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Bank Problems

The guys are back with the 4th show of the season and Perry seems to be in a rare bad mood, threatening the guys and talking about his litigation and personal problems.

Show Summary

The guys are back with the 4th show of the season and Perry seems to be in a rare bad mood, threatening the guys and talking about his litigation and personal problems. Perry threatens to “double dominate” mole with one hand and then tells us about how he got kicked out of group therapy. Don talks about all the internet buzz and warnings he is still receiving about Perry being in love with him.

We also hear bout Perry’s current legal problems with the bank,  the fortune he stands to gain, and get an update on how he is trying to sue his family. Perry proclaims he is the “Best Attorney in History” and tries to gain Don and Mole as character witnesses.

We check in with Rucka-Nation and listen again to the new hit single sweeping the nation “Perrys Gay“. And Despite threats by Rucka’s Nuckas he Challenges the whole Rucka-Nation and claims he will eat Rucka’s thumbs. Perry says “He wants Rucka to find him” because “He wants to suck my dick”, but eventually gives a heart felt apology.

The guys give an update on ASM Plumbing and Porn and What the Hucks. Don challenges Perry to a Rice Eating contest, with the 10 dollar shout outs going to the victor. We hear a $10 shout-out from Demitri that really connects with Perry.

John Quincy Adams calls in from the pen with a request tailored for Perry. 60 Seconds with Perry turns into a mess of rage, and we don’t learn anything about his roller-skate company. Guy talk gets highjacked by Perry whining to Don that he didn’t show someone enough attention. Mole talks about some type of bullshit, no one knows.

Mole is going on a new campaign to clean up his language, instilling a swear jar for himself. Later he puts on a dramatic session of Mole Play, which sends Perry into his usual legal threats. Perry’s Corner doesn’t get far as Perry tries to tell us more about his legal cases.

If you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood.  Every Monday @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the place where The Big 3 got their start!

Join the interaction on the social networks with the Big 3 by following them on Facebook and on twitter … Oh, if you haven’t seen it as of yet get the cult classic film, Windy City Heat to really get a feel of what’s going on here!

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Show Credits

Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski & Perry Carmello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Sound Engineer: Eric Marino
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

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This Post Has 38 Comments

  1. Soggy Vegetable

    I love Fridays. New episode in the day, topped off by some Friday night comedy by Perry. Hopefully he has his “My name is Perry and I’m a mooooooooooor-ON!” bit ready by tonight.

    Quick note: Perry’s last name is spelled “Carmello” in the credits. This is incorrect. It’s spelled with a K.

    1. JoMilla

      Nope, I’m pretty sure thats a correct spelling.

  2. Nick (Seattle)

    yesssssssir!!! biiiiiiig three!!!!

  3. Demetri

    Actually Perry, it IS the same Randy Callahan. On the same page where he shows pictures of the lift that he has to sit in to get up and down the stairs in his house, he talks about how the best days of his life were when he was running a casting agency called Total Eclipse, and the biggest star he ever slept with was none other than our very own Perry F. Caramello.

    Anyway, thanks for reading my shout-out, even if Perry refused to apologize for berating a man with a crippling disability. I’m going to send another shout-out very soon!

  4. Nick (Seattle)

    uh man now he’s threatening a murder suicide! 3 eps in a row and now don and mole’s lives are in jeopardy.. something needs to be done!!!

    otherwise, another phenomenal episode!

  5. user2

    Awesome show!

  6. Alex

    The more you find out about Perry the more you come to the conclusion that he’s an ungrateful scum bag. You kinda’ get that vibe from WCH but the more you hear about him the more you come to the conclusion that he’s just an unintentionally funny scum bag.

    The big question I wonder is: How do Don and Mole see their friendship with Perry? Do they hang out with him just for the sake of comedy or do they genuinely consider him to be a friend? I think that they hung out with him at first for the sake of comedy and as Don and Mole became more and more successful while Perry did not they just feel sorry for him.

    My hypothesis anyway. Funny podcast as always.

  7. Alex

    Right at 1:00:50 Mole breaks character.

  8. Bronson

    No iTunes! I take great pride in how internet-savvy I need to be to find the podcast on a weekly basis, by myself thank you very much.

  9. Harry Benson

    Great Senior episode Don and Mole. Mole, great way to start the show. My first thought, was that Perre had gotten into ‘Sharking’. I heard about it from a guy and he said that its the new thing with the homosexual community who want to keep things a bit more discrete while fornicating in public. I thought you had caught Perre on the roof ‘Sharking’ that guy he was watching jagoff a few weeks back.

    But come to find out it was all a joke, this episode was full of great ‘Oh shit, you tricked my mind’ moments. I cant believe the Scarmaster had all of us going for so long thinking he was angry, when it was just actually just a joke he was playing on Don and Mole. Mole got one in too when he was being ridiculous like Perre. The best joke i heard on this podcast though was Perre saying that he is the worlds best lawyer. I couldnt figure out what the punch line was until Guy Talk started and Perre started defending Heathers ‘good’ performance, brilliant Perre.

    Don, again i applaud you for trying to turn Perre into a respectable human being. I cant believe Perre called you an amateur, maybe that was just one of his jokes. Hope hes not trying to be mean to you just to mask his true feelings. I did see him drop his guard a little during MoleplaY though when he offered to let you fuck him in the ass. Then it seemed like he wanted to pretend he didnt say it by going on a nonsensical rant. Watch out Don, Perry may strike soon.

    Looking forward to next weeks episode as always,

    Harold Benson

  10. Alan Carollo

    I was quite happy to see Mole’s cousin, Jake Byrd, on Kimmel this week. Love the picture of Don with that Hamilton. Get money, get paid.

  11. Whoopi Silverstein

    A big conspirathree?

  12. Colt Shackleford

    So is every episode recorded in Elvis Presley’s Jungle room? Just judging by the pictures.

  13. Teddy Covers

    When will the Big 3 be available for download on Itunes?

  14. ran

    goddamn you perry! does your hatred of everything good in this world know no bounds?! if you hurt mole, so help me…

  15. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA

    Dude fuck Perri Karamelloe! He’s such a racist, homophobic male shovenistic fool!! Why is he always talking shit to Don and Mole when all theyre trying to do is helping his selfish ass out? First he rapes his girlfriend Dolly Karamello and impregnates her against her will. then he rapes Randy Callahan, a poor defenseless man in a wheelchair and wrongly claims that Randy was the aggressor, which I think is baloney. And on top of all that shit, he’s giving Don and Mole (whom I think are the greatest and most honest friends a person can have that Perri does not deserve) this bullshit attitude.

    Perri just doesnt give a shit about the people that care about him, especially the FANS! I actually texted him that there are riots going on in Canada because of the recent Windy City Heat ban over there and about 40 Canadian Free Speech Advocates were killed in honor of trying to repeal the recent ban. What was Perry’s response to this?: “GOOD FUCK THE FANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
    Wow dude I guess Rucka Rucka Ali was right, Perry doesnt give a shit about the little people.

    Perry Karamelloe, all I have to say to you is that you are a bad person and you should suck on my asshole dude!

    1. I Feel Vibrations

      Perry is totally selfish, it’s unbelievable that he doesn’t care about the savage murders of forty Windy City Heat activists, who were clubbed to death like seals by those bloodthirsty savages of the north.

      He hates the fans because he knows that he lacks the talent to be able to eat enough food to become a truly BIG star. If Perry can reach the 300 to 400 pound mark, he will become an international superstar, and when he gets to reach that level of stardom, he will have absolute free reign to fulfill his “bicurious” side without worrying about up-keeping his image.

      He’s going to have to step up the pace, and really start eating his fair share during these next upcoming episodes if he really wants to make a big impact in the Big Three and have a good career.

      1. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA

        Pff.. Ya also, no wonder Perri would rather hire Canadian workers for his skateboard company and put American workers out of work. He’s fuckin in league with those commie bastards. If he thinks Canadian Pine is so much better than Pure-blooded American Maple, why doesnt he just live over there if he thinks its so much better?



    1. floyd mink

      Word UP, nukkas. Let’s keep this Real and be everywhere. Nukas to the left of me, Nukas to the right… where I am, stuck in the Nuka again!

      Watch your back, Perry… Nuka Nation be 4 Real, yo.

  17. Saginaw Sam

    Last night, my wife forced me to go to some stupid karaoke night. As a joke, I asked the DJ if he had Rucka Rucka Ali’s new song about Perry. He DID! It turns out that he’s a huge fan of Windy City Heat and the podcast. So, I got up there and sang a little “Perry Caramello likes sucking fucking dicks!”

  18. b-real

    what will the podcast be called in itunes?

  19. One of the things that keeps my poor, dear son in that darned chair is the depression he faces every day because of the lies Perry Karamellowe continues to spout about him on a weekly basis. Randy has always said that Perry was the one who came into HIS office, apologizing for nearly raping Kelly Bundy on the side of the freeway. Randy had never even heard about it. When Perry demanded that he do something to atone for his reprehensible actions, Randy suggested that Perry detail Kelly Bundy’s car. “I’ve got a better idea- OHH, OHH!!!” Perry said, then began to fellate my son before he knew what was happening.
    Randy has been so depressed since that day he refuses to stand up, fearing that Karamellowe will appear out of nowhere with his homosexual agenda, de-pants him and Randy will be forced to endure the horror he has been living with for all these years.

      1. Thank you, Dr. P., for your kind words, and thank you for all of your work in curing the scourge of Somoan Gonorrhea.

        As all of our attempts to silence Perry through the courts have failed (as Perry is The Best Attorney In The World), I am now beginning to launch a campaign to have Mr. Cahravallo institutionalized in the Dr. Marcus Bachmann gay curing camp, even if it against his will. The only wish of an old lady is that maybe when Perry is cured, my poor son will walk again and take me to Knotts Berry Farm for a chicken dinner! We are trying to raise $10 for a shout out to take our campaign to a worldwide audience.

        Also, how dare you downvote me, Perry! You can’t silence the truth!

  20. Larry Bird

    Where are the pictures of Maryjane? That is literally the only reason I’m here.

    1. Calls it like I sees it

      Larry Bird, you my friend may be a fine basketball player, but you’re a creep. While it’s okay to support Maryjane, you are doing so in a “I drive a white van” manner. Go wash your mullet in your bathroom sink, you pervert.

  21. Ben Franklin's Front Window

    Mole’s Revolutionary War references are becoming rather recondite.

  22. floyd mink

    Dear Big3,

    Keep up the great work! Ever since Neil Leeds hasn’t been on the show, it has really taken an upward turn towards Fine Art. Some say Comedy can’t be Fine Art, buy you Big 3 are proving those jokers wrong, wrong, wrong.
    But I am concerned.
    I’ve read a few comments where others have pointed out Perry’s diminishing weight issue… is he on the HN? Crack and/or crystal could be behind this. Perry also has irrational mood-swings, which is often a tell-tale sign.

    Your pal,
    Floyd MInk
    West Coast/Melrose PR Syndicate

  23. timmy

    daaaaaaah! where the shit is a new episode! i want it! i need it! without a new big three podcast, my life is boring! and then i drink! and then i wake up next to fat chicks! and i mean FAT. like mountain of flesh fat. is that what the big three wants? me to become an alcoholic fatty banger? no? then put out a new episode, for the love of JESUS H. MACY!!! help a brotha out!

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