great as usual, great setting, Don was very convincing as a randy young slave owners daughter. Perre needs to work on his voices and breaking character though, only things that pulled me out of the scene.

    Hope next Friday gets here soon,
    Harold Benson

    P.s. I think you need to restrict Perres access to the roof until he admits to why he wants to go up there.

  21. randy callahan

    so glad neil leeds is gone, guy was a buzz kill for the show, and annoying to listen to

    1. Demetri

      His debut episode was great. Neil: “I grew up with fuckin’ roaches, motherfucker!!”

    2. Email Forensics

      Randy Callahan
      July 10, 2011 at 7:06 pm #

      Great job, Neil & the Big Three, and Terrifying Tim. Love u guys & the show. If I ever need a new mattress I’ll damn sure get one from Neil!

      Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0

  22. Cookie Caramello

    Where can I meet this Randy Callahan?

    1. Demetri

      Abingdon, Virgina. But you may be disappointed to hear that he already has a life partner. Whether they swing or not, I don’t know. Also, you’ll have to be the pitcher, because Randy is now crippled. Given your history as a power bottom, that may be a problem.



  24. Dan the Fan

    Neil Leeds was such a drag on the show. All he ever did was talk about the barrio and how tough he was. I’d love to fight Leeds for three reasons. First I think his commercials suck. Everytime I see one I want to shit my pants so that I pull out the poop and give Neil a dirty sanchez right across his faggot face. Two I’m not a fan of the mattresses he sells. They gave me hemorrhoids. Three he’s a mooch. The only reason he came on the show was to plug his mattress shack. Jesus Christ Neil stop being such a cheap fuck and just pay for more advertising.

    1. Lunix P Reginald

      Hey, you are cool!

  25. Ben Franklin's Front Window

    Corneal transplants for an 85-year old diabetic?
    What a waste of eyes!
    Shame on you, Perry!

    1. Demetri

      I thought veterans were supposed to get free health care for life. Is Perry being scammed by Cookie?

      1. I Feel Vibration

        Veterans don’t get free healthcare for life unless they served 20 years or if a war injury disabled them.

        But Perry’s dad is old enough for Medicare so he shouldn’t need thousands of dollars for eye surgery, that stuff would be covered. It sounds like Cookie is up to his old tricks again, if you know what I mean! Asking to borrow money you don’t really need is a CLASSIC Carvello technique.

  26. Tim Minor

    My thoughts on Neil Leeds:

    Neil’s very 1st appearance on the podcast, in the episode titled “The Mattress King” was absolutely hysterical. He had solid presence, he had a purpose, and the things he was saying had me falling over in laughter.

    That being said, I suppose that PERHAPS he overstayed his welcome in later episodes. His role on the show was growing less certain, and his biggest fault was laughing at Perry’s awful jokes. I hate to criticize the podcast, however. I think that as fans, we should mostly voice public support for the show, and direct all complaints and concerns to Don’s inbox.

    Again, the episode “The Mattress King” was incredibly funny. Neil’s charisma was great, he was articulate, and he did a great job. Please re-listen to that episode, if you don’t recall its hilarity. If that episode is not funny to you, then I suggest you are a stupid dirty Italian.

  27. Nick (Seattle)

    Listening to this episode again, and at the beginning Perry says he’s gonna “end it all” if all the gay shit doesn’t stop. Is this a cry for help? Should somebody be on a 24/7 watch for Perry?

  28. Soggy Vegetable

    Ugh douche chills when Perry tries to “Italian it up”. Less bad impressions of your own race, more Cookie Karamelo and feet.

    Also, if possible, could the producer please make future episodes classified similarly to the ACE ones (Makes archiving easier)… i.e. label episodes as Podcast under Genre and Media Type and enable “Remember playback position” and “Skip when shuffling” by default?

  29. Denise Boland

    Although Neil simply isn’t funny and had no place on the podcast, it is a shame that he was harassed when all he was trying to do was support The Big Three.

  30. felon

    why is it not on iTunes?

    why do i care?

    feels like a total waste of time after i listen.

    Mary Jane looks creepy this week.

    Don.. Bring back Daves of Thunder!!!

    1. Terry K.

      Hey felon, “Fuck You!”

  31. Floyd Mink

    Good riddance to bad rubbish on that neil leeds, the so-called “Mattress King of SoCal”, is off the show and no longer associated with it. We’ll all be better off for it. I’m still planning my legal strategy for my upcoming litigation with mr. leeds in regards to recouping my money for that LuMpY, piss-stained mattress he pawned off on me. I haven’t had a good nights sleep since and my dreams have been filled with urine smells and neil’s cackling face.

    Your pal,
    Floyd Mink

  32. Floyd Mink

    Dear The Team of The Big 3:
    I am writing one final comment/conversation, as I feel them to be… but many people do and don’t, as I’m beginning to understand… and it is indeed a sad one, as I am writing to inform you that this will be the last podcast of yours that I will be listening to or commenting on. My new attorney, Pederson Watts, has clarified things for me and made me understand that our friendship, mixed with my lawsuit against that lUmPy, piss-stained, so-called “mattress king of SoCal” neil leeds, is a combustible and conflict-of-interest type scenario. My lawyer also pointed out that it would probably hurt my credibility in court to associate with a known (albeit questionably former) homosexual like Perry because I could be labeled a fag too.
    I am, however, going to miss the wit and wisdom, the guiding light of Don… and the innocent, happy, highly interesting musings of Mole. Perry I found to be a bit too loud and to harp on and on about his personal male conquests and his father, Cookie, whom no one… as far as I can tell… feels like stomaching. Not everyone has the stomach of Cookie and Perry and Richard Gere and David Bowie and all those other ’70s fellas who tried that bukkake gulping stuff.
    Your pal,
    Floyd Mink
    Melrose PR, Inc.

  33. Ben Franklin's Front Window

    Why doesn’t Perry ever mention his uncle, wrestler GINO Carabello?
    Back in the 80’s, he was a famous “jobber” -whatever that means.

    Is he involved in the lawsuit (Perry v. Perry’s Entire Family)?

    1. Floyd Mink

      If this is true, that made him a wrestler for Freddie Blase for a spell, back in the day. Interesting….

  34. Floyd Mink

    Dearest Big3 Nukkas,

    How does one go about becoming a Nukka, too? Must I get “jumped in?” Or is maybe a cash payment acceptable? Did Rukka mention that and I missed it?

    Your pal… indeed, your Nukka (I hope!),
    Floyd Mink
    Melrose PR, Inc.

  35. Floyd Mink

    pss. if neil leeds is a Nukka already, I want NO part of it! I’m Nukkin’ serious, yo!

    Your pal,
    Floyd Mink
    Melrose PR Syndicate, Inc.

  36. Joe

    Is the podcast available on Itunes??

  37. Neil Leeds read this!!!

    Neil I know you are browsing these forums! What are you doing bailing out on the Big 3? I grew up in Queens also so I know what it is like having to put up with roaches and rats crawling out of every hole is the wall.. I can’t believe a fellow new yorker is letting a couple over grown roaches get to him. You are a leader Neil! Don’t run like the French!! Getting back on the show and be a man! Tape record these fuckers who are calling you and put them to bed!

    1. Floyd Mink

      I CALL RAT… I CALL RAT on this comment, because this is obviously that luMpY, piss-stained mattress-salesman, himself. I can tell by his “salesman’s blarney talk” that it is him! End O’ Story on that one.
      ps. Don, did you get the documents on the history of Cookie that I emailed you?

      Your pal,
      Floyd Mink
      Melrose PR, Inc.

  38. Floyd Mink

    Don, did you get the documents on the history of Cookie that I emailed you?

    Your pal,
    Floyd Mink
    Melrose PR, Inc.

  39. Floyd Mink

    This posting is just for Mole:

    Hey, Mole,
    You think sometime we could get some HN and kick it on the roof of the new studios and maybe drop bags full of bum-shit on people walking down the street and buses too?
    We could gossip/tell-the-truth about Perry and maybe Don could join us and we could drink Pabst to mellow us out after our HN and then we could all eat some nachos. Do you still have Gen. Superman’s number?

    Your pal,
    Floyd Mink,
    Melrose PR, Inc.

  40. Floyd Mink

    Fire on High = Does not say Don Barris. It is similar, however. It sounds like, at exactly 38rpm, “… Cookie Carmella is a queer little fella… fella… fella….”

    1. Marty

      Enilhgtienng the world, one helpful article at a time.

  41. Floyd Mink

    What time is this show OFFICIALLY posted? As a fan of both your show and HN I get nervous not to know a schedule of what and who and where and why and if they’re cool or not or gay like perry and cookie and his fam. I dont mind that, I just dont like guys grabbing on me like I’m sure you Don and Mole must have to deal with sitting next to perry all the time! He’s obviously gay, but at least he’s in the closet about it and not flamboyant. You have it good. Not like I have to deal with with my third cousin Elton John Vaughn.
    Your pal,
    Floyd Mink
    Melrose PR, Inc. and Co.

    1. Demetri

      They’re going to try to get it up by 08:00PM EST every Friday.

  42. J-Rock

    I know, almost 3 hours late. How long can one man wait??

    1. JoMilla

      Don had to take a job today and Just now got home, the episode should be posted shortly.

  43. Jax Hoff

    The Scaremaster’s acting chops…I am glad he’s keeping his craft polished. Good job on that live read, Perry! Acting like yourself, but not. Great job filling in for Terrifying Tim on this episode, man!

  44. Joe Flo

    Best Podcast in America. Don and Mole just keep on delivering the goods.
    Perry could be a little more professional though. All in all The big 3 are better than ever! Rad!!!

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