You are currently viewing Chet Helps End Things

Chet Helps End Things

The show started out as a test away from Perry as Don wanted to do the Comedy Pure-Rock Resurrection with Lisa Marie and a special musical guest Mole & turned out to be what would become the last time the Big 3 will work together. Mole introduces his British friend from Wisconsin, Chet who had a surprise of his own for everybody … Thank-You to everyone that sent their Big 3 love, it meant an awful lot.

Show Summary

Join the interaction on the social networks with the The Big 3 by following them on “facebook” and on “twitter” … Oh, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you should check out Don Barris who performs every late night at the World Famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood … Every Monday night @ 10:00 pm the club showcases Don and his weekly Ding-Dong Show, the longest running show in the history of the club, see the show where The Big 3 got their start! … If you’ve been living on the moon and haven’t seen the cult-classic film, Windy City Heat check that out to get a real background of what’s going on here. If you want to see “Classic Big 3” videos from the past twenty-some years check out “The Big 3 LIVE” on the Video Podcast Network (VPN).

Want More Big 3 Check Out Both

Show Trailer

Mary Jane Confronts Perry

Big 3 LIVE

What The Huck

Starring Don Barris, Walter Molinski, Perry Caramello
Producer: Don Barris
Associate Producer: Mary Jane Green
Asst. To The Editor: Mattt Potter
Sound Engineer: Vince Freeman
Web Engineering: Jordan Miller

$10 Shout-Out

Send $10 cash to:
7190 Sunset Blvd. #153
Hollywood, CA. 90046

This Post Has 62 Comments

  1. Tim-D

    I really hope this isn’t the last podcast.

      1. Spooky Sammy

        Who the hell is Jack Carter?

  2. Prince Vince

    Shows Over. ©

  3. Whoopi Silverstein

    Thanks Don, Mole, Terrifying Tim, MJ, Lisa Marie, Rucka Rucka, Frankie Machine, Airy Shifer, Brody Stevens, Dr. Phil, Louie Anderson, Dominic Monaghan, Sol Steinbergowitz-Greenbaum, Andy Dick, Guillermo, Dauphina, Yurgi, Dickey Barrett, Wolfie, everybody I haven’t mentioned, and of course the man without whom none of this would have been possible… give him a big hand (we all know Perry did) Randy Callahan! It’s been a hell of a run.

  4. Jack Carter

    Wow, easily the greatest British accent I’ve ever heard.

    1. Spooky Sammy

      Yeah, Mole’s awesome.

  5. sandy dog

    ill suck anything and anyone you want if it means the show will continue please dont end it ill use the tears for lubricant..

  6. Spooky Sammy

    Chet sounds almost as gay as Perry.

  7. HarperLee

    Mole is a much more talented rocker than Perry. The only song Perry knows is that one that sounds like it’s about taking two black guys in his bed or something. “Black on black, in the sack! Their dicks are long, I’m glad to be a fag!” We get it, Perry. You love dudes. You need to learn some new stuff though if you ever want to be taken as a serious rocker like Mole though.

  8. Musgrave322

    What a way to end the Big 3 podcast. I have a feeling that Don Barris will place a restraining order on that Javahoe Gypsy for all the violence he caused.

  9. knucklesoup

    Now that the show is over my pain is strong and time won’t relieve the pain, perry did us wrong and here we go over again.

  10. charlie

    please dont end the big 3!

  11. Nathaniels Cousin

    I wonder, if Perry offers to “detail Don’s car”, will that save the padcast?

  12. Dustin Hedberg

    MAY DOG BLESS DON, MOLE , NICK , MARYJAYNE , VINCE , CHET, and even Perry…. praise javaho!

  13. Bryan

    I’m probably gonna need to see a picture of Chet for my life to be complete.

    1. Nicole

      There is a picture of Chet on FB. Friend “Nicole Perez” if interested in seeing it.

      1. knucklesoup

        You sit on a throne of lies

  14. Judo n Slade

    I feel the same as I did after the last episode of Cheers, The Sopranos, Mash,St. Elsewhere and Columbo. When Peter Jennings reported the end of the Big Three on Nightly News he was sadder than a librarian in a Kindle store.

  15. Nick (Seattle)

    God I’m gonna miss Mole. He had me cracking up in this episode. At least we have the Ding Dong Show (and potentially another Simply Don Podcast if his Twitter hint is accurate) to get our Dan Barney fix, but where are we going to see more Mole?

  16. Skippy

    I didn’t think it was possible but I actually hate Chet more than Parry.

  17. King of friday night comedy

    For the love of dog, i hope this isn’t the last padcast.

  18. Fred

    Something tells me it isn’t over..

  19. Big Don Hammers

    It sucks casting agents that this podcast is ending, but at least it goes out with this amazing episode.

    Maybe if perry caramello was more like Chet Magrill/Magrow/McFarlin we would still have a podcast to listen to next week.

    Thank you Don, MJ, Mole, Mole’s manager Tony, Dominic, TT, Nick, Vince and everybody else that helped this project. I’d probably be scamming the government for disability if it wasn’t for having this podcast to listen to the past few years.

  20. Tom

    It’s pretty hard to process and accept the ending of something you love. Over the past three years my weekend priorities started with making sure I had the latest Big 3 Podcast downloaded. It started as a ritual which turned into a necessity, which then became an addiction. For me, the biggest laughs I’ve enjoyed in recent years have come from this podcast. It’s gotten me through some really shitty times as well. Whenever I was really down, I knew that listening to a random episode of the podcast would cheer me right up (even if I heard it several times already).

    I never expected to get anything more from The Big 3 past “Windy City Heat,” so I was beyond excited when the podcast was launched back in October 2010. I had no idea how they were going to make a podcast work or how long it was going to last for, all I knew is that I was going to enjoy the ride.

    I’m sure that most fans will agree that the podcast not only enhanced the love one had for “Windy City Heat,” but it actually surpassed it in sheer entertainment value. That’s a bold statement, but it’s a testament to what Don, Mole and Mary Jane were able to do over the past three years. The podcast soared to heights that movie simply couldn’t reach given its medium.

    So, if this has to be the end, I’d say we were all served a full meal and then some. We can walk away from the table satisfied, even if we still want more. Unfortunately for us, Perry knocked over that very table.

  21. Jack Payback

    You know it just occurred to me that we just listened to a pre-recorded podcast!

    This show is the funniest thing I’ve seen in years right across TV, radio and films……..and I live on the other side of the planet from the US!!!!

    I understand that using all capitals is shouting on the internet.


    I Didn’t realise how much I enjoyed every episode for the last three years until it’s ended.

    C’mon Big Three fans! Who else would be willing to support the podcast financially?

    If we all chipped in a couple of bucks we could really make it worth these professional people’s time to entertain us!

    Why should they have to do it for free when we all pay $2 on iTunes for one song that we never listen to?

  22. Gene Novak

    I’m curious does anyone know of any alternative shows like the Big 3? They’re pretty unique. I’m hopeful that Don will find a way to keep it going. With so many things planned it seems like a terrible time to end the show. In any case, if it does end with this show it was a good sendoff.

  23. timmy big balls

    more shows! i can’t have the highlight of my week disappearing! i was even gonna donate for WCH2! and i’m friggin POOR.

  24. Donkey Boy

    If this is in fact the last podcast, what a way to end it. The reveal that Chet was really Perry was one of the greatest twists in entertainment history. In my opinion it is right up there with Planet of the Apes, The Sixth Sense, and The Usual Suspects. I think I need to go back and re-listen and see if there is any clues that give away it is really Perry.

  25. Joeweed

    I have been too sad to post anything. Now I am just numb. I knew this would have to end but I wasn’t prepared. I feel like it will be back next week when I try to download, but alas it won’t. Hearing Chet with his Australian British accent was an appropriate ending.

  26. DanTheMan

    Were you there when they crucified the Big 3?

  27. Alarming Andrew

    Dr. Tommy Morris needs to turn this situation around. Within minutes of meeting Terry, he was able to cut through the bullshit and determine that he was gay.

    1. Judo n Slade

      Great episode. Any idea which one that was ?

  28. RIP Terrifying Tim

    Thank you, Don.

    That’s all.

  29. Anthony M

    The Big 3 is revolutionary for podcasting. It takes a totally original spin on the podcast concept. I have donated to the podcast any time I had some extra cash. Would gladly pay a fee to help the guys if they decided to continue the show. I hope this isn’t the end because I will have a giant void in my life to fill if it is.

  30. Gallery please

    Please can we please have a show gallery? Please oh please I gotta see some pictures from this.
    Geez o man.

  31. mr fister

    I winder if 7722 Reseda Blvd will be in Grand theft Auto V? I’m fairly sure at least a Comedy Store equivalent will be on the Sunset Strip… if I find anyone that looks like Perry I’m going to give them a vicious beating.

  32. Andy

    Why not replace Perry with Chet? That guy sounds like quite the ladies man. It would be very hollywood too, as lot of Hollywood’s leading men live closeted homosexual lives in private whilst offering a “ladies man” front to the public. Perry is the only Hollywood leading man I know that has gone on a weekly podcast bragging about his homosexual encounters. Replacing Perry with Chet would allow people to continue enjoying the big 3 podcast and be entertained by the discussions about pop culture and personal lives. Of course, Chet’s personal life would be all fiction but I think I speak for most of the listening audience when I say pervert Perry’s twisted gay escapades should perhaps best be left in the closet.

  33. mewmewmint

    Aw shit, awesome… thanks for another show! (I haven’t listened to it yet but I’m happy to see it’s here and am going to listen to it right now.) Why don’t Don and Mole just do a show with somebody who isn’t a complete shithead? NEW BIG 3… Ideally, Terrifying Tim would be the perfect replacement but since he’s not available at the moment (probably on a desserted island). Maybe Rucka Rucka Ali would do a show with you guys. Or maybe just take over comedy pure rock resurrection only less gay because Wolfman Ja… I mean Perry won’t be hosting… I’m not a big fan of the Ding Dong Show… it’s a lot of singing and a lot of repetitiveness… usually not as funny as the Big 3.

    1. mewmewmint

      Chet was funny… what if every week Perry came in with a different fake identity? That would be hilarious.

      1. Judo n Slade

        Yeah Perry is at his most coherent when he’s playing anybody but Perry.

  34. mewmewmint

    Hey, here’s an idea… what if every week you lock Perry in a booth so he doesn’t attack anybody. You know, kind of like Howard Stern does with Robin Quivers. And if he doesn’t do well on moleplay… maybe you don’t let him out…

  35. Cookie C

    Hey Don, I have a great idea for a bit you can use for the next CPRR. Its called “whos more fucking boring, dickey barrett or vince”
    They each get 20 seconds to talk about anything they want..

    total zzz fest!

  36. Neil Leeds has a posse

    And so comes the end
    Of the Big 3 podcast show

    Remember that time
    When perry choked on Randy’s chode?

    And Denny’s men’s bathroom
    Is where he took down that load

    As we take one last walk
    Down Apple cherrywood tobacco rooooaad!
    *mole breaks out a harmonica*

  37. Nick (Seattle)

    What a sad sad day to come here on a Friday and there not be a new show. I was really hoping there would be something… something.

  38. Red.mac


  39. Martin Balsam

    Very, very sad. Especially given that Perry/Chet had finally developed into a top-drawer raconteur. So many stories we’ll never hear him ruin.

  40. Glad l'm not any of you.

    So this is what the Holocaust felt like! (sigh)
    I think I already forgot how to laugh. (more sighing)
    BIG THREE ! ! !
    FOREVER ! ! !

  41. Perry's Mealticket

    Sad it’s over. Trust something new will pop-up soon.

    Biiiig Threeee!

  42. perry is gay

    i havent been this upset since i heard about terrifying tim heroically getting killed in action defending our nation

  43. Martin Balsam

    As a way of trying to reconnect with what I feel I’ve lost, I just spent some time in a Denny’s men’s room stall at Reseda and Saticoy. I couldn’t get any love, though: the eager little dago in the next stall couldn’t reach through the glory hole because he refused to take off his fanny pack.

  44. Martin Balsam

    There’s usually a single “thumbs down” on all of these comments.

    Anybody think it’s Chet?

    1. HarperLee

      I’ve noticed that myself. That’s why I try to counteract them by giving a thumbs up on every comment. I’m sure it’s just as pointless as the person thumbing down every comment, but at the end of the day I can be confident that Javaho is looking down on me and smiling knowing I made an effort to make the world a more positive place.

      1. Martin Balsam

        Indeed you did, dog love you.

        (btw, it looks like Chet brought a friend to the party.)

  45. The Tambourine Comedian

    I’ve been in the denial stage about this for weeks now… I’m at work and I can’t stop crying…

    Is this really The End of The Big 3?

    Fuck Pæry… FUCK Pæry, he’s the most disgusting gross pig of a man, the worst fat guy.


  46. Alarming Andrew

    Fridays aren’t the same.

  47. Alex

    I pop in every other day or so thinking something will come up.

    Why not a &*$% %@#&$*?!^~ podcast?

  48. HarperLee

    Not really related to this podcast episode or any previous comments, but I was just watching this and if it’s an interesting take on the movie. Recommended if you haven’t yet seen Perry’s DVD commentary

    1. Roman Polanski / Sharon Tate Book Report

      Great Post Thank You!

      Biig Threee!

  49. Oh, thanks very much for posting this! Grand Theft Auto V looks Awesome! Is everyone going to wait to play online until after you complete the story? Or are you going to rip into it and not even bother?

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