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The 1st Anniversary

On October 15, 2010, the very first Big 3 Podcast aired on The Ace Broadcasting Network and one year later the success of the show has taken them to their own Simply Don – The Podcast Network. Join the guys as Mole returns after brutally having his hair pulled by Scary Perry at their NEW studios at a secret location in West Hollywood, California.

Show Summary

There was hope that Mole would just show up at the beginning of the podcast but was a no show, so Perry began the 1st Anniversary of The Big 3 Podcast with his excuses for just blowing off the taping two days before. Yurgi left a message telling Don about his disappointment with Perry for his treatment towards his friend, Natasha on the previous weeks show. In the middle of Don trying to convince Perry that he should apologize to Rucka Rucka Ali and to Nucka Nation, Mole walked back into the lives of the Big 3 Podcast. After welcoming Mole back Don introduces Rucka Rucka Ali’s new song, “Yo! Perry” that brings up things that no one knew about Perry’s life. Mole passes out an anniversary gift to everyone before they take the weekly call from John Quincy Adams that leads to Mole feeling that he is using again. Because a certain, one-time casting director’s name is brought up and Perry threatens to once again quit the show until he admits that Ali’s song is funny. The only advertiser on the show, ASM Plumbing & Porn introduces their new commercial starring Terrifying Tim Perdedic. During Mole Play, Don plays the role of Perry in a scene that shows the reason that he had been late for the shows taping and then Mole gets confused about Perry having a rock with the N-word painted on it during Perry’s Corner.

If you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood.  Every Monday @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the place where The Big 3 got their start!

Join the interaction on the social networks with the Big 3 by following them on Facebook and on twitter … Oh, if you haven’t seen it as of yet get the cult classic film, Windy City Heat to really get a feel of what’s going on here!

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Show Credits

Starring: Don Barris, Walter Molinski & Perry Carmello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Sound Engineer: Eric Marino
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

Show Gallery


Simply Don Web Developer.

This Post Has 56 Comments

  1. mr. fister

    Cheer up Perry you Italian sack of shit!

  2. Dean Cherry

    The podcast only has 8 minutes then it cuts off.

    1. simplydon

      I’m real sorry, I’m getting the entire show … I’ll check with the web guy to see why that’s happening but you may want to try it again.

      1. Tim D

        No problem Don. We just need our fix.

      2. Alex

        Thanks Don.

      3. Linpoop

        It’s worth the wait. 😉

      4. mr. fister

        Jordan, it’s been like 9 hours for fucks sake!

    2. dean cherry

      No problem, thanks Don for all the hard work you put into this.

  3. Time

    Listening now and it is about to cut off right after Perry calls that whore a slut. PERRY BROKE IT! …and it stopped. Stupid technology….AND PERRY!!!

  4. Jacob M

    Hey Don,
    Why isn’t the Big 3 up on iTunes? If it’s a technical issue, I can make the file.
    I don’t have any money, but I want to do my part to help the BIG 3.

  5. Unleashed Fury

    I’m so disappointed in you Don… drinking champagne from a cocktail glass instead of a proper champagne flute!

  6. Gene Novak

    I was wondering whether Perry got to hear Rukka Rukka Ali’s new song Yo Perry this week. Unfortunately, until the episode is fixed I’ll have to wait.

  7. Alex

    Oh man, the wait is killing me. I hope they read my shoutout.

    1. Demetri

      In photo #11 I see two envelopes on the couch next to Don. The one on the bottom is mine; the one on the top is probably yours. Perry sure doesn’t seem too happy reading those shout-outs. I hope we didn’t get him upset!

      1. Alex

        Hehehehe, I think he’ll love mine.

        1. Alex

          Oh yeah, he definitely read mine. I sent them a $20 because it’s a pain in the ass for me to break a $20 for a $10.

  8. Nick (Seattle)

    Mole is back! Yessssss!!!!!!! Can’t wait to listen to see what Perry had to do to get him back, and hope he doesn’t f it up again

  9. Feenster

    Any update?

  10. Soggy Vegetable

    You’re killin’ me, Smalls!

  11. J-Rock

    Carol said she’s… she’s WHAT??? I can’t wait anymore, my head it going to explode. I don’t know what happened to the rest of the episode but I’m sure it’s Perry’s fault.

    1. Biff

      Hell yeah! You’re the man, Jo-Mills!!

  12. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA

    I totally agree that Pairiye would make a great replacement for Hugh Jackson in the upcoming Wolverine film!

  13. Alex

    Damn, they didn’t read my shoutout. Sad face.

    1. Demetri

      They record the show a week in advance, so you would have had to send it by Oct 4th or so to get there in time. I bet it’ll be on next week’s episode.

      1. Alex

        That’s what I thought. I sent it out on Saturday the 8th. So next weeks’ show I look forward to. Sorry if I come off as an attention whore. Great show as always!

  14. Biff

    This upload seems to cut out right after the reading of the Canadian $10 Shout Out… Could you please try loading the episode one more time?

    1. Demetri

      Try downloading it again; you probably downloaded it while it was still in the process of uploading to the server. It happened to me too, but the whole thing is up now.

  15. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA

    PERRIE IS SUCH A FUCKIN DUMBASS!!! How has he not heard about the Canadian riots over the Windy City Heat ban? On Facebook, he keeps fuckin saying that the recent riots are over some fuckin championship hockey game when the fuckin Stanley Cup Finals haven’t even started yet. And who the fuck riots over a fucking hockey game anyway?

    Immediately he says that he wouldnt smoke salvia for the Canadian Protestors in support of them, this just proves my point again that Perrie just doesnt give a shit about the fans. Im not Canadian or anything but someone needs to destroy his fuckin Skateboard Factory in Canada if he’s going to keep bashing fans up there the way he does.

    Screw you Perrie and I really hope the Canadians (along with Rucka’s Nukkas)fuckin find your ass for what you said.

  16. Nick (Seattle)

    Good God where can we see the Terrifying Tim commercial for ASM Plumbing & Porn? That sounds fantastic.

  17. Demetri

    Another great episode. That impression of Perry that Don did during Moleplay was almost chilling in how accurate it was.

    1. Bihl Cosbi, CRNA

      Don’s impression was amazing to say the least

  18. Emperor Palpa3ne

    Now witness the laughpower of this fully recorded and uploaded podcast!

  19. Sam

    Perry claims last friday was the worst day of his entire life, that gives us a bit of insight on how much Scaremaster enjoyed sucking on Randy Callahan in 1992.

  20. Harry Benson

    Happy Anniversary Big Three! One year of the worlds best podcast down and hopefully many more to come. Great episode as well Don and Mole. So glad you came back Mole, and Im glad Ruckas Nation was able to help you out in your time of need, they must be some standup guys the way you speak of them. Also sorry to hear about the Meineke incident, sad that Perre would H.R you with that prior knowledge.

    This episodes MoleplaY is possibly the best MoleplaY i’ve heard. Don you were brilliant as a Perre who just blew a Jose and then his car breaks down. The screaming, the nonsensical strings of words linked together by complaints of my neck, my back, and i’ve got no money. It was spot on and you deserve an award for it.

    Glad to hear from Yurgi, wish the call was under better circumstances, but i dont blame him for being angry. Perres argument of she made herself look like a slut was no reason for Perre to think he could foot rape her or treat her like one of the whores he pays for.

    Also, my thought from a few episodes ago that Perre may be into the new underground gay ‘sharking’ craze im sure has now been confirmed.
    Not sure what a ‘Cameo Star by the pool scene’ is but im willing to bet that it involves another man and Perre ‘sharking’ it out on film.

    The news about Randy Callahan is shocking as well. After all of Perres whining and crying about Randy Callahan this and Randy Callahan came in my mouth that, it turns out that Perre himself is responsible for making poor Randy gay. What a piece of shit, and i bet he had his piece of shit buddy Richard Heene put together that video of the 12 year old for him. Sounds like something rock cocaine users would do.

    So much more to type, but ive got to go find out ‘Who dat lady go dat movie?’

    Harold Benson

  21. Monty

    yall heard his voice .. am proud thats because of my cum!! listen u little faggot … u fuckin cock sucker …. if not rucka rucka ali … the only ppl that would’ve known u are ur mom and urself !! no one had a slight clue of who u are until rucka called u GAY … and he aint lying!!

  22. Perry's Bloated Face

    Sorry to hear about the AIDS Perry. Hopefully Kaiser covers the triple cocktail.

    1. The Tambourine Comedian

      Get well soon Perry! If Kaiser won’t cover it, try Alvarado Hospital, they’re usually willing to make a deal.


  23. Tim D

    Perrie’s reaction to my Sheba question only touched on what I wanted. I want to know how heinous this bitch was. Is there a picture of her?
    I asked too many questions….dammit.
    When Sheba is brought up, Perry sounds like he did right before he had that second milkshake in Windy City Heat.

  24. J-Rock

    Is the Terrifying Tim ASM ad on Youtube? Anyone know where to find it?

    1. simplydon

      It will be put up very soon here on our website,

  25. BossMan

    Rukkarukkaali is a tool. Why does the Big 3 waste their time with a High school wannabe rapper? I understand he gets a lot of hits on youtube but that doesn’t mean anything. I saw a video of a guy eating a bag of chips and it had over 5 million hits. If you guys think hes anything special just look around. There’s plenty of wiggers online singing shit about people. If they give you any grief Perry just let me know. I got your back. Rukka Rukka can Sukka Sukka this.

    1. Whoopi Silverstein

      Chip eating guy link?

  26. me

    the biggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg threeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee a

  27. Alex

    When’s the next podcast?

  28. randy callahan

    o god…i cant drink….i cant drink…i’ll have a sip and thats it. you can see that rock cocaine smoker in perry karmelloe

  29. JoeWeed

    I am craving the latest episode. I doubt there are any other podcasts out there that hook people so badly. When is it coming?

    I hope I don’t have to hear another desperate shoutout like that Canadian one… shit.

  30. Mike

    Can you please get the Big 3 podcast back on Itunes, I need to listen to the Big 3 in my car and at work

    1. simplydon

      I think that we’ve started putting the podcasts on iTunes … I saw that the first two episodes from the Simply Don – The Podcast days are up and soon they will all be up. Thanks for caring.

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